My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1426: Heir, he believes in her

Chapter 1427: Heir, he believes in her

Although Qin Yinjian just glanced at Lu Xi, Lu Xi also knew that he was warning her that discussing private matters in the company was absolutely not allowed. She said anxiously: "Xiao Mosheng, it has been three or four years since we graduated. "A lot of things have changed. Let's talk about it when we have time. You go about your work today, and I'm going to go about my work."

Lu Xi declined again and again, and Xiao Mosheng was not ignorant: "Well, I'll invite you to have dinner with Senior Qin when you are free, and don't refuse me again then."

"Of course I don't have a problem." Lu Xi has no problem, but whether Qin Yinjian has a problem doesn't matter to her. Based on Lu Xi's understanding of Qin Yinjian, it would be difficult for Xiao Mosheng to invite Qin Yinjian to dinner, but she did not tell the truth.

"Then leave your current mobile phone number to me so that I can find you." Xiao Mosheng said while taking the mobile phone, "The social software accounts and phone numbers you used when you were in school are useless. I have been looking for them everywhere these years. You, but no one has heard from you. I thought you disappeared, but I didn’t expect you to go back to Jiangbei with Senior Qin to develop. "

In recent years, Lu Xi didn't like to give her contact information to others, but the other person was Xiao Mosheng, and she couldn't refuse. Maybe it was because of what Xiao Mosheng said just now that he had been looking for her all these years.

She always thought that no one cared about her in the year when she hid giving birth to Lu Lu and the two years after raising Lu Lu. It turned out that there was, but she didn't know it.

After experiencing so many things, Lu Xi's heart is particularly hard-hearted. She is hard-hearted towards those who have hurt her or tried to hurt her. No matter how they treat her, she will fight back with more vicious methods. Only by doing this can she protect Lu Lu and herself better.

At the same time, Lu Xi's heart is also very soft. Those who cared about her in the past and those who care about her now only need to say a few nice words to her, and her heart will become soft.

After Xiao Mosheng left, Lu Xi immediately returned to her desk. She didn't waste a moment to open the file and found out the last changes and save time before the document was printed for the first time.

The document change time showed 9:47 minutes and 52 seconds. If she remembered correctly, she was delivering coffee to Qin Yinjian when the document was last modified and saved.

Maybe it's because she has been with Qin Yinjian for a long time and got into his habit of treating time like money. Therefore, whenever she enters Qin Yinjian's office, Lu Xi habitually glances at some clocks hanging on the wall. At that time, she It was 9:47 when he entered Qin Yinjian's office.

As long as she is sure that it was not her who made the change this time, it will prove that someone else touched her computer when she was not at it. Lu Xi looked up at the people in the office.

There were more than seventy people in their office area, and the entire floor was their office area, and everyone was working seriously and focused. It was impossible for her to tell who had touched her computer from the performance.

It seems that she can only use other means, of course, the premise is that she can successfully stay and work in Shengtian.

Can she still stay in the secretarial team of the president of Shengtian Group?

Lu Xi looked up at Qin Yinjian's office not far away. The door of his office was closed tightly, and she didn't know what he was doing inside... Maybe he was instructing his men to pack her up and leave.

She made such a big mistake this time, and he had every reason to fire her, but was he willing to give her some time to find out who framed her before firing her?

This feeling of having your own destiny in the hands of others is really bad. Lu Xi has experienced it too many times, but he is not yet strong enough to decide his own destiny.

Forget it, don't think about such troublesome things. No matter what, do the job at hand first. Regardless of whether Qin Yinjian is willing to give her a chance or not, she must have a clear conscience.

At the same time, Qin Yinjian, who is in the president's office, is indeed dealing with data errors.

Before Qin Yinjian could speak, Assistant Ning bravely said: "Mr. Qin, we all know that this kind of low-level mistake cannot be made, but seeing that Lu Xi has worked hard and performed well this year, Can you give her another chance?"

Qin Yinjian's cold, sword-like eyes swept across his four special assistants one by one: "I'll give you one hour. Without affecting the work of others, you must find out the person who tampered with Lu Xi's computer document data."

Qin Yinjian said this as soon as he spoke, which was completely beyond the expectations of the four special assistants. They all thought that he would be so angry because Lu Xi had made such a low-level mistake.

It turns out not to be!

But obviously Lu Xi didn't say anything, and Qin Yinjian didn't have any evidence. How could he be sure that someone else had tampered with the documents in Lu Xi's computer rather than Lu Xi's own negligence?

The four special assistants all had the same question, but everyone looked at me and I looked at you. No one dared to question him. Finally, it was Special Assistant Ning who stood up and spoke: "Mr. Qin, we don't have any evidence in our hands now. Lu Xi didn’t say anything. Is it bad for us to doubt other employees? "

The other four special assistants also nodded and agreed with Special Assistant Ning's statement. However, Qin Yinjian only gave them an extremely simple and unconvincing reason: "Lu Xi can't make such a low-level mistake." .”

Four special assistants: "..."

Did their CEO have a seizure or something?

He who always believed in telling the truth actually said such irresponsible words this time. Could it be that just because the girl was his adopted little lover, he had to protect her without any principles.

"Second Young Master, shouldn't you be so arbitrary about this matter?" Assistant Ning said again, but this time his title changed. He was no longer Mr. Qin but Second Young Master.

This title was his indirect explanation to Qin Yinjian that he was an old employee of Qin Yue who stayed with Qin Yinjian. He not only had to listen to the new president's instructions, but also reminded the new president at critical moments.

No matter what name the other party uses, Qin Yinjian's decision will not change. He is still firm. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "You have fifty-eight minutes left."

Assistant Ning: "..."

It is said that once there is an emperor, there are ministers. Now Shengtian is controlled by Qin Yinjian. His decisions about what happens in Shengtian are like the emperor's imperial edict.

He said that someone had tampered with the documents in Lu Xi's computer, so they had no choice but to check, but they had no clue and it might even be a fiction. It was not an easy task for them to find out the truth in an hour.

Qin Yinjian added: "Except for the person involved, I don't want anyone else to know about this matter."

The four special assistants nodded: "Yes."

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