My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1541: The Successor, please stop asking.

Chapter 1542: The Successor Chapter, please stop asking.

"Wha, what?" By the time Ling Feiyu reacted, Cheng Yuyang had already run upstairs. When they caught up with him, the door had been locked. She knocked on the door anxiously, "Cheng Yuyang, what do you mean? Tell me what you said. clear."

Cheng Xuyang pulled Ling Feiyu: "Feiyu, don't get excited, wait for her to come out and speak slowly."

Ling Feiyu shouted anxiously: "Cheng Xuyang, tell me that I heard wrong just now. This is not true, absolutely not true."

Cheng Xuyang comforted her: "Feiyu, don't worry."

Ling Feiyu was almost going crazy: "She is my daughter, can I not be anxious? What should I do if something happens to her? Cheng Xuyang, tell me, what should I do? She is the only one between us. ’s daughter.”

If she hadn't been motivated last night and had brought Cheng Yuyang home properly, then things like today would never have happened.

Cheng Xuyang: "Yuyang will be fine."

Ling Feiyu got some comfort from Cheng Xuyang's words, and comforted herself: "Yes, she will be fine, she will be fine, I must be overthinking it, or she did this on purpose to anger me." Said.”

Obviously knowing that this possibility is very small, but in order to comfort herself, Ling Feiyu can only persuade herself this way.

I don't know how long it took, but there was still no sound in the house. Ling Feiyu couldn't bear it anymore, found the spare key at home, opened the door and entered Cheng Yuyang's room.

"Yuyang..." Ling Feiyu shouted, but no one answered. She instinctively walked to the bathroom. When she walked into the bathroom, the scene she saw almost made her blood freeze. Cheng Yuyang was lying on a bed filled with water. In the bathtub, the blood from the cut wrist had stained the water in the bathtub red.

Ling Feiyu rushed in like crazy and hugged Cheng Yuyang who was lying in the bathtub, "Yuyang, what are you doing?"

Cheng Xuyang followed Ling Feiyu, and he quickly took a bath towel and wrapped Cheng Yuyang's cut wrist: "Feiyu, give Yuyang to me, let's take her to the hospital first."

Ling Feiyu was already in a panic. After being pulled away by Cheng Xuyang, she stood there blankly. It took her a long time to react and catch up.

Fortunately, Cheng Yuyang's wound was not very deep, and because of timely discovery, the doctor saved her life.

But Cheng Yuyang, who had just returned from hell, looked weak and lay on the bed as if he had no soul. Ling Feiyu felt so distressed that he almost went numb: "Yuyang, look at mom, can you say a word to her?"

But no matter what Ling Feiyu said, the people on the hospital bed ignored her.

"Yuyang, mother, please, please don't say anything. Can you say a word to mother?" Ling Feiyu begged for a long time. Cheng Yuyang finally opened her eyes. She looked at Ling Feiyu and looked at her. Tears flowed out, "Mom, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't like Brother Qin, I will never like him again in the future, please ask them to let me go."

Cheng Yuyang's words seemed to be alluding to something, and Ling Feiyu panicked: "Yuyang, what are you talking about?"

"Mom, please call Aunt Jianran quickly and ask her to tell them that I will never go to their house again, and I won't like Brother Qin anymore." Cheng Yuyang cried harder and harder, until his body started to cry. Twitching, "Yes, I am just the daughter of an ordinary family. What qualifications do I have to like the second young master of the Qin family."

Ling Feiyu grabbed Cheng Yuyang's hand and held it tightly, as if this could give Cheng Yuyang some strength: "Yuyang, tell mom, what happened last night?"

Cheng Yuyang was so scared that he wanted to shrink back into bed: "Mom, please call Aunt Jianran and ask her to tell Lu Xi that I won't like Brother Qin anymore. Don't ask about what happened last night. I don’t know anything, I can’t say anything.”

Every word Cheng Yuyang said showed that something happened last night, and this matter seemed to be related to the Qin family. How could Ling Feiyu not ask clearly: "Yuyang, tell mom, what happened last night? Your parents will definitely make the decision for you.”

Cheng Xuyang came over, sat by the bed, took the hands of mother and daughter into his palm, and said, "Yuyang, you have family members like us, don't be afraid. Dad will ask you a question now, you Do you remember what that man looks like?"

"Dad, what can you do if you know what he looks like? Call the police to arrest him? Or let my brother find someone to kill him?" Cheng Yuyang cried and shook his head, "It's useless, no matter what method you use, it's useless ...Dad, Mom, don’t ask any more questions. I beg you, just pretend that nothing happened last night.”

Ling Feiyu was anxious and distressed: "Yuyang, your dad is right, you are not alone, you have us. If you speak out about something, our family will bear it. You don't want to hide it in your heart and feel uncomfortable alone."

Cheng Yuyang still shook his head and said with tears in his eyes: "Mom, Dad, it's useless. There are some things that you don't know better. I want to be alone for a while. Please go out first, and please call Jian Ran in time." Aunt."

Ling Feiyu wanted to say something else, but Cheng Xuyang caught her: "Don't say anything, let the child be alone."

Ling Feiyu had nothing to do with her daughter, and the fire in her heart could only be directed at Cheng Xuyang: "Cheng Xuyang, you are the father of the child. How can you be calm when the child is like this? Is she your biological child?"

Cheng Yuyang retreated into bed tiredly: "Mom and Dad, if you want to make a noise, go out and make a noise. Leave me alone for a while."

No matter how reluctant and worried Ling Feiyu was, she still worried about her daughter's emotions and went out with Cheng Xuyang. When she walked outside, she asked straight away: "Cheng Xuyang, tell me, what does Yuyang's words mean? Does she want to Said that the person who harmed her was Qin... No, it's impossible, they would never do such a thing. "

"The Qin family is upright. You and Jianran have had a strong relationship for decades. Jianran treats Yuyang as her own child. It is absolutely impossible for them to treat Yuyang, but others can't tell. "Cheng Xuyang looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly, but it was chilly in the corridor of the hospital.

Ling Fei didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

Cheng Xuyang said: "I believe in Jian Ran and the Qin family, but just now Yuyang mentioned another person."

Ling Feiyu also thought about it: "You mean Lu Xi?"

Cheng Xuyang said: "I didn't say it, it was Yuyang who said it."

Ling Fei said: "..."

She froze.

She had seen Lu Xi. The girl was beautiful and had an outstanding temperament. She didn't look like a villain who would cause trouble behind her back, but... Ling Feiyu immediately shook her head to get rid of the bad thoughts that came to her mind: "I'll fight Call Jianran and tell her about Yuyang’s situation. "

Cheng Xuyang stopped him and said, "This matter has nothing to do with Jian Ran or the Qin family. Don't let them worry about Yuyang."

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