My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1531: The Heir, the pain of not getting what you want

Chapter 1532: The Successor Chapter, the pain of not getting what you want

"Okay, okay..." I had long heard that Qin Yinjian was going to take his grandson-in-law and great-grandson home. Grandpa Qin had prepared the red envelopes for the meeting early, and was waiting to officially meet the two children and give them the red envelopes, "Good girl, Good boy, please stay with grandpa more often."

When he heard Grandpa Qin say that Lu Lu missed Qin Yinjian very much, Lu Xi's eyes moved back and forth on the faces of Qin Yinjian and Lu Lu. To be honest, she knew Lu Lu was Qin Yinjian's child before, but she didn't think they were very similar.

Listening to Grandpa Qin mention this today, the two people, big and small, really seemed to be carved from the same mold. The eyes are like attractive peach blossom eyes, the face, the bridge of the nose, and even the shape of the ears are very similar.

It can really be described as exactly the same, of course, the premise is that there is no distinction between big and small.

Looking at the father and son, Lu Xi slapped her forehead angrily. The two looked so similar, why didn't she notice it before. If she had discovered it earlier, she wouldn't have let the nightmare haunt her for so many years.

Grandpa has spoken, but this girl still responds stupidly. She must be stupid. Seeing that Lu Xi was still in a daze, Qin Yinjian bent his arm and bumped Lu Xi: "Lu Xi, this is my grandpa, don't be stupid, call someone quickly."

"Hello, Grandpa!" Grandpa Qin is a very amiable old man. The years have added traces of time on his head and face, but he cannot hide the high-spiritedness of his youth. It is not difficult to see him now. Handsome shadow.

"Okay, okay, everything is okay... Hello girl, okay baby, our old Qin family has a new member. Today is a good day, we must celebrate it." Grandpa Qin nodded repeatedly, smiling from ear to ear, " Girl, this is the red envelope prepared by grandpa for you, please accept it quickly."

Lu Xi took the red envelope with both hands: "Thank you, grandpa!"

Grandpa Qin gave another red envelope to little Lu Lu: "Lu Lu, this is a meeting gift from Grandpa Zeng. You must accept it."

Lu Lu also imitated Lu Xi's actions and stretched out his hands to take the red envelope from Grandpa Zeng: "Thank you, Grandpa Zeng!"

Grandpa Qin reached out and touched the child's head, and sighed: "The children have grown up! I am indeed old! Time is really making people grow old, but when you are old, you are old, and there is nothing to complain about. Yes, after all, this is the path that everyone must take in life.”

As he spoke, two tears rolled down the corners of the old man's eyes. It turned out that he thought of his deceased wife again, and silently told her in his heart: "Yan'er, you saw it. Not only Aze got married, but our little cutie also got married." I am married and have children. It would be great if you could watch my children start a family and start a business together. But you are so cruel that you left me alone and went so far away. I have thought about it all these years. I saw you in my dream, but you didn’t want to come out to see me.”

After Grandma Qin's death, Grandpa Qin's physical condition has not been very good, but it is hard to say that he has survived after so many years.

At this moment, when he saw that his children and grandchildren were all married and had children, and everyone in the family was living a good life, all the burdens in his heart were lifted. He breathed a sigh of relief, and his body felt like Suddenly it doesn't work.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" Qin Yinjian, with quick eyes and quick hands, supported Grandpa Qin who almost fell. "Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Grandpa Qin shook his head: "Grandpa, there is nothing wrong with him. He just misses your grandma so much all of a sudden and wants to go to her world to be with her. Your grandma was frail and sick when she was young, and she always needed someone to take care of her. Without me these years, Taking care of her, I don’t know how she is doing.”

Qin Yinjian: "Grandpa..."

He wanted to say that there is no other world. Death is like a lamp going out and everything is gone. But Qin Yinjian couldn't say it. Grandma is what Grandpa misses most. She is the most reluctant person in Grandpa's life, but she is better than him. Gone years ago.

Thinking of his deceased grandma, Qin Yinjian watched Lu Xi for a year.

If one day, he and Lu Xi also face death, he hopes that Lu Xi will die first, because she definitely doesn't want to stay alone in this world, and he will never leave her alone.

Grandpa Qin said: "Xiao Jian, my grandson's wife and great-grandson's grandpa have all met. You can take them out to play. Grandpa wants to rest for a while."

Qin Yinjian said worriedly: "Grandpa, we are here to accompany you."

At this time, it was absolutely impossible for Qin Yinjian to let Grandpa Qin stay alone in the backyard to rest. He hurriedly contacted the family doctor. After the doctor checked, he said that there was no big problem with his grandpa. Qin Yinjian was relieved.

Lu Xi blamed herself: "If I hadn't come, grandpa wouldn't have been so excited that he almost fainted. It's all my fault."

Qin Yinjian glared at her: "Lu Xi, let me warn you, don't take everything on yourself. Don't you allow grandpa to be happy when he sees his granddaughter-in-law and great-grandson?"

Lu Xi said dullly: "Oh."

Grandpa Qin was not feeling well, and everyone in the family rushed over, but no one bothered Grandpa Qin to rest. The old man is old, and the most taboo thing is not having a good rest. Everyone waited in the outer courtyard to confirm that Grandpa Qin was fine before returning. Go to the living room.

"Little Lele! Little Lu Lu!" Looking at the two little guys, Ji Rou can't help but want to get close to them and love them. But when she is tired and sleepy from playing, the little guy's first thought is What she misses is her mother, she is not in her heart at all, which makes her feel so lost.

When the whole family gathered in the hall, Ji Rou was in the yard, staring at the sky alone in a daze.

Thinking about it, Ji Rou's lips raised slightly and she smiled softly. It turned out that she thought of a very beautiful picture. In the picture, she finally had her own baby. The baby was running around her and calling her mother sweetly.

"Baby..." Seeing the beautiful baby surrounding her, Lu Xi wanted to hold her in her arms, but when she reached out to grab it, she found nothing. Not only was the baby not caught, but the beautiful picture disappeared together, which made Ji Rou feel so distressed that her heart almost broke.



Why would God be so cruel to her?

She wanted a baby so much, but they just weren't willing to give her one.

Jirou rubbed her belly hard, and then slapped herself hard: "It's all your fault for not living up to expectations! It's all your fault for not living up to expectations! It's all your useless belly! If you could live up to your expectations even a little bit, , and Qin Yinze will not have any children after being married for so many years. The second and third children in the family have children, but he, as the eldest, does not, and he may not have any in the future. "

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