My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1431: Inheriting Talent, Pretending to Be Sick to See His Gentleness

Chapter 1432: Inheriting talents, pretending to be sick to see his gentleness


Only when receiving money will Lu Xi be so elated.

Seeing Lu Xi's unconcerned reply, Qin Yinjian snorted coldly, but at the same time he enjoyed it very much, so he pointed his finger and transferred 10,000 yuan to Lu Xi again.

Then he crossed his legs gracefully and waited quietly for Lu Xi's reply.

Lu Xi couldn't believe it when he received the transfer news again. What happened to Qin Yinjian today? If you transfer money to her for no reason, how can you make people feel uneasy about receiving it?

After thinking about it, Lu Xi still accepted the money——President Qin, your generosity makes you more and more handsome, I love you! The words are followed by emoticons of kiss and mom.

When Qin Yinjian received the reply, the corners of his lips rose slightly unconsciously, and then he continued to transfer money to Lu Xi very childishly. He transferred another 10,000 yuan with a flick of his finger without feeling any distress.

Qin Yinjian transferred the money without feeling distressed, and Lu Xi received the money happily. The donor was in a good mood today, so she worked harder to please the donor - Mr. Qin, my admiration for you is like the turbulent river water. I couldn't finish it, so I finally condensed it into one sentence: "I love you so much".

After a while, Lu Xi received twenty transfers of 10,000 yuan from Qin Yinjian, and she was really happy. After all, the 200,000 yuan was the total amount she had earned plus bonuses for a whole year of work.

Lu Xi was happy to receive the money, and he was even more attentive in the messages he sent back to Qin Yinjian. He wanted to tell him all the nice things to say. This trick was also very effective for Qin Yinjian. His mood was high throughout the morning. very good.

When An Tingjie rushed to the CEO's office to report Qin Yinjian's itinerary, he suspected that he had gone to the wrong door. He couldn't help but glance at the CEO a few more times: "Mr. Qin, you are leaving for the airport."

Qin Yinjian's expression suddenly became serious: "Let Lu Xi clean up."

Antingjie: "Okay, I'll inform her right away."

Suddenly hearing the news that she was going on a business trip, Lu Xi was full of reluctance. Before going out in the morning, she promised to sleep with Lu Lu at night and tell Lu Lu a bedtime story.

The child Lu Lu's psychology is now very sensitive. If she breaks her trust with her child again, it will be difficult for Lu Lu to trust her again in the future, so she must not leave Lu Lu alone.

Is there any way to change Qin Yinjian's mind and let him make a difference and take her with him?

Lu Xiang looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, and saw that the departure time was getting closer and closer, but her mind was still blank, and she didn't think of anything.

Just when Lu Xi couldn't think of anything else, she vaguely heard her colleagues behind her talking quietly, as if her boyfriend had gastritis after eating too spicy food last night and was admitted to the hospital...

After hearing this conversation, Lu Xi had an idea in her mind. She should be able to escape by pretending to be sick. She immediately pinched her thigh hard with her hands. The pain made her mouth twitch and she didn't let go until she pinched herself to the point of risk. In a cold sweat, she just let go of her hands and covered her stomach, wailing: "Ouch..."

Hearing Lu Xi's cry of pain, the colleagues nearby immediately gathered around. Seeing tears on Lu Xi's forehead and pale face, they became nervous in an instant, "Lu Xi, what's wrong with you?"

"It hurts... it hurts..." Lu Xi clutched her stomach, her expression so painful that it felt like her ability to say three words was already her limit. Seeing the anxious eyes of her colleagues, Lu Xi felt a little proud in her heart. It seemed that her acting skills were acceptable.

There was so much movement here that it immediately attracted the attention of many people, including of course An Tingjie, one of the president's special assistants. He squeezed through the crowd and came to Lu Xi: "Lu Xi, you..."

"It hurts!" Lu Xi gritted her teeth and squeezed out the word. Maybe it was because she was performing too hard, or maybe she was afraid that her acting would be exposed. The sweat on her forehead never stopped.

"Lu Xi, let me help you go downstairs first. You guys can help call an ambulance." After An Tingjie explained, he wanted to reach out to help Lu Xi. Unexpectedly, two powerful arms hugged Lu Xi faster than him. , "Everyone, get out of the way!"

Lu Xi: "..."

Why did Qin Yinjian come out? Why are you still hugging her?

If he found out that she was pretending to be sick because she didn't want to go on a business trip with him, he would definitely skin her.

Wuwu bell——

She is so pitiful, she is about to be exposed for pretending to be sick for the first time.

When everyone saw that this was not their usual cold-blooded CEO, they didn't have time to think about what was going on between the CEO and Lu Xi. Everyone immediately stepped away and returned to their offices.

Qin Yinjian hugged Lu Xi and rushed towards the elevator. After entering the elevator, Lu Xi heard him say to her in a long-lost gentle voice: "Lu Xi, don't be afraid. As long as I am here, you will be fine. "

In the past, they had climbed mountains and rivers together, and encountered danger. Every time, he would hold her hand tightly and tell her with practical actions: "Lu Xi, as long as I am here, you will be fine."

Yes, all along, as long as he was around, she would be fine... So that year, when something happened to her, it was because he returned to Jiangbei and was not in the United States. It was also that incident that made her completely lose him.

Thinking of Qin Yinjian's kindness to her in the past, and then thinking of the thing that Lu Xi never wanted to think of in her whole life, heartache hit her like a tide, and she felt like she was suffocating.

If she had been a little smarter that time, if she had been a little defensive about that family that time, she would never have fallen into the trap of that dead woman Cui Xianzhen, nor would she have completely lost Qin Yinjian.

But there is no if, the fact has happened, and no one can go back to the past.

Lu Xi was fine at first, but because of thinking about the past, tears burst out from her eyes and she cried so much that Qin Yinjian thought she was crying in pain, so he slightly increased his strength in his arms: "Don't be afraid!"

Lu Xi was sad, but she knew that she had no ability to be sad, so she told herself that she couldn't cry, especially not to Qin Yinjian. He didn't owe her anything, and he had no obligation to treat her unconditionally.

Lu Xi bit her lip and tried to control her tears: "Mr. Qin, I'm fine. Please let me down first."

Her words made Qin Yinjian, who was holding her tightly, stiffen, and even the air seemed to freeze...

For a long time, for a long time, the elevator reached the first floor from the top floor. Lu Xi broke the silence again: "Mr. Qin, I'm really fine. Please let me down. I'm in the company now. You're holding your Employees, it’s not good for others.”

Lu Xi clearly felt that Qin Yinjian's strength in holding her was gradually weakening, and the tenderness in his eyes was replaced by indifference: "If you are not an employee of Shengtian, your life or death has nothing to do with me. nothing."

The implication is that the reason why he is anxious is because she is an employee of Shengtian. If something happens to her during her work, Shengtian will bear a lot of responsibility.

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