My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1427: The Successor, a Despicable and Shameless Woman

Chapter 1428: The Successor, a Despicable and Shameless Woman

Yang Jing, Lin Ling, Zhou Qingqing...

There are more than 70 people in Qin Yinjian's secretary team. Lu Xi can't say that he is familiar with them all, but he knows everyone somewhat. These three people usually like to make irresponsible remarks behind her back. Could it be that they have tampered with her documents? ?

After having this idea, Lu Xi immediately denied it. To be honest, these three people like to make irresponsible remarks behind people's backs but are not courageous. They should not have the courage to quietly tamper with her documents.

Therefore, Lu Xi must have been someone else who tampered with her documents, but there were so many other people and she had no clues at all. How could she investigate?

Lu Xi hoped that she could find the guy hiding in the dark corner before Qin Yinjian fired her, so that she might have the chance to continue working in Shengtian.

As time passed, Qin Yinjian's men might soon tell her to pack up and leave, but now she still had no clue and didn't know where to start.


Lu Xi was lost in thought when she suddenly heard An Tingjie's voice. She was frightened and swallowed nervously: "An, Special Assistant An, what do you want from me?"

Antingjie said: "It's lunch break time, I want you to have lunch."

Lu Xi carefully confirmed: "It's just lunch, don't you have anything else to tell me?"

An Tingjie smiled and put the lunch box on Lu Xi's desk: "I really have something to tell you, but it's not important. You go to eat first. Come to my office to find me after eating."

Lu Xi confirmed again: "Is it really just a small matter?"

An Tingjie simply helped Lu Xi open the lunch box. As soon as the box was opened, the fragrance overflowed. Lu Xi was drooling when he smelled it. How could he care about the data tampering incident? Let's fill his stomach first.

Lu Xi said, "Then I'll go to the staff restaurant first."

Antingjie nodded: "Go."

Shengtian headquarters has a dedicated employee restaurant. The configurations of the restaurant are all based on those of a five-star hotel. Celebrity chefs are invited and menus are prepared. You can order whatever you want from the eight major Chinese cuisines plus Western food.

But no matter how delicious the food is, you will get tired of it if you eat it every day, so Lu Xi got a small meal prepared by someone for her, and a variety of delicious food was delivered to her every day.

"Lu Xi, I'm about to go to the restaurant too, let's go together." The person who called Lu Xi was Gao Tiantian, a colleague who had a close relationship with Lu Xi this year. In the past, the two of them often went to the restaurant to eat together, but since the last time After Qin Yinjian said that in the office, Gao Tiantian alienated Lu Xi.

These days, Lu Xi has approached Gao Tiantian, but the other party's attitude towards her was lukewarm. As time went by, Lu Xi also gave up. Today, Gao Tiantian took the initiative to approach Lu Xi again. Lu Xi was still happy: "Okay ah."

The two of them seemed like nothing had happened. They talked and laughed and came to the staff restaurant. As soon as they sat down, Gao Tiantian said, "Lu Xi, I'm sorry!"

Lu Xi was puzzled: "Why did you suddenly say sorry to me?"

Gao Tiantian said: "I deliberately distanced myself from you and ignored you in the past two weeks. It was my fault. I apologize to you."

Lu Xi smiled: "Oh, it's okay. Aren't we sitting together to eat together again now?"

Lu Xi didn't take this matter seriously, but Gao Tiantian took it very seriously: "Lu Xi, do you know why I deliberately alienated you and didn't want to be with you?"

Of course Lu Xi understood, but she blurted out three words: "Why?"

Gao Tiantian added: "I have heard a lot of gossip about the relationship between you and Mr. Qin this year, but I never believe that they are true. It is absolutely impossible for the Lu Xi I know to be clean. She’s that kind of mean and shameless woman.”

There is an abnormal relationship between Lu Xi and Qin Yinjian. Qin Yinjian personally admitted it. This matter can be said to be an open secret of their secretary team. Now that Gao Tiantian said this, Lu Xi didn't know whether Gao Tiantian scolded her intentionally, or whether she really didn't believe that there was an affair between Lu Xi and Qin Yinjian.

No matter what Gao Tiantian's attitude was, these words were offensive to Lu Xi. She smiled bitterly: "Tiantian, maybe I want to disappoint you. I am really the despicable and unwanted person you said." face woman.”

Hearing Lu Xi's personal admission, Gao Tiantian's face suddenly turned pale, and her eyes were filled with heartache: "Lu Xi, why do you have to admit it? You don't have to admit it, why do you have to admit it?"

Lu Xi said again: "Okay, let's not talk about anything else. Let's eat first."

Gao Tiantian earnestly advised: "Lu Xi, you know that being kept by Mr. Qin is despicable and shameless, so why do you continue? Why can't you think about your future life? Lu Xi, you can have a good time when you are young. In a few years, every woman will be old and weak, do you understand?"

Every word Gao Tiantian said was like a steel needle piercing Lu Xi's heart, but Lu Xi couldn't get angry with her yet, because the other party was trying to persuade her under the guise of caring about her.

But Lu Xi doesn't need to think that she cares about her good, so her answer is very straightforward: "Because of money. In this world, money means everything. No matter how awesome a person is, they may give in to money." .”

Gao Tiantian grabbed Lu Xi's hand and was extremely emotional: "Lu Xi, I know you are beautiful, but don't forget that you are not only young and beautiful, you also graduated from a prestigious American university. Why can't you make money by doing such a good job? Why do you have to How about being someone else’s secret lover?”

Gao Tiantian's excitement attracted the attention of the table next to her. Lu Xi withdrew his hand forcefully and said politely: "Gao Tiantian, I walk my own path in life. I don't need others to guide me."

Lu Xi has tried very hard to tolerate Gao Tiantian, but Gao Tiantian doesn't seem to know. Maybe it's not that she doesn't know, but that she has some morbid obsession with this matter: "Lu Xi, leave him and leave Shengtian. Leave Shengtian and leave." Without him, you can live well wherever you go with your abilities.”

Lu Xi raised her lips slightly, with a sarcastic arc: "Gao Tiantian, thank you for your concern for me, but you are not me, and you don't know what I need most. Compared with money, really, those so-called dignity, Nothing matters to me, I just want money.”

"Lu Xi!" Gao Tiantian yelled angrily. After yelling, he realized that he had lost his composure. He calmed down and said, "Lu Xi, you need money. I can help you earn it, but please find another way. Okay? I listened to you before, can you just listen to me now?”

"I'm full. Let's go ahead and eat slowly." No matter how delicious the delicacies were, Lu Xi lost her taste after hearing Gao Tiantian's words. She didn't want to hear what Gao Tiantian had to say anymore.

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