My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1487: The Successor, the Brainless Follower (2)

Chapter 1488: The Successor, the Brainless Follower (2)

Everyone in the world knows how harmful public opinion can be to a person. However, most people still follow the trend of discussions when they hear some news without knowing whether it is true or false, and stand on the top of public opinion to accuse others wantonly. In Lu Xi's view, such people are the most hateful people. It was precisely because of these people who fanned the flames that her mother committed suicide due to depression.

Cui Xianzhen is well aware of the power of public opinion. As a mistress, she took a preemptive strike and made the people who did not know the truth stand on her side and help her get rid of her opponents. Cui Xianzhen has tasted the benefits of this, and now he is using his old tricks again, trying to hurt Lu Xi in the same way.

Knowing Cui Xianzhen's treacherous plan, how could Lu Xi let Cui Xianzhen succeed?

When the people who were talking at the scene were speechless, Lu Xi pointed at the few people following him, glared at them and said sternly: "And you, what did you see? Do you know what happened? ?”

Then people passing by didn't see anything at all. Just because they heard the people in front of them say so, they joined in and pointed at Lu Xi. Now that Lu Xi was pointing at them, they couldn't say a word, because they were indeed do not know anything.

Lu Xi sneered and continued: "You haven't seen anything at all. Just because the people in front said so, you also follow the trend. Followers, your mother gave you a brain for you to think about things. Rather than asking you to follow the trend, don’t you understand?”

Followers: "..."

Although they were unhappy to be said like this, what Lu Xi said was true, and they could not find the words to refute it.

Seeing that Lu Xi's fierce words made all her "helpers" feel like deflated rubber balls, Cui Xianzhen was not to be outdone. Tears fell one after another from her eyes in the blink of an eye: "Xiao Xi, I don’t want to know too much, I just hope that my daughter will not be deceived or hurt by others. I hope that my daughter can have a happy family like other children, instead of having a child before marriage. I don’t know where the child’s father is.”

"Who told you that the father of your child is missing?"

A cold but steady and powerful voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd, causing everyone to look back in unison. They saw a tall and handsome man standing at the back of the crowd, but because he was taller than the others, he was so tall. Everyone saw him with his own aperture at a glance.

Who is such a handsome and powerful man? Why did he suddenly appear here?

In fact, who he is has nothing to do with the melon-eaters watching the fun, but loving to watch the fun and being nosy is the fundamental evil of human beings...

Of course, not only everyone saw the man, but Lu Xi also saw it, but she knew who the man who appeared here was just by hearing the voice. He disappeared for twenty days, just when she thought he would not appear again. Qin Yinjian in front of him.

She also had the same question as everyone else, why did he suddenly appear here?

Lu Xi couldn't understand why Qin Yinjian suddenly appeared here, but she knew one thing very well. Whether it was when they were dating in the past or now, he would always appear by her side as soon as she needed him.

Many times, Lu Xi feels that Qin Yinjian is still the Qin Yinjian she knew back then...

Qin Yinjian glanced at everyone present expressionlessly, and then said to the dean who had just arrived: "Dean, when did our Shengtian Hospital become a vegetable market? Is this a place where cats and dogs can come in casually? ?”

The dean wiped his cold sweat and said, "Mr. Qin is right. We have been negligent in the security aspect. I will pay attention to it in the future."

Qin Yinjian: "Not in the future, but now. I don't want to see any irrelevant people appearing in the high-end ward to affect my family members' mood for treatment."

The dean nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes..."

At this moment, Cui Xianzhen suddenly rushed from the crowd to Qin Yinjian's side: "Son-in-law... Son-in-law... Our Xiaoxi is in your hands, I am relieved one hundred and ten thousand."

Cui Xianzhen has never met Qin Yinjian himself, and the Qin family has always kept a low profile. Qin Yinjian's photos have never been released to the public. Even the press conference he held only contained his voice but not his person. But Cui Xianzhen is a A person with particularly strong observation skills, a man with such a strong aura, must have a high status. In addition, the director of the hospital just nodded and called him Mr. Qin, so Cui Xianzhen can be 100% sure that this man is Lu Xi's. The financial owner was the person she had always wanted to curry favor with, but could never find a chance to curry favor with.

The person who had always wanted to curry favor came to him. How could Cui Xianzhen let go of the opportunity? He shouted son-in-law one after another, as if Qin Yinjian was really her son-in-law...

But Qin Yinjian didn't give the old woman any face. He didn't even look at Cui Xianzhen: "Dean, what are you waiting for?"

The dean had not yet digested the sudden change. Now he was yelled at by Qin Yinjian. The dean was stunned. He didn't know what Qin Yinjian wanted him to do. He just didn't know what to do. When he was there, Lu Xi stood up and pulled him: "Dean, this woman is here to make trouble. We don't know her at all. Just ask someone to drive her out and don't let her step into the hospital door again in the future." No. It’s best to find a way to keep her away from the hospital. Seeing such a shameless woman will make you unable to eat for a few days.”

The dean nodded: "Yes, I will have people drag him away immediately."

Cui Xianzhen listened to Lu Xi's words and remembered them in her heart. Now that there is someone beside Lu Xi, she can't touch Lu Xi, but she has firmly remembered this hatred. At the moment, she has to continue to play the role of a loving mother: "Daughter, son-in-law, I know You have opinions about me, but it doesn’t matter. I believe that sooner or later you will figure it out and know that everything I do is for the good of you two. "

Lu Xi said impatiently: "Drive her away quickly."

Although Cui Xianzhen was taken away, Lu Xi knew that this matter would not end so easily. Now that Cui Xianzhen has come to Jiangbei, she will never let it go without causing some trouble. Her father may have to be replaced tomorrow Got on the field.


Every time the Lu family wanted to take advantage of her, they would come and play emotional cards on her, saying that she grew up eating from the Lu family, and that the Lu family provided for her to go to school, etc. Lu Xi admitted that these were facts, but they should not forget that they were the indirect murderers of her mother's death. They naively thought that she still had feelings for them.

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