My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1532: The Successor, the Only Way

Chapter 1533: The Successor, the Only Way

"Jirou, what are you doing?" Qin Yinze rushed over from behind, hugged the emotional Jirou into his arms, and prohibited her from doing anything to hurt herself again, "I've told you many times, All I want is you, I don’t want any children, why don’t you listen?”

Over the years, Qin Yinze knows how much Ji Rou wants a child. He has also tried hard, but he has not been able to get her pregnant. As long as she stays by his side, it really doesn't matter whether she has children or not. He just wants her, but all this woman thinks about is her children.

"Qin Yinze, I'm fine, don't worry." Ji Rou wants to pretend that nothing happened, but she has been married for so many years and she doesn't know how to disguise herself. How could Qin Yinze not see her little thoughts? "Ji Rou, calm down and listen to me carefully."

Ji Rou smiled: "What do you want to say?"

Qin Yinze pushed her out of his arms, held her shoulders instead, lowered his head slightly, and asked her to look into his eyes: "Jirou, look at me, I will tell you clearly once again, as long as I have you, I will be fine. It really doesn’t matter if you have kids or not.”

This is not the first time he has said these words to Ji Rou. He doesn't want to put pressure on her, but the more pressure he hears in Ji Rou's ears, the more Qin Yinze understands her, the more she blames herself, and the more she blames herself. He wanted to have a child of his and hers, so that his original family would not have any descendants from him.

"Qin Yinze, how about we get a divorce. After the divorce, if you marry another woman, the other woman can give birth to a child for you." Perhaps because she was too excited, Ji Rou said some random words, some consecutive words She felt distressed when she heard the words, but she said them. After she said them, she regretted, "No, Qin Yinze, that's not what I meant. I just really hope to have one of our children."

Qin Yinze grabbed Jirou's shoulders and squeezed her so hard that it hurt her, but he still didn't let go: "Jirou, I can live a good life without children. But if I lose you, I will not let go." There is no way to survive for even a minute. Do you understand? For my sake and yours, can we stop thinking about the child?"

"Okay, I don't want to have children, I don't want to have children." Jirou tried hard to convince herself not to think about children, but whenever she saw other people's children, she would always think that she had no children. She was almost crazy with this thought. If she continued like this If you go on, you will probably have a mental breakdown.

Qin Yinze held her in his arms distressedly: "Jirou...Jirou...can you tell me why you have to have a child?"

"Qin Yinze, I like children, I hope we can have a child." For Ji Rou, she especially wants children, not only because she wants to have a continuation of her and Qin Yinze's bloodline, but also because she wants to have a continuation of her and Qin Yinze's bloodline. I hope to leave some blood for Qin Yinze's original family.

Some things have been passed down for thousands of years and cannot be thrown away. Although the current thoughts are constantly changing, how many people still hope that they can have a child as a continuation of the family bloodline.

Ji Rou knows that Qin Yinze's parents died in a car accident early in his life, and he is the only child in the family. If she doesn't leave him any blood, she's worried that they won't have the face to meet Qin Yinze's father and mother when they get old.

Qin Yinze looked at her for a long time and said slowly: "Do you really want a child that much?"

Ji Rou nodded: "I think so."

She has been working hard to condition her body, and she has been working hard, but the opportunity has never come. If she is given another chance, she will definitely protect this child and will never let the child disappear from this world before it grows into a human form.

Please give her another chance, believe her, she can do it.

Qin Yinze clenched his fists tightly and squeezed out one word from between his teeth: "Okay."

Since she was obsessed with thinking about children, he had no choice but to give her a child.

Ji Rou also understands that if Qin Yinze had not agreed to her, she would have been able to have a child. This would have depended on luck, a lot of luck.

This time she hoped God would open her eyes.

After agreeing to Ji Rou's request, Qin Yinze asked Ji Rou to go back to the house first. He walked to the deserted courtyard and dialed Pengshan's phone number in Minluo City. When the call was connected, Pengshan's stupid words came immediately on the phone. Stupid voice: "Sir, what are your orders?"

After hesitating for a while and taking a deep breath, Qin Yinze finally made up his mind and spoke slowly: "Pengshan, inform the laboratory that we can artificially inseminate the suitable surrogate mother we found. "

Ji Rou wants to have a child, but her uterus is different from ordinary people. It was already difficult to conceive before she was traumatized. She was injured again due to an accidental miscarriage a few years ago, so no matter how hard she tried for so many years, she could not get pregnant. Get on the kids.

Since all she was thinking about was the child, Qin Yinze decided to take the backup method that he had thought of before, using artificial insemination to let another woman carry a child for him and Jirou instead of Jirou, so that he could also give Jirou a child to fulfill her dream. wish.

Qin Yinze had already had his and Jirou's sperm and eggs frozen, and they could be used at any time when needed. But he didn't know whether artificial insemination could be successful, or whether Jirou could accept another woman to replace her. Pregnant……

Because there are too many uncertainties, Qin Yinze has no way to tell Jirou about this in advance. He has to wait until the conception is successful and the child is born before telling Jirou that he will have a child at that time. For the sake of the child For her own sake, Jirou should be able to accept it.

Qin Yinze also tried every method, but Jirou didn't get pregnant. Now he had no choice but to use this method to conceive a child for him and Jirou. More importantly, he didn't want Jirou to risk her pregnancy. Risk your life to give birth to his child.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yinze clenched his fists and silently chanted Jirou's name in his heart: "Jirou, there is no way out after this thing started. I don't know if I am right to do this?"

The night is getting darker.

Nuoyuan is brightly lit, like daylight.

The Qin family is finally gathered together.

The family is sitting at a large dining table, enjoying themselves and being extremely warm.

But Lu Xi was a little nervous. She was so nervous that she didn't dare to use too much force when picking up vegetables, for fear that she would break her chopsticks if she got nervous.

Qin Yinjian quietly shook her hand under the table and told her not to worry with his eyes.

Lu Xi didn't know what was wrong with her. The better the Qin family treated her and the more enthusiastic they were, the more hairy she felt. If the Qin family had been more cold and arrogant towards her, she probably wouldn't be as uneasy as she is now.

It was because everyone was so good to her that she felt pressure not to look bad in front of them or let them look down on her.

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