My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1508: The Successor, Uncle Can Really Cannibalize People

Chapter 1509: The Successor Chapter, Uncle Can Really Cannibalize People

At the end of Zhan Li's life, what else did he want to say? A familiar car drove up from a distance and slowly stopped in front of them. The person in the passenger seat of the car opened the door and got out of the car: "Xiao Limo, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been lately?" Like?"

Seeing Qin lelan get out of the car, Zhan Limo took a look in the car. The person sitting in the cab was indeed his brother-in-law: "Sister, I'm not young anymore. Don't call me Xiao Limo anymore. There is also a brother-in-law here with me." Xiao Lele is here, please save me some face."

Qin lelan smiled and said, "in front of your sister, you will always be a child."

At the end of the war: "Sister..."

"Mom, I'm Lele..." Little Lele called her mother, and after attracting the attention of Qin leran and Zhan Limo, she burst into tears, "Lele wants a hug from her mother... Lele I don’t want to be hugged by my little cousin.”

I didn't expect this kid to do this. Zhan Limo was really angry and funny. He stuffed Xiao Lele into Qin leran's arms: "Sister, brother-in-law, you came just in time to take this little guy back." , I don’t need to make another trip.”

"By the way, Xiao Limo, I just heard that my little aunt is having a temper with my uncle and grandpa. I don't know why. You'd better go back and take a look first." Qin lelan hugged Xiao Lele's small body and gently She stroked his back gently, but she didn't have time to pay attention to him yet.

"Sister, the quarrel between Qin Xiaobao and Old Man Zhan is no longer a matter of a day or two. Don't worry about them. You have been busy all day. Take Xiao Lele back as soon as possible. I have something to do, so I'll go first." It's common for Qin Xiaobao to lose his temper. Zhan Limo has long been used to it. Usually when the couple loses their temper, they usually take it out on him. It would be stupid for him to go back at this time. He has to find a place to drink. Go pick up girls and let them have a good fight.

At the end of Zhan Li, he waved down a taxi. Before getting into the car, he leaned against Qin leran and their car windows and said, "Brother-in-law, I'm leaving today. I'll have a drink with you another day when I'm free."

Lie: "Be careful when playing outside."

"I know." After saying that, Zhan Limo got into a taxi nearby and went to play while whistling.

Because she was completely ignored by her mother, Xiao Lele was aggrieved. She was so aggrieved that she rubbed herself in her arms again and again, hoping to attract her mother's attention: "Mom..."

Qin leran hugged little Lele and sat in the back seat of the car. He put the little guy into the child's seat. Seeing the little guy's pitiful appearance with tears in his eyes, he couldn't help teasing him: "Oh, my son is crying so sadly. Did your little cousin bully you?"

Little Lele wiped her tears with her little hands and said pitifully: "Lele said that her parents got married because of Lele, but the little cousin said no. Mom, tell Lele quickly, it was the little cousin who was wrong, Lele didn't wrong."

Qin lelan didn't expect that the little guy would care so much about this issue. When Xiao Lele asked them before, they thought the little guy was cute. In order to tease him, they joked that she and his father got married because she had him first. of.

It was just a joke to adults, but the children took it seriously. Qin lelan felt that he needed to face this problem seriously again.

She thought for a while and asked: "Lele, do you think this issue is important whether your parents get married first or you first?"

Xiao Lele nodded: "It's important."

Since it is important, Qin lelan must pay more attention: "Why do you think it is important?"


Little Lele had never thought about this question. Now when his mother asked him, he rubbed his head and thought about it seriously: "Because I think my parents love me the most."

"It turns out that our Lele is worried that mom and dad won't love you enough because of this order." Qin lelan probably understood the little guy's worry. She leaned over and kissed his face. "We asked dad to let Lele worry about this issue." Come and answer Lele, okay?”

Because his wife and children were sitting in the back seat of the car, Lie paid special attention to the speed and surrounding environment when driving. However, he also paid attention to the conversation between their mother and son. Now that his wife has given him the responsibility of educating his son, of course he has to shoulder the responsibility of educating his son. This responsibility: "Lele, first of all, daddy wants to tell you that daddy loves mommy, and daddy loves you too. We are a family of three, an inseparable family of three. Do you understand?"

Lie has stressed this issue to his son countless times, and little Lele has long been familiar with it: "Lele knows, and Lele also loves her parents."

Lie glanced at his wife and children tenderly from the rearview mirror, and then said, "Then why are Lele worried that your parents don't love you?"

Lele was a little confused.

He is not worried, it’s just that he is still young and clings to some of his previous cognitions. Among the few cognitions he has, if a certain cognition is denied, he will be flustered and scared, even if he doesn’t know it at all. What are you afraid of?

Lie added: "My father and my mother fell in love first and then got married. After they got married, they legally had little Lele. The arrival of little Lele not only made the relationship between father and mother better, but also made our family's life better." It’s a lot more fun. Today, Dad is going to tell Lele that Lele was indeed born after her parents got married, but this does not affect our love for Lele, nor does it affect everyone’s love for Lele.”

"Well, Lele understands. From now on, Lele will still be the baby of his parents." Lele seems to understand. In fact, as long as his parents love him, at least whether he was born before or after their marriage, he really Don't really care.

Seeing Xiao Lele smiling cutely, Qin leran also smiled. She looked at her husband driving in the rearview mirror. Seeing him driving attentively and seriously, the smile on her face involuntarily deepened: "lie Brother, you are great, I like you so much.”

Lie glanced at the rearview mirror again, and the couple's eyes collided in the rearview mirror. Although it was only for a moment, Lie felt a little stir in his heart: "Of course, there are some things we can talk about when we get back."

Now that he is driving, let alone saying that this will affect his driving, this girl does not know that she has a great influence on him.

Little Lele imitated her mother's tone: "Dad, you are so great, and I like you so much."

Lie smiled: "Dad also likes you and mom very much."

After confirming that she was still the sweetheart of her parents, Xiao Lele was very happy. She danced and talked about everything that happened in the hospital these days. Finally, she told her parents the secret she had just told her little cousin: " Mom and Dad, my uncle really knows how to eat people, Lele saw it with his own eyes."

Qin leran: "Really? Let Lele tell you."

Lele added: "Uncle eats Aunt Lu Xi. Lele saw it with her own eyes, but my little cousin didn't believe it."

Qin lelan smiled and said, "my silly son!"

Children are the most curious age. It seems that she will have to pay attention to the education of the little guy in the future.

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