My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1523: The Successor, I am beautiful and he is handsome too

Chapter 1524: The Successor Chapter, I am beautiful and he is handsome too

Seeing that she was about to hit someone again, Zhan Limo frowned. Why was this person like the one named Zhuang Momo, always using violence to solve problems? Are all people named Zhuang so violent?

But because of her good looks, he could bear to do anything to her, but he would never let go of that fake woman named Zhuang Momo.

"Don't let me see you again, or I'll beat you every time I see you!" After leaving the harsh words, Zhuang Momo turned and left.

"Young girl, you have quite a stubborn temper, but I like it." Zhan Limo touched the eye socket where she had hit him. It hurt a little, but thinking about the day when such a hot beauty was conquered by him, he felt a great sense of accomplishment. You don't have to worry about other things with her.

"Master Zhan, look..." This scene happened to be seen by Dean Huang who was passing by. He didn't know whether he should do something or not. He should just obey the instructions of such a master, so as not to do bad things with good intentions and be thankless. .

"It's okay. You are busy with your business, and leave me alone." Zhan Limo was about to leave, his eyes really hurt, "Brother Qin's ward will bring you medicine to relieve congestion."

Lu Xi was slightly surprised when he saw Zhan Limo appear again after leaving: "Mr. Zhan, why are you here again?"

At the end of Zhan Li, he sat down on the sofa and said, "Were you beaten just now?"

"Were you beaten?" Lu Xi was surprised, thinking who would have the courage to touch the Zhan family in Jiangbei, but when he saw that Zhan Limo's eyes were swollen like panda eyes, Still couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Who is so bold as to dare to disturb your head?"

"My girlfriend beat her up." In Zhan Limo's opinion, no matter how difficult it is to chase the other party, he can't escape his grasp in the end, so that Xiaozhuang sister is already his girlfriend.

"Did your girlfriend beat you?" Lu Xi turned to the kitchen and served soup while saying, "Mr. Zhan, it stands to reason that it is not the turn of outsiders like us to interfere in your personal affairs, but I still want to say something. Do you like it? A person should be devoted to others, and never step on the other side. Not only will it be difficult for you, but it will also be difficult for the girls you hurt. "

"You're a woman, what do you know... I'm hungry too, bring me a bowl of soup. I'll go back after eating." Zhan Limo took the chopsticks on the table and said very seriously, " Anyone who knows me knows that I am serious about every one of my girlfriends.”

"If you are serious, you can deny the fact that you are carefree." Lu Xi snatched the chopsticks, "I prepared this for Mr. Qin, yours will wait a little longer."

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin who knows you every day, think about what he did to you?" Zhan Limo glared at Lu Xi and said, "Today I will teach you a lesson and let you know What is the true value of a woman?”

"You?" Lu Xi thought it was a joke.

But at the end of the war, he had his own theory: "Men are male animals, and male animals generally have a strong desire to conquer. They are only interested in prey that they have not yet obtained. Once the prey is obtained, it will be very important to them." It will lose the most essential attraction. So when a man pursues you, the more difficult he is to catch you, the more he will cherish you every day after he catches you. Put him first and he will ignore you."

Lu Xi: "I was the one chasing him."

Zhan Limo was so surprised that his eyes nearly jumped out of his sockets: "What did you say? You said you were together and you were the one chasing him? Let me tell you how many men who are as beautiful as you are eyeing you. You Why can't you think of pursuing Qin Yinjian's evildoer? "

Lu Xi said calmly: "I am beautiful, and he is also handsome."

Zhan Limo: "It's because of your thoughts that he can bully you at will after you are together. Don't forget how he bullied and exploited you during the year you worked in Shengtian of your workforce.”

Lu Xi: "He also paid me a salary."

At the end of Zhan li, what else did he want to say? The door to the back room was opened and Qin Yinjian came out. His cold eyes were on him: "at the end of Zhan li, I think I was too kind to you, so you forgot Who can be messed with and who can’t be messed with.”

At the end of Zhan Li, he immediately put on a smiling face: "Second brother Qin, look at what you said. My admiration for you is like the water of the Yellow River. You are simply the idol of my life. How dare I go behind your back?" I'm messing with you. Miss Lu, Brother Qin is here, please put the soup in and let's eat."

Qin Yinjian sat down: "Who allowed you to eat here?"

Only he can eat the food cooked by his woman, so how can it be the turn of Zhan Limo, a brat like him.

At the end of the war: "I'm almost starving to death, and you still won't let me eat."

Qin Yinjian: "Go out from the gate, there are restaurants everywhere, and they can still make you hungry."

It didn't make sense to Qin Yinjian. At the end of Zhan Li, he looked at Lu Xi and said, "Beautiful Lu, ignore him and quickly bring out the dishes and bowls."

Lu Xi spread his hands: "I listen to him."

At the end of the war: "..."

It’s really not like a family doesn’t come into the same house.

After Zhan Limo left, Lu Xi first served Qin Yinjian soup, and then brought two light stir-fry dishes to the table: "Drink a bowl of soup first to replenish your body and then eat the vegetables."

Qin Yinjian didn't look at Tang at all. His eyes stayed on her face. He looked at her face and suddenly reached out to hook her neck, pushed her to him, kissed her lips lightly, and After a brief taste of her, he was still not satisfied and wanted to go deeper.

But Lu Xi pushed him away: "I told you to eat, don't mess around."

Qin Yinjian: "These soups and dishes are not as delicious as you."

Lu Xi blushed and glanced at him shyly: "You are still weak. You should take good care of yourself quickly and let you eat another day."

Qin Yinjian pinched her blushing face and raised his brows: "Little fool, do you know that you are tempting me to commit a crime like this?"

Lu Xi glanced at him: "Drink the soup quickly. If you don't drink it, it will get cold. The taste will be different when it gets cold."

Qin Yinjian felt that he was fine, but Lu Xi wanted to treat him as a weak patient, so he simply asked her for privileges because he was a patient: "Sit down too, and we will eat together."

Worried that he would do anything again, Lu Xi moved a few steps to the side, sat down far away from him, and filled herself a bowl of soup. She was about to drink the soup, but saw that Qin Yinjian hadn't drunk it yet. , his eyes were still fixed on her face, as if he wanted to see two holes in her face.

How could this man be so willful? He didn't know that he now needed to supplement some nutrition to recover his body as soon as possible: "Qin Yinjian, if you look at me again, I will drive you out of here and let you never look at me again. Not to me."

This woman is so beautiful and cute even when she is angry.

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