My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1433: The Successor, which brat is this?

Chapter 1434: The Successor Chapter, which brat is this?

Lu Xiben hid Lu Lu behind him, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Mr. Zhan, what a coincidence!"

At the end of the war, he looked at her and smiled carelessly: "Oh, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why do you look better and better the more I look at you?"

Lu Xi: "You are getting more and more handsome."

At the end of the war: "What's the use of being handsome? You don't like me."

Lu Xi smiled awkwardly: "I like it. Not only are you good-looking, but you are also rich and powerful. How can anyone not like you? But there are too many girls who like you, and I don't dare to like you randomly."

"I admit that because I'm so handsome, there are many people who like me, but not many can catch my eye." Zhan Limo stretched out his long arm and put his arm affectionately on Lu Xi's shoulder, "Xiao Xixi, if If you like me and pursue me, I will agree without hesitation.”

Lu Xi avoided Zhan Limo's extended hand: "How dare I."

At the end of Zhan Li, he reached out and put his hand on Lu Xi's shoulder again, but at this moment he found a little kid next to Lu Xi, staring at him fiercely with wide eyes, "Hey, whose child is this?"

He reached out and wanted to touch Lu Lu's face. Unexpectedly, Lu Lu hugged his hand, opened his mouth and bit his hand hard. At the end of the war, Zhan Li wanted to shake him off, but for such a young child, if he If he throws it away, he must throw it away, so he held back forcefully: "Xiao Xixi, whose child is this? Is it a puppy that bites people when they meet?"

"Baby, how can you bite someone? Let him go quickly." Lu Xi pulled Lu Lu and tried to get him to let go, but the little guy didn't know what was wrong. He just bit Zhan Limo and wouldn't let go.

"Lu Xi, whose child is this? Where did you pick up such a living treasure?" At this age, it was the first time at the end of Zhan Li's life that he was helpless with a tiny little kid. He couldn't get angry with such a tiny kid. , otherwise it will appear that he is very ungraceful.

"Baby, loosen your mouth quickly, don't bite." Lu Xi was so worried that Zhan Li would find out that she and Lu Lu were mother and son, and she was so anxious that she was sweating profusely, but she didn't know that the little guy just hugged Lu Lu and wouldn't let go.

Lu Xi advised: "Baby, be good, biting is not a good habit, let's let him go first, okay?"

Lu Lu remained unmoved.

Just when Lu Xi was at his wits' end, a strange woman suddenly came over and hugged Zhan Limo's arm as if she was declaring sovereignty: "Mr. Zhan, didn't you say you wanted to take people to the sea paradise? Why did you leave me alone? Woolen cloth?"

As she said that, she found a little boy biting Zhan Limo's hand, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Whose wild child is this? How can he bite people randomly? Please let go quickly, or I won't be polite." .”

As the woman spoke, she reached out to push Lu Lu, but Zhan Limo spoke before her: "Get out!"

The woman pointed at herself aggrievedly: "Mr. Zhan, do you want me to get out?"

At the end of the war: "Who else could it be?"

The woman held Zhan Limo's hand and pressed her body against his: "Mr. Zhan, I know you are speaking out of anger. You love me so much, how can you be willing to let me leave."

At the end of Zhan Li's life, he curled his lips and smiled softly: "I have hurt a lot of women. You are a fucking onion and a garlic. If I tell you to get out, get away from me. Don't let me see you again in the future. "

Zhan Limo's tone was still the same as usual. He sounded careless and unserious, but it also carried a chilling viciousness. It not only scared the woman who was pestering him, but also Lu Lu who was biting him and wouldn't let go. He was so frightened that he relaxed his mouth.

Although she was very reluctant, the woman did not dare to stay, so she had to turn back step by step.

Lu Xi took the opportunity to pull Lu Lu behind him and hide him, but at the end of Zhan Li, he stared at Lu Lu. He squatted next to Lu Lu: "Come on, little brat, tell me why you bit me?"

Lu Lu said angrily: "You are the big bad guy."

At the end of the war: "do you know me?"

Lu Lu: "Big bad guy! I don't know the big bad guy!"

Lu Xi once again protected Lu Lu behind her: "Mr. Zhan, children are not sensible, so don't be as knowledgeable as him. Let's go and check your hands first to see if there is anything wrong. I will pay for the medical expenses. "

At the end of Zhan Li, he looked up at Lu Xi: "Whose little brat is this?"

Lu Xi said nervously: "A friend went back to his hometown to do business, and there was no one to take care of the child, so he asked me to take care of him for two days."

"I think my hand is seriously injured, and I don't know if it will cause complications." Zhan Limo saw Lu Xi nervous and suddenly became playful, "Well, you take the little kid with you Come with me to the hospital. If nothing happens, I'll let you take him home. If something happens, we'll figure it out."

"Mr. Zhan, this..." A child as young as Lu Lu could not bite Zhan Limo to a great extent no matter how hard he tried. Zhan Limo said this clearly to deliberately cause trouble for their mother and son, but it was Lu Lu who hurt others first. , Lu Xi had no choice but to take Lu Lu and accompany Zhan Limo to the hospital.

Zhan Limo's hand was only bitten by Lu Lu. After examination, the doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory medicine: "Mr. Zhan, this injury is not serious."

At the end of the war, he raised his legs and shook his head: "Are you sure my injury is not serious? If this young master gets a high fever or causes other complications when he goes home, will you be fully responsible?"

The doctor understood what Zhan Limo meant and immediately changed his mind: "Yes, this kind of injury is not serious, but it is not small. If it is not handled properly, it may kill someone. Why don't you stay in the hospital for observation overnight? .”

Zhan Li was satisfied at the end: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Lu Xi gritted her teeth in anger. This person was obviously fine, but he still had to be hospitalized for observation for one night. Did he think that the mother and son were easy to bully or something?

At the end of Zhan Li, seeing Lu Xi's reluctance, he smiled happily: "Lu Meiren, you see that I am so seriously injured, should you stay in the hospital and spend a good night with me?"

Lu Xi was about to say she didn't want to, but Lu Lu hugged Lu Xi's leg and glared at Zhan Limo fiercely: "Big bad guy! You are the big bad guy! The annoying big bad guy!"

Lu Xi quickly covered Lu Lu's mouth: "Baby, stop talking."

Lu Lu was unwilling to give in, her mouth was pouting, her eyes were so red that she almost cried.

"Doctor, please help me arrange a high-end ward with family members." After instructing the doctor, Zhan Limo looked at Lu Lu again, "Little brat, I am the bad guy, bite me again if you can. "

Lu Lu was so anxious that he was grinding his teeth, but he was too young and couldn't do anything against such a big bad guy, so he had to grow up quickly and grow bigger than this big bad guy. In the future, the big bad guy couldn't bully Mommy anymore.

After checking into the ward, Zhan Limo lay on the hospital bed, picked up his mobile phone and took a selfie, and included Lu Xi, who was enslaved by him, in the photo. He then posted the photos he took to WeChat Moments with the text - I was injured and hospitalized today. Fortunately, I have a beautiful woman by my side, so the long night will not be so lonely and unbearable.

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