My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1540: The Successor, was he ruined?

Chapter 1541: The Successor Chapter, was it ruined?

Dong Dong——

The knock on the door sounded again.

Lu Xi turned around and opened the door. When the door opened, she saw Qin Yinjian. She breathed a sigh of relief, but before she could finish her breath, her heart started to rise again - because Qin Yinjian standing outside the door looked unhappy. Good-looking, but very unfavorable.

Lu Xi tried her best to put up a sweet smile, but she didn't laugh and was covered up by Qin Yinjian's cold face. She immediately squeezed out the door, pulled him and asked in a low voice: "You look so ugly, why?" What happened?"

Before Qin Yinjian could speak, Ji Rou's voice came again in the room: "Lu Xi, baby, I've been waiting for you for a long time, come on, come on."

Qin Yinjian's face was even more ugly. It could be described as stained with frost. He stared at Lu Xi so hard that Lu Xi's back went cold: "What's wrong with you? Just tell me if you have something to say. Looking at me like this, let's I'm so confused."

Qin Yinjian showed his usual cold attitude and said nothing.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Xi became very angry: "If nothing happens, I'll go back to the room and sleep first."

She turned to leave, but was grabbed by Qin Yinjian: "What are you and your sister-in-law doing in the room?"

Lu Xi: "What else can you do besides sleeping?"

Qin Yinjian: "You..."

Looking at his clenched fists with an angry look, Lu Xi vaguely seemed to understand why he was angry. She couldn't help laughing and poked his chest: "Qin Yinjian, even my sister-in-law is jealous." Are you embarrassed to eat it too?”

When Lu Xi said the central thing, Qin Yinjian darkened again, with an awkward look in his eyes: "Go and take Lu Lu Lu out, and follow me to another room."

Lu Xi smiled and said, "You are really jealous."

Qin Yinjian: "Go quickly."

Lu Xi: "My sister-in-law likes children. If she wants to take the children to sleep together, just let her take Lu Lu to sleep for one night."

Qin Yinjian: "I'm not worried."

Lu Xi said with a smile: "What's there to worry about? Are you still worried that your sister-in-law will eat me?"

Qin Yinjian: "Why don't you hug Lu Lu?"

This man, what does this tone mean?

If she didn't hug Lu Lu, he would throw her downstairs: "Qin Yinjian, my sister-in-law and I slept in the same room all night, and you were so anxious. If I was like you, messing around with women outside, you Don’t eat me.”

Qin Yinjian: "Who is messing around with flowers outside?"

Lu Xi: "People are coming to your door. Do you think you can hide it from me?"

Qin Yinjian: "Who said anything to you?"

Lu Xi: "Qin Yinjian, thank you!"

Thanks to him for knowing that she was secretly selling the jewelry he gave her but not exposing it, thus protecting her fragile face. If he had stood up and accused her at that time, she didn't know what drastic things she might have done. Fortunately he is there.

Qin Yinjian: "What do you mean?"

Lu Xi stood on tiptoes, came up and kissed him on the corner of the mouth, and then immediately retreated into the room: "Master Qin, it's not late, go and have a rest early. See you tomorrow!"

Qin Yinjian was stunned because of her sudden stolen kiss. When he reacted, Lu Xi had already gotten into the room. He couldn't catch her if he wanted to.

He clearly knew that Ji Rou was joking with Lu Xi, and there would be no tricks between the two women, but because he had lost Lu Xi once, he was too nervous about her. If there was a slight disturbance, he would be extremely nervous. It’s ridiculous to think about it.

"Brother-in-law, are you really worried that I'll eat you?" When Lu Xi entered the room, Ji Rou said this at the beginning, "To be honest, if you want to eat me, you will also eat your son. How can I eat such a big man like you?" .”

Knowing that Ji Rou was joking with herself, Lu Xi smiled and said, "Men are all petty. There are a lot of us women, so we don't know each other like them."

Ji Rou echoed: "Yes, men are very narrow-minded, especially the men of the Qin family. Others can't even take a second look at their women, as if women are their possessions."

This sounded like he was complaining, but Ji Rouyue raised his eyebrows higher and higher, and finally laughed happily. The man Qin Yinze has a stronger desire to control her, but he is also really good to her. He will not let her get hot in hot weather, and will not let her freeze in cold weather. He can do almost anything he can think of for her. Do it.

Many times, she thought that God had treated her well. Although they deprived her of the opportunity to conceive and have children, they gave her such a good husband.

The two sisters-in-law who met for the first time were still strangers to each other, but Ji Rou and Lu Xi were particularly attracted to each other. The two of them had a lot of topics to talk about, and the conversation lasted until midnight. As a result, they both talked about it when they got up the next day. With two black panda eyes.

The Qin family's schedule was punctual. Everyone got up early in the morning and went to the restaurant to prepare breakfast. The atmosphere was very warm.

At the same time, everyone in the Cheng family gathered at home, but the atmosphere was very tense.

When she left Nuoyuan to go home last night, Ling Feiyu left Cheng Yuyang behind. She originally thought that the little girl would take a taxi home, but she didn't know that the couple sat in the living room and waited all night for Cheng Yuyang to come back. In the morning When the first ray of sunshine shone into the home, Ling Feiyu couldn't sit still: "Cheng Xuyang, call your precious daughter quickly and ask her where she is? Ask her if she knows she won't go home all night. Are people worried about her?"

At home, Cheng Xuyang always listened to Ling Fei's words. His wife asked him to pick up the phone and call Cheng Yuyang as soon as possible. However, after the call was made, there was a cold machine voice on the phone: "The user you dialed has turned off. Please call again later."

Cheng Xuyang looked at Ling Feiyu: "That girl has turned off her phone."

Unable to contact Cheng Yuyang, Ling Feiyu panicked and grabbed her coat to go out. Cheng Xuyang quickly grabbed her: "Where are you going?"

"Where else can I go?" Ling Fei said anxiously, "Hurry up and call your son and ask him to take someone with him to find someone. If he can't find his sister, tell him not to come back to see me."

Cheng Xuyang said: "Okay, I'll let him take people to find him. You calm down first."

Ling Feiyu broke away from Cheng Xuyang, walked to the door and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, she saw a person standing outside the door, her daughter Cheng Yuyang.

"No, no, no..." Ling Feiyu didn't dare to admit it, and even took a few steps back in fright, because the girl standing at the door was in messy clothes, with messy hair, and injuries on her face and neck. Seeing this scene , even if you think about it with your toes, you can still think of what happened.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Xuyang stepped over, and when he saw his daughter at the door, his heart sank, "Yuyang, come in quickly."

Cheng Yuyang stepped into the room and glanced at Ling Feiyu with hatred. Before entering the room, she said: "You are satisfied to see your daughter being raped."

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