My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1482: The Successor, the focus is on the people he meets (2)

Chapter 1483: The Successor, the focus is on the people he meets (2)

Lele held the water cup and drank heavily. After drinking, she wanted to go to the toilet again: "Mom, I need to pee."

"Bad boy, why are you so busy?" Although he disliked this little guy for being so busy, Qin leran still took him to the bathroom. After letting the little guy pee, Qin lelan directly brought the little guy back, "Lele, hurry up Tell us who you saw today."

Lele knows that he is a very important member of the family. Whenever he appears, he will be the focus of the family's attention. But today, these people pay so much attention to him, it is definitely not because of him, but because of the people he has seen. people.

Thinking that there was someone who was cared for more by her grandma, aunt and mother than herself, Lele became a little unhappy: "Grandma, aunt, mother, don't you all love Lele anymore?"

Jian Ran hugged Lele distressedly: "Lele, you are the cutest little baby in our family. How could we not love you?"

Qin Xiaobao poked Lele's head directly: "Boy, just say what you want to say, how come there are so many things."

Qin lelan didn't show any weakness and poked Lele's head: "Lele, what are you thinking about in your little head all day long? We all love you so much, how can we not love you anymore?"

Everyone loves him, Lele knows it in his heart, he is just unhappy. Today everyone's focus is on the person he is meeting instead of him. Not only does his uncle like Sister Lu Xi more, but even the elders in the family who love him care more about Lu Xi. Sister, Lele is not happy.

He complained in an orderly manner: "When I came back from kindergarten, you were concerned about what I ate and played today, but you didn't ask me what I went out to play today. You just asked who my uncle took me to meet. I'm not happy. ”

It turned out that the little guy was jealous.

Jian Ran waited for the three of them to understand, and she said, "Okay, let's not ask who Lele has met, but let's ask where Lele went today and who he won to have lunch with."

Qin Xiaobao cooperated: "Yes, we all really want to know what Lele does in a day."

Qin leran also nodded: "I guess Lele must have a lot of fun today."

It is said that three women can create a drama, let alone these three women from the Qin family. They are really the drama queens. How could Lele, at such a young age, stand up to the deception of the three of them? After being praised by them, After a while, I forgot the unhappiness I just felt.

Lele said seriously: "My uncle left me in the hospital and left. Sister Lu Xi cooked for me at noon..."

Qin lelan was the first to catch the key word: "Lele, you are talking about sister Lu Xi? Are you sure you didn't say the wrong name?"

Lele pouted her little mouth: "Mom, Lele is not a little fool, how could she remember Sister Lu Xi wrongly? Sister Lu Xi is so beautiful and treats me very well. Sister Lu Xi's son is also very cute. He even calls me Brother Lele...Grandma, I am an older brother too.”

Today's experience with Lu Xi and Lu Xi was very pleasant, so Lele looked happy when talking about their mother and son.

Jian Ran said: "Lele seems to like sister Lu Xi very much."

Lele nodded: "The Coke chicken wings made by sister Lu Xi are delicious. Lele likes to eat them."

"Sister-in-law, ask the important point." Qin Xiaobao was impatient and they asked him without asking, "Lele, sister Lu Xi also has a son. Is his name Lu Lu?"

Lele nodded: "His name is Lu Lu... He looks as cute as Lele, but he can't run as fast as Lele because he is sick. My aunt, you need injections and medicine when you are sick. It's so pitiful. Lele will never want it again." I got sick."

"Lele must be hygienic and not picky about food if you don't want to get sick. Do you understand?" Jian Ran didn't know what kind of disease Lu Lu had. She thought it was just like many children who had a cold, fever or gastrointestinal problem, so she didn't pay much attention to Lu Lu. Lu's illness.

Lele said obediently: "I know."

"So good!" Jianran and Qin leran readily asked Qin Yinjian to take Lele away because they wanted Lele to inquire about some news. Now the news has come back, and it is similar to what was reported on the Internet. The fiancée of the new president of Shengtian gave birth to a child before marriage. The difference is that Lu Xi is said to be a vicious woman, but what Lele sees is a kind and beautiful woman.

Children are ignorant and only rely on their own intuition and preferences when judging people, so Jian Ran believes that the girl named Lu Xi must be a kind-hearted girl. As long as she is kind-hearted and Qin Yinjian likes her, it doesn't matter what she has done in the past. What about relationships? As long as she is willing to step into the Qin family's door, the Qin family's door will always be open to her.

Jian Ran put Lele down and touched his head: "Our baby has worked hard today. Go wash your hands quickly and get ready for dinner."

"It's finally time to eat." Lele's stomach was almost starving. Now that she heard it was time to eat, she turned around and ran to wash her hands.

Qin Xiaobao is not as easy to talk to as Jian Ran. She has always been a person who is afraid of chaos in the world: "Sister-in-law, are you okay with this?"

Jian Ran said: "Otherwise, what else do you want?"

Qin Xiaobao said: "What does Lele know at such a young age? That woman has not been able to enter the Qin family's house yet. She must be pretending to be a good person and please our Qin family's baby Lu Lu. Maybe once she is allowed to marry into In the Qin family, she has shown her fierceness. Sister-in-law, I have to take action in this matter. Let me find out whether she is faking it."

"Qin Xiaobao, please don't mess around." Jian Ran raised her voice slightly, "Do you really think that the men of your Qin family are treasures, and everyone wants to squeeze in your head and get married?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Isn't it?"

Jian Ran rolled her eyes: "Let me tell you, if we weren't good-tempered, no one would be able to endure such a boring gourd who doesn't speak when he's angry for decades."

Qin Xiaobao: "My brother is a little bored, but he is very good to you."

"You only see when he treats me well. You don't see when he treats me badly. He was angry with me and ignored me last night." When it comes to Qin Yue, Jian Ran really feels both love and hate. , "I don’t know why. Our little Jian was so cute, sensible and lovable when he was a child. I thought he had inherited my good genes. Who knew that the older he gets, the more he looks like his dad? They are both father and son." The appearance of a person when he is angry is simply carved from the same mold.”

Qin Xiaobao: "Okay, I admit that this is their shortcoming, but they are handsome and rich. They are the first and second men in the world that women want to marry most."

What Qin Xiaobao said was the truth, and Jian Ran had no words to argue: "Okay, you are right. But I have my own opinion on Lu Xi's matter. You are not allowed to mess around, or I will let you stay in the army for a few days."

Qin Xiaobao screamed in anger: "Sister-in-law, you threaten me! You actually threaten me! Are you still my kind and beautiful sister-in-law?"

Jian Ran smiled and said, "I have married into your Qin family and have firmly established myself as Mrs. Qin. I can now show my fierce side."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

This time, she was buried in the hole she dug.

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