My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1483 The Successor Chapter, the saddest end of the war

Chapter 1484: The Successor Chapter, the saddest end of the war

Everyone in the family is more arrogant than her, which makes Qin Xiaobao realize that his status in this family is getting lower and lower. If he had known better, he would not have sent Zhan Limo to the army. Now he can't find anyone to bully him, and he is heartbroken. Stuffed!

She felt uncomfortable, and there was no Zhan Limo for her to bully. Now Zhan Nianbei was the only one left. After returning home, Qin Xiaobao sat in the living room and waited for Zhan Nianbei to come home. Finally, when Zhan Nianbei came home, she looked up Then he said: "Zhan Nianbei, it's all your fault!"

Zhan Nianbei was confused: "What did I do to offend you again?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Give my son back to me."

Zhan Nianbei: "Is the war coming to an end?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Besides him, do I have other sons?"

Zhan Nianbei: "I advised you at the beginning, but you insisted on sending him to the army. Who's to blame?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Then why don't you stop me?"

Zhan Nianbei had long known that this woman had this kind of character, so Zhan Nianbei didn't want to pay attention to her, turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Qin Xiaobao jumped up and followed him: "Zhan Nianbei, what do you mean if you don't speak?"

Zhan Nianbei: "Qin Xiaobao, don't look for trouble."

Qin Xiaobao put his hands on his waist and said angrily: "Zhan Nianbei, what do you mean by looking for trouble? Are you all bullying me? Now I just want to see my son but you don't agree. You said I can still expect you to help me? do what?"

Zhan Nianbei took off his clothes one by one in front of her, and walked to the bathroom naked under Qin Xiaobao's gaze. Qin Xiaobao couldn't help but swallow his saliva: "Old gangster!"

Damn it, he knew that a quarrel wouldn't irritate her, so he betrayed the appearance of his body. It's not like he didn't know that he couldn't resist seeing his body that had been well maintained for decades.

Zhan Nianbei said: "Wash together?"

Qin Xiaobao picked up his clothes and threw them at him: "wash it, you big-headed devil! I tell you, you won't let me see my son. From tonight on, you are not allowed to go back to the room to sleep, you are not allowed to sleep with me in your arms, and you are not allowed to come within three steps of me. Inside, no..."

Zhan Nianbei: "Heh..."

Qin Xiaobao: "What do you mean by sneering?"

Zhan Nianbei: "Don't you understand what it means?"

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

This old gangster!

Old and dishonest.

Qin Xiaobao calmed his beating heart and said, "Make arrangements tomorrow and find a way to get that boy Zhan Limo to come home and spend the day with me."

Zhan Nianbei didn't respond, but Qin Xiaobao knew that he wouldn't refuse. Now she just had to think about how to deal with that brat Zhan Limo tomorrow.

In the blink of an eye, I have been in the army for a few weeks.

From the initial resistance at the end of the war, he has gradually adapted to the intensity of the army's training.

Today, like every other day, he was preparing to go back to the dormitory to rest after lunch. Just as he was about to go upstairs, he heard his name being called over the radio, asking him to go to the captain's office alone.

Zhan Nianbei mustered up his energy, ran to the captain's office as fast as he could, and knocked on the door: "Report!"

A voice came from inside the house: "Come in."

Zhan limo ran away, but after entering the room, he realized that the person who called in was not his captain, but his father. His face instantly dropped, and he turned to leave.

Zhan Nianbei stopped him: "Where are you running?"

At the end of the war, he didn't want to pay attention to this old bastard, so he had to go his own way.

Zhan Nianbei: "9987!"

9987 is Zhan Limo's number in the army. This title is usually used by superiors to subordinates on formal occasions. The old bastard saw that he was ignoring others, so he used his status as a leader to suppress him.

Although there was a thousand reluctances, Zhan Li stopped at the end and immediately stood upright: "Hello, Chief!"

Although Zhan Nianbei received training news about Zhan Limo every day and knew his every move, he was still quite surprised that this lazy boy could perform like this in such a short period of time.

He rarely said in a fatherly tone: "Okay, there are no outsiders here, there is no need to come and go with my boss."

At the end of the war, he stood tall and straight in his military posture: "As long as you stay in the military area for a day, there is only a relationship between superiors and subordinates."

The corners of Zhan Nianbei's mouth twitched and he added, "I'll give you a day off today. Go home and spend time with your parents."

At the end of the war: "Report to the leader, my parents are dead and I don't need to go back to accompany them during the holidays."

Zhan Nianbei gasped and tried hard to suppress his explosive temper, but still couldn't suppress it: "Zhan Limo, do you think you deserve a beating? If you still deserve a beating, I don't mind punishing you properly. .”

At the end of the war: "Report to the commander, you are the biggest in Jiangbei Military Region. You said I would take care of me, but you don't need to take action. Someone will take care of me for you naturally...just like the few days I just joined the army. Come on, take care of me how you want. Just clean it up."

Zhan Nianbei knew that it was a bit too much to seize the war from the end and enter the military area, and told his subordinates not to give him face, but to contain this boy's energy. Now he didn't come to see this boy in person. How many people did this boy have? You should give him some face, shouldn't you: "Your mother misses you."

At the end of the war: "Report to the leader, I don't have a mother. I jumped out of the cracks in the rocks."

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

At the end of the war: "Sir, if you have nothing else to do, I want to go down and rest first. If you don't take a good rest at noon, it may affect the training in the afternoon. Please show your respect."

Zhan Nianbei: "Okay, go and do your work."

"Thank you, chief. I'll go down first." At the end of Zhan Li, he gave a standard military salute to Zhan Nianbei, turned around, and left with standard steps. However, as soon as he went out, he was blocked by several soldiers, "You guys again What do you want to do?"

Without saying a word, a few people surrounded Zhan Limo and lifted him up together...

Behind him, the corners of Zhan Nianbei's lips raised slightly: "I don't believe I can't deal with you in the Jiangbei Military Region."

At the end of the war, he went home.

However, he did not walk home voluntarily, but was carried home by several people.

He was so angry that he wanted to blow up the house.

Really, he has never seen such parents in his whole life. It seems that he is not their son, but their toy.

At the end of the war, he was so angry that he wanted to blow up the family, but Qin Xiaobao, one of the culprits, didn't seem to realize how much he had done. He happily welcomed his son home after not seeing him for many days: "Son, In order to welcome you back, I personally cooked a table of delicious food. Are you happy? "



At the end of the war, all he wanted to do was cry.

His mother's cooking skills are amazing. It's not that she doesn't know it. She even cooks for him herself. It seems that his mother didn't realize her mistake when she asked him to go home, but wanted to use another method. Beat him to death.

Qin Xiaobao came up to him and said with a smile: "Boy, are you so moved that you can't even speak?"

At the end of Zhan Li: "Mrs. Zhan, is there any rat poison at home?"

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