My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1488: The Successor, Lu Xi, let’s get married

Chapter 1489: Successor Chapter, Lu Xi, let’s get married

Just when Lu Xi was distracted, the crowd watching the excitement had dispersed.

Qin Yinjian walked to her and gently held her thin body in his arms: "Lu Xi, let's get married."

Let him be her backer, keep those monsters and monsters away from her, and let him protect her from being bullied by anyone.

This time, Qin Yinjian spoke directly and sincerely.

It was also a few simple words that directly hit the weakest nerve deep in Lu Xi's heart.

She bit her lip and tried to control the urge to shed tears: "Qin Yinjian, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know how damaging it is to a woman if you say such words? Do you know the world Do you know how many women want to marry you..." I really want to say yes to you.

Lu Xi didn't dare to say the next few words. She was still afraid. She was afraid that her past would be known to Qin Yinjian. She was afraid that what she feared most would be exposed nakedly in front of Qin Yinjian, and she was afraid that he would look down on her.

Qin Yinjian responded lightly: "But the only person I want to marry is you from beginning to end, it's you - Lu Xi!"

During these days, Qin Yinjian did not come to see Lu Xi. He gave each other time to think about whether it would be possible without the other. Facts have proved that he cannot. As long as there is no news of seeing her for a day, he will be uneasy. Become no longer yourself.

Only when he knows that she is well can he work well...

There was no way he could leave her in this life. So he made a decision. No matter who the child was, he recognized it. From now on, Lu Lu would be Qin Yinjian's son.

Lu Xi shook her head desperately in his arms: "Qin Yinjian, don't be stupid, you don't know, you don't know anything... Can you please stop being so nice to me? I don't want you to be so nice to me! Qin Yin "Jian, go away, don't come to see me again, don't come to help me again, just pretend that we have never known each other, okay?"

Qin Yinjian pinched Lu Xi's shoulder, asked her to look at him, and said seriously and firmly: "I have already thought of the child's name, and it will be called Qin Lu. Taking the surnames of you and me, it will be you and me. My child, this matter is settled.”

His words made Lu Xi's body freeze instantly. No matter what he wanted to say, he couldn't say a word. He could only stare at him with wide eyes, as if he were a stranger he met for the first time. After examining him for a long time, she found her voice: "Qin Yinjian, you are crazy!"

He must be crazy!

Otherwise, no man would be as stupid as him.

Qin Yinjian smiled bitterly: "Yes, I am crazy. I have been crazy since the first time I saw you a few years ago. At that time, I was thinking, how could there be such a beautiful girl in this world? Like a fairy, it can enchant people's hearts."

Because the first time he saw this girl, Qin Yinjian's heart rippled a lot, so when she came to him later, he treated her with a more indifferent attitude than he treated others. In the final analysis, it's not that he doesn't want to pay attention to her, but that a man who is just in love doesn't know how to get along with the girl he likes.

Lu Xi slowly raised her head and met his firm and deep eyes. She could believe that every word he said to her came from deep in his heart... The reason was never his. It's always been her problem.

It is she who is afraid, it is she who is escaping...

So her answer to him was still: "Qin Yinjian, please give me some more time to think about it."

She didn't even have the courage to call Zeng Zeng, let alone face Qin Yinjian.

Qin Yinjian's hopeful eyes suddenly dimmed a lot: "Okay... I'll give you some more time to think about it carefully."

Lu Xi's heart: "I'm sorry..."

Qin Yinjian added: "I will handle your stepmother's affairs. Don't worry that she will come to the hospital again to disturb you mother and son."

Lu Xi nodded: "Yes."

She had no intention of continuing the conversation, and Qin Yinjian didn't know what else to say. The two looked at each other awkwardly for a while, and he found a reason to go back to work and left first.

As soon as Qin Yinjian left, Lu Xi returned to the room and looked at the sleeping Lu Lu. Lu Lu's condition was relatively stable, but no matter how stable he was, he was still a sick child, and his complexion was not as good as that of a healthy child. Lu Xi stroked him distressedly Face: "Son, what do you think mommy should do?"

Lu Lu didn't give Lu Xi an answer, but Lu Xi gradually got the answer in her heart.

The more you avoid some things, the more they will haunt you like a nightmare. It's better to have the courage to face it. Maybe saying it is not as scary as you think, just like she has been able to face Lawyer Yang calmly all these years.

After thinking about it, Lu Xi called the psychiatrist Zeng Zeng. Zeng Zeng said on the phone: "Lu Xi, congratulations. My first test for you, you did much better than I expected." too much."

Lu Xi was confused: "Zeng Zeng, what test?"

Zeng Zeng said: "I estimated that you would have to wait half a year at the earliest before calling me. I didn't expect you to come to me so soon. Lu Xi, you are great. You have defeated yourself in the first step. I am proud of you."

In the last chat with Lu Xi, Zeng Zeng had already made all the thorns in Lu Xi's body stand up before he could touch Lu Xi's heart. People who have such a situation want to let them It would take at least half a year to open up, enlighten and chat. Lu Xi called so quickly, Zeng Zeng was really impressed by her.

In front of Zeng Zeng, Lu Xi always felt like she was being seen through. She hurriedly explained: "Zeng Zeng, it is Lu Lu who needs to see a psychiatrist, not me."

Zeng Zeng said: "I know it's Lu Lu. I'll go find you right away."

In Zeng Zeng's opinion, Lu Xi's psychological problems are much bigger than Lu Lu's. As long as Lu Xi's psychological problems are solved, Lu Lu's psychological problems will not be a problem at all. After all, Lu Lu still needs a warm and loving family. As long as they grow up in a warm environment, the children will be mentally healthy.

Because she had made up her mind to tell Zeng Zeng everything that had happened in the past, Lu Xi felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles while waiting for Zeng Zeng's arrival. She was wondering how to tell Zeng Zeng about the past, and thinking about Zeng Zeng. After Zeng learned about that incident, would he look at her with colored glasses because of it...

Because she was thinking too much, Lu Xi broke into cold sweat on her hands, so much so that she didn't hear Zeng Zeng knocking on the door until Zeng Zeng stood in front of her and greeted her gently: "Lu Xi, are you here?" What are you thinking about so deeply?"

"I... didn't think about anything." Lu Xi tried to smile calmly, "Zeng Zeng, are you here so soon?"

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