My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1412: The Successor, I had to leave my son behind

Chapter 1413: Successor Chapter, having to leave his son behind

Lu Lu loves to eat Coke Chicken Wings, not only because Lu Xi's Coke Chicken Wings are really delicious, but also for a more important reason. He likes to eat whatever mommy makes for him.

At the dining table, Lu Xi kept calling: "Son, eat slowly, don't choke."

Lu Lu wiped his mouth full of cola juice and said sweetly: "Mommy, it's delicious."

Lu Xi took a tissue and wiped his mouth: "It's delicious, but you can't eat too much. Eating too much will fill your stomach. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Lu Lu nodded his head, but didn't stop talking back.

While they were eating, Teacher Zhang, who was taking care of Lu Lu, came. Lu Xi greeted him affectionately: "Teacher Zhang, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, I will add a pair of chopsticks and let's eat together."

"I've eaten." Seeing that Lu Lu was eating with gusto and wanting to eat everything on the plate, she couldn't help but shook her head and sighed, "Lu Xi, it's better for children to stay with their mothers."

"Teacher Zhang, I understand." Lu Xi didn't want to take Lu Lu with her to take care of her, but the environment and conditions didn't allow it, so she could only cruelly leave Lu Lu with others.

Teacher Zhang stroked Lu Lu's head: "You see, the children eat more when you are around."

Lu Xi looked at Lu Lu with distress, and Lu Lu raised his head: "Mommy makes the most delicious Coke chicken wings."

Lu Xi said: "Well, from now on, Mommy will do more for Lu Lu."

Teacher Zhang asked again: "Lu Xi, what are your plans? The child misses you so much that he doesn't want to eat, and he misses you so much that he gets sick. It's really not an option to continue like this."

Lu Xi said: "I will look for a house when I go back this time, and then contact a nanny. When everything is settled, I will take Lu Lu to Jiangbei. It will be much more convenient to take care of him."

Teacher Zhang understood Lu Xi's situation to some extent and worried: "Is it really okay?"

Lu Xi said: "It depends on people. Even if it is not possible, it is possible to think of more ways."

Not to mention that Lu Lu missed her mother so much that she couldn't eat. Lu Xi definitely missed Lu Lu too, especially in the dead of night. She missed her son so much that she often couldn't sleep.

Only when Qin Yinjian was around did she miss Lu Lu less, because Qin Yinjian always tried his best to torment her, and she also tried her best to please him, so she had no time to think about Lu Lu.

Teacher Zhang looked at Lu Lu and said, "It's the best way you can think of. If it doesn't work, just leave Lu Lu here. Although I don't take good care of him as you do, I will do my best to take good care of him."

Hearing Teacher Zhang's words, Lu Lu suddenly raised his head and said pitifully with tears in his eyes: "Lu Lu wants to stay with Mommy all the time. Don't stay here alone."

Lu Xi hurriedly comforted: "Lu Lu, don't cry. Mom will be with you and won't leave you here alone anymore."

Lu Lu was scared and threw herself into Lu Xi's arms, holding her clothes tightly with her little hands: "Mommy, Mommy..."

He kept calling me mommy, which made my heart hurt so much that I hugged him tightly and refused to let go.

Teacher Zhang was the most direct witness of how much Lu Lu missed her mother. Looking at the mother and son hugging each other, she felt so distressed that she wanted to cry: "Lu Xi, if you need any help, just ask."

Lu Xi smiled: "Teacher Zhang, you have already helped me a lot by taking care of Lu Lu. I really want to thank you!"

Teacher Zhang said: "Don't talk about me being so great. I take care of Lu Lu and you pay me. I just use your salary to do things for you. What's there to be grateful for?"

Lu Xi added: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to leave Lu Lu Lu alone for a week. No matter what, I still want to thank you!"

Teacher Zhang: "Don't be polite to me. I just came to see you, and I can't disturb your mother and son's world now, so I'll leave first. You can take advantage of these two days to spend time with your child."

Lu Xi hugged Lu Lu and sent Teacher Zhang out: "Teacher Zhang, walk slowly."

Lu Lu also waved: "Goodbye, Teacher Zhang!"

I hope we never meet, then he should be with mommy all the time.

In the afternoon, Lu Xi played games with Lu Lu, gave Lu Lu a bath in the evening, and slept with Lu Lu.

"Mommy..." Lu Lu was happy to be able to sleep with Mommy. After taking a bath, he rolled around on the bed. He just didn't want to sleep well, so Lu Xi let him make trouble.

It wasn't until she was tired that Lu Xi pushed Lu Lu into the bed: "Son, it's time to go to bed, or you will become a lazy pig again tomorrow."

"Mommy sleeps, Lu Lu sleeps." Lu Lu rolled over and climbed onto Lu Xi's body, hugged Lu Xi's neck with both hands, and soon fell asleep.

"You little guy." Although Lu Lu is three years old, he still can't change the habit he developed when he was a child. When sleeping, he always likes to lie on mommy's body and wrap around Lu Xi like a little kangaroo. It made Lu Xi feel distressed. She patted his back gently and hummed a sleep song: "Sleep, sleep, my little baby, go to sleep quickly."

In the dream, Lu Lu said vaguely: "Mommy..."

Lu Xi: "Baby, go to bed quickly."

Lu Lu: "The baby wants mommy, and mommy can't abandon the baby."

Hearing Lu Lu's words, Lu Xi's tears that had been held back for a long time burst into her eyes. She hugged Lu Lu tightly: "Baby, give mommy some more time, and mommy will definitely take you with her."

The two days of the weekend always passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the afternoon of the weekend. Normally, Lu Xi would leave for Jiangbei at this time, but today she was reluctant to leave.

Lu Lu was taking a nap. When he woke up and didn't see his mother, he would definitely be sad. Thinking of her son being sad, Lu Xi felt even sadder, so she kept waiting until Lu Lu got up to tell him. Understand before leaving.

Lu Lu slept until three o'clock in the afternoon and didn't wake up. Lu Xi dressed him: "Lu Lu, mommy is leaving. You wait for mommy for another week, and mommy will pick you up to be with mommy next week. Stay, okay?”

"Mommy, no!" Hearing that Mummy was leaving, Lu Lu threw herself into Lu Xi's arms again, grabbing Lu Xi's clothes tightly with his little hands, unwilling to let go.

However, Lu Xi had to leave. If she didn't go to work, she would have no source of money. What's even more terrifying is that if Qin Yinjian is angered and he discovers Lu Lu's existence.

He was such a proud man, and if he knew that the woman he raised had given birth to a child, Lu Xi would feel frightened just thinking about it, so she couldn't take Lu Lu back to Jiangbei until she was ready.

"Mommy... I don't want Mommy to leave, I want Mommy..."

"Lu Lu, listen to what Mommy is telling you. As long as you listen to Teacher Zhang, eat well, and don't get sick, Mommy will come to pick you up next weekend." Lu Xi solemnly made a promise, but no matter what she said, Lu Lu couldn't even hear it and cried so hard.

No matter how sensible Lu Lu is, he is only a three-year-old child. In a child's world, only mommy is the most important, and mommy is everything to him.

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