My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1413: The Successor, where did you learn the trick?

Chapter 1414: The Successor, where did you learn the trick?

No matter how Lu Lu cried and clamored to be with her mommy, Lu Xi still hardened her heart and handed him over to Teacher Zhang, and hurried back to Jiangbei alone.

On the way back to Jiangbei, Lu Xi couldn't calm down.

Thinking of how pitifully Lu Lu cried when she left, as if the whole world had abandoned him, it felt as if someone was stabbing her heart with a knife. This also made her determined to find a way to bring Lu Lu back no matter what. Go to Jiangbei and stay by your side.

No matter how difficult this matter is, no matter whether Qin Yinjian will find out or not, she can no longer leave such a young Lu Lu to the care of others. She can never let the young Lu Lu live in a situation where he may be taken care of at any time. Mommy left behind in fear.

Lu Xi was sad because of Lu Lu's incident. What was even more unexpected was that Qin Yinjian was still at her home when she returned to Jiangbei. She originally thought he was not there, but when she saw the door of his study room was open, she looked over and saw that he was still at home. Little did she know that he was also looking back at her.

Seeing Qin Yinjian unexpectedly, Lu Xi tried his best to squeeze out a smile that he thought was okay, but when he saw Qin Yinjian's eyes, he only felt perfunctory and disgusting. He gave her a cold look, looked away and stopped looking at her. Lu Xi really had no intention of pleasing him today, so when he ignored her, she also ignored him.

Although she ignored him, Lu Xi still cooked two simple dishes and put them on the dining table, but she went back to her room to rest without greeting Qin Yinjian.

Lu Xi didn't know that Qin Yinjian, who was already angry with her, was even more angry because of her ignorance.

Qin Yinjian was so impulsive that he wanted to rush to her side and ask her what she wanted.

She took the money he gave her and enjoyed all the superior life he gave her, but she still wanted him to look at her face?

After several impulses, Qin Yinjian finally suppressed them with strong self-control. From the day he chose to use money transactions to keep Lu Xi by his side, he knew that their relationship was destined to be like this. , what else does he want to hope for?

Lu Xi was lying on the bed, wondering if Lu Lu was still crying for her mommy. She couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard she thought about it. She wanted to call Teacher Zhang to ask, but she couldn't. She was afraid that her phone would be monitored, and she was afraid of everything about her. They are all under Qin Yinjian's control, fearing that Lu Lu's identity will be exposed.

Just as she was thinking about it, Lu Xi heard the sound of the door opening, and she knew it was Qin Yinjian without looking at her.

As usual, Qin Yinjian went to the bathroom first when he returned to the room, and then returned to the room after taking a shower.

She has maintained such an unclear relationship with him for a year. Lu Xi has long been accustomed to the way he gets along with him and knows what he is going to do next. In the past, she would tidy it up carefully. After all, as a It is very important for a qualified "mistress" to serve the benefactor well.

But today, Lu Xi was exhausted physically and mentally and had no thoughts to deal with him. Naturally, she didn't take good care of herself. When she heard Qin Yinjian come out of the bathroom after taking a bath, she was still lying lazily on the bed without moving. one time.

It wasn't until Qin Yinjian got on the bed and held her in his arms that she reluctantly rubbed herself in his arms, and then consciously started to untie his clothes. They said they were his clothes, but they were actually just a pair of clothes around his waist. Lu Xi gently pulled the bath towel, and Qin Yinjian appeared naked in front of her eyes.

Lu Xi was very familiar with Qin Yinjian's body. He looked at places he shouldn't have looked at and touched places he shouldn't have touched. But every time he saw his good figure, he still had to sigh quietly. God really loves him so much. This man.

In the past, as long as Lu Xi pulled off the bath towel on his body, and there was no need for Lu Xi to do anything else, Qin Yinjian would take care of the next thing. But tonight, she helped him take off his clothes, and he still had no plan to act. Those two deep eyes fell on her, and she didn't know what he was thinking.

Qin Yinjian didn't act, which made Lu Xi a little embarrassed. She thought he didn't want to tonight, so she retracted her hand in embarrassment and tried to turn over and leave, but Qin Yinjian pressed her in his arms, making her unable to move at all. He lowered his A deep voice came from the top of her head to her ears: "What? You still want me to serve you?"

Lu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Qin Yinjian meant. He was asking her to take the initiative... In the past, he couldn't wait every time. Not to mention waiting for her to take the initiative, she didn't even have time to react. It seems that today he is really Angry with her.

After all, he is also her sponsor. As a qualified lover, Lu Xi thinks that it is not too much for him to make such a request. On the contrary, her business is not good enough. She must continue to work hard and try her best to make him happy. is the most correct choice.

From the day the verbal contract with Qin Yinjian was established, Lu Xi clearly understood her identity. In order to please her sponsor, she also learned a lot about what she should learn. Therefore, although Lu Xi had no chance to take the initiative when doing this before , but let her take the initiative, and she won't be so dumb that she doesn't know what to do.

It was precisely because of Lu Xi's skillful movements that Qin Yinjian was very dissatisfied: "Who did you learn these tricks from?"

Lu Xi, who was so tired that her body was so weak, looked up at his gloomy face and smiled ambiguously: "Does it matter who I learned it from? Isn't it just that I make you comfortable and happy?"

Qin Yinjian's eyes darkened: "Do you think I'm happy now?"

Lu Xi thought she had done a good job, but she didn't know why she made him angry again. She blinked her eyes and said innocently and pitifully: "Did I make you unhappy? If so, then I apologize to you. , Mr. President Qin, don’t worry about me, a little girl.”

Qin Yinjian: "Answer me?"

Lu Xi didn't understand: "What should I answer you?"

Qin Yinjian raised his eyebrows: "You want me to tell you?"

Lu Xi scratched his head: "I really don't know what you asked, please ask again."

Qin Yinjian tried hard to suppress the anger in his chest: "Who did you learn these tricks from?"

Who did you learn it from?

Can Lu Xi say that specifically to please him, she found something inappropriate for children to watch?

Of course not!

Although this man was born in the United States and went to school in the United States most of the time, he is still a very traditional man at heart, a bit chauvinistic, and sometimes his thoughts are a little bit old-fashioned. If she told him the truth, I wonder what he would think of her.

Lu Xi said lightly, "As long as it makes you comfortable, why do you care so much?"

Qin Yinjian: "If it wasn't me and someone else gave you money, would you use the same method?"

Hearing Qin Yinjian mention this question, Lu Xi asked himself several times, "Do you know it?"

The answer is - of course not!

Before Qin Yinjian, there were already several men who wanted to pursue her and tempted her with money, but facing them, she refused without hesitation.

Perhaps the reason why she agreed to his deal was just because... Lu Xi didn't want to think about their past.

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