My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1507: The Successor Chapter, the most important thing is Lu Lu’s surgery

Chapter 1508: The Successor Chapter, the most important thing is Lu Lu’s surgery

"Lu Xi..."

"Stop talking! I beg you, don't say anything." Lu Xi didn't want to listen anymore. She couldn't accept this and couldn't believe that the man she had loved for so many years was the man who had caused her pain for so long.

Did he know that it was because of his leaving without saying goodbye that night that she had been living in dire straits all these years? Every time she dreamed about it at midnight, she seemed to go back to that night again, to the one who ruined everything for her. That night.

The recurrence of nightmares made her feel like she was going back to hell again and again.

And how could this person who made her live in hell be Qin Yinjian?

How could it be him?

Whoever it is, it can’t be him!

"Qin Yinjian, take back what you just said. Just pretend that you didn't say it, and I'll pretend that I didn't hear it. You are still the CEO of Shengtian, and I am still Lu Xi. There is no relationship between us. , Lu Lu has nothing to do with you. "Escape is the only way Lu Xi can think of at the moment.

"Lu Xi, the man that night was me. Lu Lu is our child, the child of you and me." Qin Yinjian doesn't want to escape anymore. He must bear the mistakes he made. He no longer wanted to see Lu Xi suffer mental torture alone again.

"No, if I say no, I mean no..." Lu Xi clenched his fists and punched his chest one after another. "I beg you to stop talking, please, I don't want to know, I don't know anything." Do not want to know."

"Lu Xi..." Qin Yinjian let her hit him and let her vent. He didn't hide or resist until Lu Xi was tired of crying and beating, and collapsed weakly in his arms. He was like a hug He held her in his arms like a treasure, "I'm sorry!"

The words "I'm sorry" are really useless, but Qin Yinjian still wants to say it to her. It is also the last time he will say it to her in his life. In the future, he will never say these three meaningless words to her again. Useful words.

"Qin Yinjian, how could it be you? How could it be you?" The tears ran dry and her voice became hoarse; but Lu Xi kept repeating this sentence, and she still didn't want to believe it. It was him, but the facts told her that the man that night was Qin Yinjian.

"Lu Xi, Lu Lu has an operation tomorrow. Let's go freshen up and you should go to bed early." Qin Yinjian wants to stay with Lu Xi all the time, but while Lu Lu is having an operation tomorrow, he will also have an operation. The doctor wants to observe his physical condition tonight, and he must take time to leave.

"Well, I know." Lu Xi nodded heavily. No matter how many emotions, how much helplessness, how much fear, how much uncertainty...she forced it back into her heart to hide it. Now for her, Lu Lu The surgery is the most important thing, everything else can be put aside.

When he came out of the hospital, it was getting late. Looking at the lights of the city slowly lighting up, Zhan Lim couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Oh, the most tortured thing in the world is the word love. I really can't understand how to like someone. Why do people hide it? Isn’t it good to speak out loud?”

Xiao Lele stood next to him, looking up at him with her little head raised, and cooperated with Zhan Limo seriously: "Little cousin, Lele will tell you a secret."

At the end of Zhan Li, he picked up the little guy and said, "little guy, what secret do you want to tell your little cousin?"

Xiao Lele came close to Zhan Limo's ear and said seriously: "Uncle can eat people. Don't anger him. If you accidentally anger him, he will eat you."

At the end of Zhan Liming, he smiled and pinched Xiao Lele's face: "Little guy, who told you?"

Xiao Lele looked around and said mysteriously: "Lele saw it with her own eyes."

At the end of Zhan Li, he was amused by the little guy's mysterious appearance: "Little guy, who did you see your uncle eating?"

Xiao Lele secretly looked around again, then leaned into Zhan Limo's ear again and said loudly: "Uncle bit Aunt Lu Xi yesterday, and Lele saw it. If Aunt Lu Xi hadn't run fast, she would have been bitten by uncle. Eat it in your stomach.”

"Little fool, I usually think you are quite smart, but why are you so stupid now?" Zhan Limo looked at Xiao Lele with disgust, "Your uncle is not eating Aunt Lu Xi, they are kissing, this is It’s something that happens naturally when a man and a woman are deeply in love. You don’t understand it now, but you will understand it when you grow up and have a girlfriend.”

Xiao Lele pouted dissatisfied: "Little cousin, Lele is not stupid. My uncle obviously bit Aunt Lu Xi, which is not a kiss at all. What dad and mom have is called a kiss, and uncle even bit Aunt Lu Xi's mouth The bite was bleeding, and Lele saw it.”

Zhan Limo said in surprise: "Your uncle looks gentle and elegant, but he is really a beast. A girl's mouth is so soft, how can he be willing to bite her and bleed. Little guy, remember this. When you grow up, you will definitely I must learn from my little cousin, be gentle with beautiful girls, be as gentle as you can be.”

Xiao Lele nodded in agreement: "Yes, as gentle as dad is to mom."

Speaking of Xiao Lele's parents, Zhan Limo also had his own thoughts: "Your father is lucky to marry a girl from our family. Thinking about how many people wanted to marry the daughter of the Qin family back then, but who is your mother?" Even at a young age, he ran away thousands of miles away to find a husband, leaving no chance for others. "

Xiao Lele retorted: "It's not that my dad is lucky, it's because my dad loves my mom, and my mom loves my dad. More importantly, I'm here, because I'm cute and lovable, so my mom and dad are together." "

At the end of the war, he was amused by the little guy's innocent words again: "Silly boy, you didn't know where your father and mother were when they met. You, they got you many years after they got married, don't You take yourself so seriously.”

Lele has always believed that the main reason why mom and dad can love each other so much is because there is such a cute little guy like him in the family. Now his belief has been overturned by his trusted little cousin. He is so anxious that his eyes are red: "No. Lele is my parents' favorite."

Zhan Limo: "It's true that your parents love you, but you did get to know you after they got married. This is also a fact. You have to admit it."

Little Lele pouted, pretending to be crying or not: "No, Lele belongs to mom and dad."

Seeing that the little guy was about to cry to him, Zhan Limo wanted to raise his hands and surrender, but he still insisted on letting the little guy know the truth: "Hey...boy, don't cry just because you can't tell me. This is not the case." Something a boy would do."

Xiao Lele: "Mom and dad are Mr. Lele's."

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