My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1509: The Heir, the word

Chapter 1510: The Successor Chapter, the word "divorce" is too emotionally hurtful

At the end of Zhan li's life, he made a call to invite some friends he often played with to go out for a drink. He had just invited everyone together and was still very happy when he was called back home by a call from his mother. Qin Xiaobao told him that she was getting divorced.

Over the years, Qin Xiaobao has often gotten into trouble with Zhan Nianbei, and Qin Xiaobao has often quarreled with Old Man Zhan. However, she has a sense of proportion in her quarrels and never says anything that really hurts her feelings. The word "divorce" has never left her mouth. Said it out.

Hearing the word "divorce" from Qin Xiaobao's mouth this time, Zhan Limo knew that the problem was serious. The battle between Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei should have escalated this time. He had to rush home to see, otherwise these two people I impulsively went to get the divorce certificate, and he will still be the one who suffers from now on.

Zhan Limo immediately gave the driver his new address and asked him to take him home. On the way home, Zhan Limo thought of many words to persuade Qin Xiaobao. Anyway, he wanted to persuade Qin Xiaobao not to divorce Zhan Nianbei. After all, his son had grown up. After returning home, what Zhan Limo saw It was completely different from what he imagined.

Looking back, if Qin Xiaobao was having a temper tantrum with Zhan Nianbei, he could hear her noise outside the door. Today he has entered the house and has not heard any sound. The house is very quiet, so quiet that it makes people feel like there is something else. So a little bit creepy.

"Mom..." Zhan Li called at the end, but no one answered. He looked around, "Chief Zhan, are you here? If you are, please answer me and don't scare me."

Still no one at home answered.

At the end of Zhan Li, he changed his shoes and went straight to his parents' room. As soon as he opened the door, he felt something was wrong. Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei were sitting quietly, without any noise or fuss... ...It was precisely because they didn't make any noise that Zhan Limo felt abnormal.

Qin Xiaobao always yelled and made trouble when she was angry, wishing that the whole world would know her grievances, but today she didn't. At the end of Zhan Li, he couldn't believe what he saw: "Mom, dad, you two have done it today." What kind of fun is this?"

Zhan Nianbei's eyes glanced coldly from Qin Xiaobao to Zhan Limo: "Zhan Limo, you came back just in time. Your mother and I are discussing divorce. If you have any opinions, You can also bring it up now.”

The word "divorce" actually came out of Zhan Nianbei's mouth. Zhan Limo once again felt that the outlook on life he had established over the past twenty years was about to collapse: "Dad, you must know that you What are you talking about?"

Qin Xiaobao's bad habits were all caused by old man Zhan's pampering. This man who doted on his wife to no end would hear the word "divorce" from his mouth today, which really surprised Zhan Limo. He once again suspected that there was something wrong with his hearing today.

"We are discussing divorce!" Zhan Nianbei said again, every word strong and powerful.

"Dad, how can you be impulsive?" Seeing Zhan Nianbei's tough attitude, Zhan Limo turned his attention to Qin Xiaobao. Qin Xiaobao had no expression on his face, and he probably didn't expect what would come out of Zhan Nianbei's mouth. Hearing the word "divorce", I didn't react for a moment, "Mom, Dad, what kind of drama are you acting in? If you want to trick me into coming back, I'm already back, and your drama can be put away." Come on, stop acting. If you act too much, it will make you feel fake.”

Zhan Nianbei frowned and said, "Who acted with you? This matter is more real than pearls."

"Zhan Nianbei, you want to divorce me, right? Just divorce." Qin Xiaobao stood up and glared at Zhan Nianbei fiercely, "Zhan Nianbei, remember for my aunt, I am the one who wants the divorce. I, Qin Xiaobao, don’t want you Zhan Nianbei, but you Zhan Nianbei don’t want me, Qin Xiaobao.”

"Oh, Qin Xiaobao, please remember this for me. It's me, Zhan Nianbei, who doesn't want you, not you, Qin Xiaobao, who doesn't want me." I don't know if the man who always dotes on his wife has the wrong connection or something. Zhan Nianbei actually competed with Qin Xiaobao and was unwilling to give in even a step.

Seeing that the two couples were about to get into a fight over the topic of who abandoned whom, Zhan Limo quickly jumped in between them to stop them from continuing to argue: "You two, can we stop for a while, sit down and talk and solve the problem? , Can you please stop having a tantrum like a child?”

The two couples did not want to get together with Zhan Limo. According to Zhan Limo's inner thoughts, it would be fine if they wanted to divorce. In the future, the two of them would not be able to live together, nor would they be able to show affection and abuse him. This would be the best outcome, but these two After all, they are his parents. If they really divorce, he will be a child of a single-parent family, and it won't sound good to talk about it.

Zhan Nianbei snorted coldly: "Speak well? Look at her, when has she calmed down and spoken properly when something happened in these years? In these years, as long as things don't go her way, she can give me some advice It’s getting more and more outrageous to go to the house and dig. If she continues to act unruly, she will tear down our family.”

At the end of Zhan Li, he didn't give Zhan Nianbei any face: "Dad, you are not used to mom's bad habits."

Zhan Nianbei: "I don't want to get used to it now."

"Zhan Nianbei, what the hell did you say when you married me?" Qin Xiaobao was so angry that he wanted to rush over and fight Zhan Nianbei, but Zhan Limo stood in the middle. She didn't fight, so she could only talk quickly, "Now you I can’t get used to it anymore. There is no way. Let me tell you, if you want a divorce, I will not deviate. I will pester you in this life, and you will never leave me until you die. "

"Huh... Really? If you say we can't divorce, we won't divorce?" Zhan Nianbei sneered, "Qin Xiaobao, this matter is not up to you. I will report to my superiors tomorrow that this marriage must be divorced. I can’t survive.”

Qin Xiaobao was so angry that she rushed over and hugged Zhan Nianbei. She opened her mouth and bit his arm hard. After one bite, she still couldn't relieve her anger. She took a second bite. After the bite, she gave a warning: "Zhan Nianbei, you are really If you dare to divorce me, I will bite you to death."

Seeing Qin Xiaobao's fierce grin, Zhan Nianbei smiled lightly, and a gentle smile flashed in his eyes. Qin Xiaobao didn't see it because he was angry, but Zhan Limo on the side saw it clearly. It turned out that his old man Dad didn't want to divorce mom at all, but this time he took a preemptive approach.

Otherwise, if Qin Xiaobao is allowed to make trouble, she will probably tear the whole family apart.

One day later, Zhan Limo asked Zhan Nianbei: "Dad, why do you dare to take such a risky approach?"

Zhan Nianbei's answer: "Your mother has been chasing me since she was a child. She can no longer leave me, just like I can't leave her."

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