My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1432: The Successor Chapter, encountering Zhan Limo by chance

Chapter 1433: Successor Chapter, encountering Zhan Limo by chance

Qin Yinjian ignored Lu Xi again, but Lu Xi was still sent to the hospital for a series of physical examinations. Accompanying her were An Tingjie and his wife Li Xiaohua.

Seeing that the couple had been struggling with her for several hours, but nothing was wrong in the end, Lu Xi felt very embarrassed: "Assistant An, Sister Xiaohua, I have caused trouble for you."

Li Xiaohua is also an employee of Shengtian. Because he and Lu Xi are not in the same department, there are fewer opportunities to bump into each other. But if Lu Xi has something to do, the two of them will definitely stand up and help her immediately.

To be honest, during this year of staying in Jiangbei, Lu Xi was most grateful to the couple.

Li Xiaohua smiled and patted Lu Xi on the shoulder: "We are accompanying you because we like you and treat you like a sister. We are all a family. Don't be polite to us."

This is one of the reasons why they like Lu Xi. There is another reason that Li Xiaohua didn't say. Logically speaking, Lu Xi can guess it, but in the world of love, no matter how high the IQ is, people will not be able to get out if they get in. That's right. As the old saying goes, the authorities are confused and the beholder is clear.

Maybe it's not that Lu Xi doesn't know, but she doesn't want to know, because she clearly understands that she and Qin Yinjian have no future, and she can't be too greedy for Qin Yinjian's kindness to her.

An Tingjie said: "Mr. Qin will be back from a business trip for about a week. The company has nothing to be busy with these two days, so I will privately grant you a few days of leave. You can rest at home these days."

Wages will be deducted for taking vacations. More than 500 will be deducted for one day, and more than 2,000 will be deducted for four days. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it. Lu Xi quickly shook his head: "Assistant An, I'm really fine. You don't have to worry about me."

An Tingjie said: "This counts as your annual leave and your salary will not be deducted. That's it. We will send you back now. You have a good rest. If you want to eat anything, call me and I will ask your sister-in-law to help you." Do."

Lu Xi: "..."

As long as her salary is not deducted, she can talk about anything. She can spend the few days when Qin Yinjian is away and spend time with Lu Lu, trying to help Lu Lu find a sense of security, so that Lu Lu won't be so scared if she doesn't go home occasionally in the future. .

Lu Xi did not dare to disclose her new address to Assistant Ant and the two, so she asked them to send her outside the community where she and Qin Yinjian lived. Just in case, Lu Xi went back home After confirming that Qin Yinjian was not at home, she felt relieved to go to Lu Lu.

Lu Lu had looked at the door countless times. When Mummy finally came back, he was so happy that he jumped into Lu Xi's arms like a little rabbit: "Mommy, Mummy... I miss you so much. "

Lu Xi hugged him and kissed him: "My little baby, mommy misses you too."

Seeing the mother and son hugging each other happily, Teacher Zhang was also happy. She poured Lu Xi a glass of water: "Lu Xi, why did you get off work so early today?"

Lu Xi said: "There is nothing going on in the company these days, so I came back early. Teacher Zhang, when I go home, I will accompany Lu Lu. You should also go home to spend time with your children and husband."

Teacher Zhang: "There is freshly cooked tube bone porridge in the pot, and I am about to get some for Lu Lu to eat."

Lu Xi: "Don't bother, I'll just give it to Lu Lu."

Because of Teacher Zhang's help, Lu Xi felt free to leave Lu Lu and go to work, so when she could accompany Lu Lu, she hoped to give Teacher Zhang as much time as possible to go back to spend time with her family.

Because mommy came back early, Lu Lu was very happy, and her happiness made her mouth sweet: "The porridge cooked by Teacher Zhang is delicious. Lu Lu likes to eat the porridge cooked by Teacher Zhang the most."

Teacher Zhang smiled and said, "Really?"

Lu Lu nodded: "It's really delicious."

Mr. Zhang said happily: "The teacher is very happy that Lu Lu likes to eat."

Lu Xi said: "It's because you take good care of Lu Lu that the child likes you so much."

Children are so simple. If you like them and treat them well, they can feel it, so they will also rely on you to be kind to you.

After dinner, Lu Xi planned to take Lu Lu out for a walk, letting him see more of the outside world and get to know more friends, so that his sense of security should gradually strengthen.

When Lu Xi chose this community to rent a house, she saw that the environment was good and there were children's play facilities. Today she came to Lu Lu to play. Little did she know that Lu Lu disdained the toys played by young children: "Mommy, we don't want to play with this kid." Something to play with.”

Lu Xi was amused: "Son, you are a child too."

Lu Lu shook his head: "Lu Lu is already over three years old and is a very big child. Look at that little guy, he drools and doesn't even know how to wipe it. I don't want to play with them."

Hearing Lu Lu's milky voice and her childish disdain for others, Lu Xile laughed: "Lu Lu, your mouth and nose were drooling not long ago. Mommy doesn't even dislike you."

Lu Lu suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at his mother in disbelief. Is this his biological mother? How could a biological mother tear down her son like this?

Those little guys were already dirty, and they cried easily. How could a three-year-old child like him play with those ignorant little brats? Absolutely not.

Lu Xi rubbed his chubby cheeks: "Okay, okay, if my son says he doesn't want to play with the little guy, then we won't play. But it's so early today and it's not dark yet, so we can't go home and sleep. "

Lu Lu thought for a while: "I want to go for a walk with Mommy."

Lu Lu Lu's sensibleness always exceeded Lu Xi's expectations. Since Lu Lu Lu wanted to go out for a walk, Lu Xi thought of Mangrove Bay, not far from here.

There is also a sea paradise over Mangrove Bay. It is said that the scenery is particularly beautiful at night, but Lu Xi has only heard about it. She has been in Jiangbei for a year and has not had the chance to see it with her own eyes. Why not take advantage of today's opportunity? Let’s go take a walk around Lulu.

After making up her mind, Lu Xi took Lu Lu to Mangrove Bay. Because the community where they lived was only a little more than one kilometer away from Mangrove Bay, Lu Xi chose to walk.

Along the way, Lu Lu kept talking: "Mommy, is this city called Jiangbei?"

Lu Xi said in surprise: "Son, you are so smart. Mommy hasn't told you yet, but you already know that this city is called Jiangbei."

Lu Lu said: "Because Mommy is smart, Lu Lu Lu is also smart."

Every time she heard Lu Lu speak, Lu Xi would lament that it was lucky that she insisted on giving birth to Lu Lu, otherwise where would she find such a caring little sweetheart to accompany her now.

The mother and son talked and laughed and arrived at Mangrove Bay in just a few minutes. Now that the sky has darkened, the lights of the Happy World on the sea have been turned on. It is colorful and beautiful like a dream castle floating on the sea.

Lu Lu said excitedly: "Mommy, the lights are so beautiful."

Lu Xi nodded: "Well, it's so beautiful."

It's a pity that the sea paradise is not open to the public, and ordinary people like them can only take a look at it from a distance on the shore. If the sea paradise is open to the public, she will definitely take Lu Lulu to play.

"Hey, isn't this our Miss Lu? Why are you here watching the night view alone?"

The sudden voice scared Lu Xi to shiver. This person was none other than Qin Yinjian's cousin Zhan Limo, the son of the Zhan family.

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