My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1489: The Successor, trying to untie the knot

Chapter 1490: The Successor Chapter, trying to untie the knot

Zeng Zeng smiled and said: "I've been here for a while, but you haven't noticed me. I'm a little sad."

Lu Xi quickly poured a glass of water for Zeng Zeng: "Zeng Zeng, drink a glass of water first."

Zeng Zeng took the water glass and looked into the room: "Is Lu Lu asleep?"

Lu Xi also looked at the inner room: "Yes, I'll sleep for a while."

"It's really not easy for you to raise Lu Lu like this all by yourself, without anyone around to help you." Zeng Zeng looks young, but she is already a well-known psychotherapist in the industry. She talks to patients based on It depends on the patient's specific situation. She knew that Lu Xi resisted talking about Lu Lu's father, so she learned about it from the side, hoping to unknowingly let Lu Xi take off her psychological guard.

"No. Lu Lu is a very sensible child. Unlike other children who cry and make trouble all the time, he is always considerate of mommy." When Lu Lu was mentioned, Lu Xi looked satisfied and happy. She was very happy. Fortunately, I insisted on giving birth to Lu Lu.

Zeng Zeng said: "Have you ever thought that it is not good for children to be too sensible? Children are already young, and they should be naughty and cute at this age."

Lu Xi nodded: "I didn't feel it before. Later I slowly discovered it, but I didn't know how to change the child."

Zeng Zeng did not continue the problem of Lu Lu's character because she knew that the cause of Lu Lu's character came from her family. As long as Lu Xi's problem was solved, Lu Lu's problem would be easier to solve: "When was Lu Lu's disease discovered?" What about?”

Lu Xi said dullly: "It was his first birthday. I made special preparations to celebrate the little guy's first birthday that day, but before it passed, the little guy fainted. At first I thought he was just suffering from a fever. He fell into a coma and was sent to a nearby small hospital for treatment. Later, his high fever did not go away, so I transferred him to a hospital. After examination, the doctor said that it was his current illness. I didn't believe it at the time, so I took Lu Lu to a better hospital for examination. The results of the inspection are still the same.”

Zeng Zeng patted Lu Xi's hand and tried to consider the problem from Lu Xi's perspective: "You must have been very scared at that time."

"I'm scared, but more importantly I want to cure Lu Lu. At that time, all I could think about was how to get Lu Lu better, and I didn't have time to think about other things." I've been suffering and tired, but looking at When your children are well, everything is worth it.

Zeng Zeng asked again: "Lu Xi, that person has never looked for you mother and son?"

They had already made up their minds to tell Zeng Zeng everything about the past, but now that Zeng Zeng mentioned it, Lu Xi hesitated again. After a fierce psychological struggle, she slowly said: "I'm not afraid to say it." If you’re joking, I actually don’t know who Lu Lu’s father is.”

"You don't know who Lu Lu's father is, so why did you give birth to Lu Lu?" It turns out that Lu Xi was so excited when she mentioned Lu Lu's father, but the truth was so hard to accept. The answer was beyond Zeng Zeng's expectation, but she didn't show any surprise.

Lu Xi raised her head and took a deep breath. After several efforts, she mustered up the courage to continue: "Back then, he had sex with me while I was unconscious. At first, I insisted on giving birth to Lu Lu because I wanted to find that man. There is evidence against him from time to time, but I have been looking for it for so many years, but I still can't find any clues. It seems that that person has never existed in this world. "

"Since we can't find it, let's stop looking. Don't waste your good time on someone who is not worth wasting on." Zeng Zeng looked at Lu Lu in the room again, "Take good care of your child in the future. I'm sick, live your life well and forget all the things you shouldn't remember in the past."

"Zeng Zeng, some things are easy to say, but too difficult to do. It's not that I don't want to, but I can't forget." Lu Xihe never wanted to forget, but he just couldn't forget. As long as he found that person and let him get what he deserved She should be able to let this matter go if she faces legal sanctions.

"Lu Xi, if you can tell me this matter, it proves that you have put down what happened back then. Now that you have put it down, don't be obsessed with looking for him anymore, don't waste your time on a scumbag, you should put everything down Put your time and energy into you and Lu Lu, and live your life well." Zeng Zeng also knew that this was easy to say, but only by letting Lu Xi let go could she start a new life.

Lu Xi nodded gently and said slowly word by word: "I will work hard."

Try to forget the bad things in the past, take good care of Lu Lu, and start a new life in the future.

Zeng Zeng patted Lu Xi's hand and said, "Lu Xi, please continue to work hard in the future. I believe that it won't be long before you can come out of the shadow of that incident."

Lu Xi chuckled: "I hope so."

Zeng Zeng: "Lu Lu may be waking up soon. I'll chat with him later."

"Okay." Lu Xi thought for a while and said, "Zeng Zeng, please don't tell Qin Yinjian about this."

Zeng Zeng said: "You can rest assured about this. I have my professional ethics. Regarding your privacy, I will never reveal a word to anyone, but I hope you can summon up the courage to talk to him as soon as possible." Frankly, I don't think he cares."

Lu Xi: "Yeah."

Qin Yinjian doesn't care, but she does.

Lu Xi didn't know when and how long it took for him to muster the courage to mention this matter to Qin Yinjian.

After all, she was still afraid and couldn't forget that black memory.

During this period, Qin Xiaobao seems to have changed. She doesn't like to go to Nuoyuan anymore. Even if a large family is together, she always hides in the corner and never talks much. Of course, these abnormal reactions of hers have long been reported. Everyone saw it.

Zhan Nianbei asked several times, but Qin Xiaobao didn't say anything. He just blamed him for having bad genes and giving birth to a little bastard.

He could also curse people. Zhan Nianbei thought it was not a big problem and didn't care about it anymore.

Today is the weekend again, a time for the family to get together. Jian Ran really couldn't stand Qin Xiaobao's gloomy look. While everyone was busy with other things, she found Qin Xiaobao alone: ​​"Xiaobao, what's wrong with you recently? Yes. Isn’t there something going on at home?”

Qin Xiaobao shook his head but said nothing.

Jian Ran asked again: "Xiaobao, what happened?"

Qin Xiaobao was so sad that he wanted to cry: "Sister-in-law, I do have something on my mind. If I don't tell this matter, I think I will explode. I'm so angry right now, I feel like I might explode anytime, anywhere."

Jian Ran patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Tell me if you have anything to do and see if I can help you with anything?"

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