My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1503: The Successor, Chief Zhan has a good reputation

Chapter 1504: The Successor Chapter, the war leader has a good reputation

"Because I occupied a spot for one person and that person left? Is the Jiangbei Military Region so unbearable in your eyes, Zhuang Momo? If you really think that the head of the Jiangbei Military Region can do such a thing for his son, why do you still Do you want to risk your life to join the army in Jiangbei Military Region?" Zhan Limo glanced at everyone and asked lightly, "Zhuang Momo, if you have evidence to prove that I took the quota of the departing comrade, just show it. . If not, please be careful when speaking.”

What Zhan Li said at the end of the war is reasonable. Indeed, no one can provide evidence to prove that the comrade left because of the end of the war. More importantly, Zhan Nianbei, the head of the Jiangbei Military Region, has a good reputation. Everyone knows that in the Jiangbei Military Region, he only recognizes Strength does not recognize relationships. As long as you have the ability, you can climb up step by step. It is not impossible to replace the leader if you have the ability.

Over the years, officers in the Jiangbei Military Region have all relied on their own abilities to climb up the ranks, and there are many families behind them. This can be said to be unique in the country. It is precisely because everyone saw the opportunities and hopes in the Jiangbei Military Region that they rushed to join the army.

Zhan Nianbei's reputation has been good for decades, but it is not surprising to make an exception for his only son. Therefore, Zhuang Momo and others determined in their hearts that the departure of that comrade must have something to do with Zhan Limo, otherwise the comrade would not Just at the end of the war, Feiying disappeared.

Perhaps he understood the inner thoughts of the comrades here, Zhan Limo added: "Zhuang Momo, if you don't have complete evidence, don't stand up and mess with the rhythm. As a soldier, you must defend yourself for every word you say. Be responsible.”

Zhan Limo had never heard of the matter of taking up a quota, but he firmly believed that the person's departure was definitely not due to his arrival, because he knew his father's style of behavior very well, and Old Man Zhan was definitely not A selfish leader.

Zhuang Momo: "..."

Zhan Limo was right. This matter was just their suspicion and there was no evidence to prove anything. They are now all official members of the Flying Eagle and are qualified warriors. They will be more responsible for their words and deeds in the future.

Other comrades spoke to break the deadlock: "We all know the reputation of the war leader. We should not say anything nonsense just now that destroyed the harmony."

Zhan Limo said: "It's not that you can't speak, but you can't talk behind your back. As a qualified soldier, you have to be responsible for what you say. If you have any questions about the departure of that comrade, you can ask your superiors directly. I I believe that if you ask, your superiors will tell you.”

Someone said: "We asked, but our superiors didn't give us an answer."

It was precisely because their superiors did not give a reply that they suspected that Zhan Limo had taken the place of that comrade.

At the end of the war: "..."

Didn't the superior say anything?

Didn’t Old Man Zhan always advocate that everything should be clearly announced to his superiors?

The superior didn't tell me what he meant. Did Old Man Zhan really let him take someone else's spot?

There were doubts in his heart, but Zhan Limo's attitude was not soft at all: "Then give the superiors some more time. When the time is up, the superiors will announce the specific situation to everyone."

Everyone saw Zhan Limo's strength and no longer dwelled on that matter. Everyone chatted happily again, thinking about the excitement of seeing their parents after returning home.

The army arranged a car to take everyone out of the mountainous area where they were training. When they arrived in the city, they separated and went home to find their respective mothers.

After being freed, Zhan Limo thought not of his mother or father, but of the beautiful girls he yearned for, including Lu Xi. The reason why he went to the army was because he had something to do with Lu Xi. How could I forget her?

Zhan Limo took his mobile phone and called Lu Xi. The person on the other side answered the phone just as he got through. Before he heard the other party speak, Zhan Limo dropped a sweet bomb: "Beauty Lu, where are you? What are you doing? Tell me, I have a surprise for you."

The person on the other end of the phone didn't answer.

At the end of Zhan Li, he said: "I have missed you so much these days that I miss tea and food. I know you must be thinking of me, so I want to treat you to dinner today. The place I chose is my lover's house not far from your company." Come on, see you there.”

Unexpectedly, the answer to Zhan Limo on the phone was not the gentle female voice he thought, but an extremely cold male voice: "Zhan Limo, I think you are living too comfortably these days, and the skin on your body is... It's itchy."

It's Qin Yinjian!

How could it be Qin Yinjian?

Could it be that Qin Yinjian has imprisoned Lu Xi because of what happened last time?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhan Limo shuddered and immediately pretended that he had not said anything just now: "Oh, it turns out to be the second brother Qin. I haven't seen you for a few days. I think you are going crazy." Yes. Are you free at noon today? If so, I’ll treat you to dinner.”

He had to find a way to rescue Lu Xi, otherwise what if Qin Yinjian, a cold and sinister guy, tortured him to death.

Qin Yinjian: "Is the army on holiday?"

Zhan Limo said with a smile: "It seems that the second brother cares about me. I just had a holiday here and you received the news."

Qin Yinjian added: "If you don't want to be sent further away, you can go home and stay with me. If you mess with people you shouldn't mess with, we'll see."

At the end of the war, he risked his life: "Qin Yinjian, let me tell you, if you like Lu Xi, tell her openly and don't do anything illegal. I tell you, in the name of loving someone It is absolutely not feasible to hurt someone under the guise of others. You must not be confused. "

Qin Yinjian thinks that he really did a lot of harm to Lu Xi under the guise of loving her. Thinking of what he did to Lu Xi this year, Qin Yinjian hates himself, but he hates himself. , he didn't want Zhan Limo to teach him a lesson: "You don't need to worry about my affairs."

Upon hearing Qin Yinjian's words, Zhan Limo felt a bang in his heart. Based on his understanding of Qin Yinjian, Qin Yinjian spoke to him in this tone when he acquiesced in something.

At the end of the war, he said anxiously: "Qin Yinjian, it's not my business to care about you. I just want to tell you, don't do something you regret. You can touch your heart and ask yourself. If you hurt Lu Xi, you Are you happy? Is it your fault to hurt her?"

Qin Yinjian: "Troublesome!"

Then he hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Zhan Lim was very worried.

Qin Yinjian, a sinister man, actually has a very high emotional intelligence, but he is a fool when it comes to relationships, so his first girlfriend left him a few years ago.

Now he has finally met a girl he likes again. He will scare people away like this.

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