My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1522: The Successor, Enlarging Moves

Chapter 1523: Successor Chapter, Magnifying Move

Zhuang's mother said dubiously: "Momo, it's best if you don't have a relationship with him. If there is a relationship, your father and I won't know how to help you."

Zhuang Momo said: "Don't worry about me, I will handle it myself. Let's go through the admission procedures first and let grandpa move in first."

Zhuang's mother sighed: "Although your grandfather has disliked me for not giving birth to a son for their Zhuang family over the years, and he has not shown less favor to you three sisters, when it is time to protect you, he will definitely protect you."

When it comes to grandpa, Zhuang Momo still remembers her grandpa. She still remembers that when she was ten years old, the boy next door bullied her. She endured without saying a word, but grandpa happened to see him. Grandpa took her to the boy's house. Tell those people clearly that our banker’s daughter will not let anyone bully her.

Grandpa dislikes the fact that the three sisters are girls, but he does not allow anyone to bully the three sisters, even saying something bad behind their backs. After all, grandpa just can't get rid of the old-fashioned idea that men must inherit martial arts in his family. As long as he has passed the hurdle in his heart, he will be a very good grandpa.

Although grandpa favors boys over girls, he has taught Zhuang Momo many things and how to behave. In Zhuang Momo's heart, she still respects her grandfather. She hopes that her grandfather's health will get better. Can live a long life.

"Huh, little guy, you actually refused the flowers from me." Zhuang Momo didn't accept the flowers. Not only was Zhan Limo not angry, but he laughed cheerfully, "Woman, woman, you should Know that men are naturally animals with a strong desire to conquer. The more you reject them, the more interested they will be in you, and they will never give up until they chase you. "

"Master, are you okay?" The flower-giver himself felt that this matter was very bad, and was mentally prepared to be scolded by Zhan Limo. Who knew that their young master had no signs of getting angry at all, which was very disturbing. Puzzled.

"You go and do your work, I have my own plans." An ordinary beauty would send flowers and treat her to dinner, and she would agree to date him very smoothly. It's only right for a beauty of this level to put more thought into it, but then again , most of the little girlfriends at the end of the war these years have taken the initiative to pursue him, and he has never used his ultimate move on any of them.

Big move?

What kind of ultimate move do you want?

In the past, Zhan Limo felt that he could think of a big move at any time, but today his head suddenly short-circuited. He wanted to call Qin Yinjian, but when he thought of Qin Yinjian being eaten up by a woman, Zhan Li decided to call him. Can't fight out anymore.

He couldn't call Qin Yinjian, so at the end of Zhan Li he called other friends. When those people heard that he needed a big move to chase his girlfriend, everyone laughed: "Mr. Zhan, Mr. Zhan, you are just teasing us. You can With your wealth and your appearance, no matter how many women want to pounce on you, there is no need for you to take the initiative to chase women. "

At the end of the war: "You are talking about ordinary women. Now I want to pursue a special woman."

The other party asked: "For Mr. Zhan to be so attracted to you, we are very curious about how special that woman is? What is the special method?"

At the end of the war, he thought for a moment: "She looks very good-looking."

The other party said: "Tch, after all, it's all about having a good-looking appearance. There are so many good-looking women in the world, and you and the Young Master can't just get them all."

At the end of the war: "I just want this."

Thinking of that girl's watery appearance, it really makes people salivate, and I can't wait to eat it in one bite.

The other party said: "Does that girl know your identity?"

At the end of the war: "I used my connections to ask her to help hospitalize her family. Doesn't she know that my identity is not simple?"

The other party added: "It really doesn't take much skill to get involved in the hospital. If you know the doctors in the hospital, it's possible."

At the end of Zhan Li, he suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Do you think that apart from this identity, I have no other advantages to attract girls?"

The other party smiled and said: "No, no, no, not only is your identity scary, but you are also good-looking. These are your advantages."

At the end of the war: "Stop talking nonsense and give me two big moves. I still have three days. If I can't deal with this girl in these three days, she may become someone else when she comes out of the army next time." The prey of men.”

The other party said: "Then be more direct and tell her face to face that you want to date her."

Zhan Limo hesitated and said, "What if someone rejects me face to face?"

The other party added: "Impossible. There is no woman in the world who can reject Mr. Zhan in person."

Hearing what his friend said, Zhan Limo's confidence suddenly rose again. That's right, for such an outstanding man like him, who is gentle and considerate to girls, no woman should be able to refuse him.

Zhan Limo, who had always been very mobile, decided to take immediate action and confess his love to the girl directly while everyone was in the hospital.

Zhuang Momo had completed the hospitalization procedures and was about to go home first to pick up her grandfather for hospitalization. When she turned around and saw Zhan Limo again, she instinctively frowned in disgust when she saw Zhan Limo this time. She turned sideways and wanted to leave. He took a detour around him.

Everyone in Jiangbei knows that Shengtian Hospital is a hospital run by the Qin family, and they all know the relationship between the Qin family and the Zhan family. The best way to live well on their territory is to try not to provoke them as much as possible, but Zhuang Wherever Momo turns, Zhan Li will end up blocked.

At the end of the war, he showed a handsome smile that he thought was beautiful: "Sister Xiaozhuang, we just met, you don't know me, right?"

"Get out of the way." Zhuang Momo just said two words coldly.

"Sister Xiaozhuang, I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore. Let's get straight to the point. I want to pursue you and I hope you agree to be my girlfriend." Zhan Limu felt that as soon as he said these words, the other party would definitely agree. Be his girlfriend.

However, he never expected that as soon as he finished speaking, the other party punched him in the eye: "Get away, don't let me see you again."

At the end of Zhan Li, he came to pursue his girlfriend with ten thousand sincerity. Unexpectedly, not only did he not get the other party's consent, but he also got a heavy punch from the other party. However, considering that the other party was a beautiful woman, he could bear it: " Little sister, do you have any misunderstanding about me? "

Zhuang Momo snorted coldly: "What misunderstanding do you think I can have about a pervert like you?"

"Pervert?" Zhan Limo seemed to have heard a terrible joke, but because the other party was a beauty, he could bear it. "Little girl, do you know how to write the word pervert? Do you know what a pervert does?"

"Go away!" She looked at this annoying face every day in the army, and now she could meet him outside. Did she owe him something in her previous life, or something?

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