My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1504: Heir, I care about her because I worry about you

Chapter 1505: Heir, I care about her because I worry about you

Zhan Limo was not a nosy person, he just cared about Qin Yinjian's affairs.

Qin Yinjian is also his friend who grew up with him. Even though he has been cheated by Qin Yinjian many times over the years, he still hopes that Qin Yinjian can have smooth sailing on the road of love in the future and don't have to go through another few years. Something like that happened before.

A few years ago, after Qin Yinjian's first girlfriend left, Qin Yinjian seemed to be a different person.

Qin Yinjian used to be cold, but only cold. When facing his family, people can still feel his love and warmth for them. But after that incident, at the end of Zhan Li, he felt that Qin Yinjian was indifferent to everyone. , the warmth that could be seen in him before disappeared.

In order to prevent Qin Yinjian from falling out of love again, Zhan Limo decided to help him.

At the end of Zhan Li, he took out his mobile phone again, and this time he dialed Antingjie's phone number: "Assistant An Tingjie, where is your president?"

Because it was the end of the war, An Tingjie told the truth: "In Shengtian Hospital."

"Hospital?" Zhan Limo exclaimed, "Is your CEO really in the hospital?"

No wonder the person who answered the call when he dialed Lu Xi's cell phone just now was Qin Yinjian. At the end of Zhan Li, he concluded from the known information that it must be Qin Yinjian. When that stupid guy imprisoned Lu Xi, Lu Xi resisted, and then he hurt someone and killed him. Went to the hospital for rescue.

Antingjie affirmed: "Our president has been in the hospital most of the time these days. It's true."

I've been in the hospital all this time!

At the end of the war, he became more certain of his thoughts.

"Assistant Ante, what do you think your CEO does? Is this something a human being can do? Okay, let's not talk about it anymore... I don't even want to talk about him." Zhan Lim shook his head and sighed. After hanging up the phone, he hailed a taxi and went straight to Shengtian Private Hospital.

It's not difficult to find Qin Yinjian at the end of the war. Just go to the dean's office and ask him.

Seeing that he was the son of the Zhan family, the dean did not dare to neglect him at all and personally led Zhan Nianbei to find Qin Yinjian.

Because last time Lu Xi's stepmother came to the hospital to cause trouble, the floor where Lu Xi and Lu Lu lived was guarded by bodyguards to prevent the Lu family from making trouble again. However, Zhan Limo was a member of his own family, and no one dared to stop him. , not to mention the dean by his side.

Arriving outside the ward, the dean said, "Mr. Zhan, Mr. Qin is inside."

At the end of Zhan Liming, he looked at the door and nodded: "Well, you go and do your business. I'll beat him."

As soon as the dean left, Zhan Limo knocked on the door politely twice. When he heard the people inside saying please come in, he just opened the door and went in. After entering, there was the living room of the suite. Qin Yinjian was sitting in the living room. He He was holding a book in his hand and seemed to be reading it quite seriously.

At the end of Zhan Li, he felt that Qin Yinjian at this moment could best be described by the word "dressed like a beast". He hurt a delicate girl to the point of being admitted to the hospital, but he could still sit outside the ward and read calmly. This kind of behavior is not a beast, so what is it?

The more he thought about it, the more angry Zhan Limo became. He stepped forward, snatched the book from Qin Yinjian's hand and threw it to the ground: "Qin Yinjian, do you think you are still a human being? You said you did it. Is there any humanity left in these things?”

Qin Yinjian raised his sword eyebrows and looked at Zhan Limo coldly: "It seems that my subordinates should be replaced."

"Don't talk about anything else." Zhan Limo was also angry in his heart, "Qin Yinjian, how many times have I told you, women are meant to be hurt and spoiled, and they will be spoiled to the sky. It should be. But look at you, look at what beasts you do all day long?”

Qin Yinjian finally understood what Zhan Limo was scolding: "Things that are worse than animals? Zhan Limo, I really want to know, in your eyes, what kind of things have you done that are worse than animals?"

At the end of Zhan Li, he pointed at Qin Yinjian and said indignantly, "That's the kind of person you are."

Qin Yinjian smiled softly: "What I do as a person who only wants to live with one woman for the rest of my life is called a beast, and what you do when you want to have three girlfriends a day is called a lover's thing. ?”

In terms of eloquence, Zhan Limo has always been better than Qin Yinjian, but now he can't find any words to refute because of Qin Yinjian's words. He also understands that he is eating the food in the bowl and thinking about the food in the pot. This is wrong, but there are too many beautiful women in the world, and every woman has her own beauty. When holding this woman, he can't help but think about the second, third... or even more. More more.

However, he likes them, appreciates them, and loves them, but he has never done anything to hurt them. Thinking of this, Zhan Limo felt that his position was correct: "Qin Yinjian, what I want to say now is what you did, don't blame me."

Qin Yinjian said calmly: "Okay, tell me. I'd like to hear what you say about me."

Qin Yinjian rarely showed an attitude of asking for advice humbly. Zhan Limo couldn't believe it: "Do you really want to hear me talk about you?"

Qin Yinjian nodded: "Tell me. I also want to know why I become a beast in your heart."

Since Qin Yinjian wanted to hear it, Zhan Li was not polite at the end of the war: "Second brother Qin, I really don't want to meddle in your business, but since you like Lu Xi, tell her to pursue her openly. She, don't use any shameful tactics, especially this time, you went so far that she was hospitalized."

At the end of Zhan Li, he glanced at the door of the back room. Worried that Lu Xi in the back room could hear it, he lowered his voice: "I posted the photo of her and her in the hospital to WeChat Moments. I just wanted to make you angry. There is nothing between me and her, but look at you again, what have you done? You put me in the army and locked me up. I don’t care about this, but why did you hurt Lu? What about Xi? She doesn’t know anything, she is innocent.”

Qin Yinjian was quite satisfied with Zhan Limo's explanation, but Zhan Limo was suddenly so nervous about Lu Xi, which made him very dissatisfied: "Zhan Limo, when did you care so much about Lu Xi's affairs? Did the lie come true?”

"Making the lie come true? Qin Yinjian, in your mind, am I, Zhan Limo, the kind of person who steals my brothers' women?" Zhan Limo glared at Qin Yinjian and said very unhappy, "Qin Yinjian, I care about Lu Xi, but Because he is the woman you like."

Qin Yinjian was startled and looked at Zhan Limo with a heavy gaze. It turned out that this guy who seemed to be careless still had his own interests in mind.

At the end of the war, he said: "Because I don't want to see you miss the girl you like again. I hope your love life will go smoothly, and I hope you and Lu Xi can grow old together. I don't want to see you change because of a broken love." He is not like a man or like a ghost."

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