My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1543 The Successor: The Man Behind the Scenes

Chapter 1544: The Successor: The Man Behind the Scenes

Lu Xi is missing.

No one could be found, and the phone was turned off.

Qin Yinjian asked people to search every corner of the amusement park and the places where Lu Xi might go, but he couldn't find anyone. He also asked people to call out the surveillance of the amusement park. It happened that Lu Xi disappeared. For a while, the surveillance system was also broken and no useful footage could be recorded.

The surveillance at the amusement park is broken!

This incident told Qin Yinjian that the matter was not simple. It was definitely not where Lu Xi ran away by herself, but someone captured her.

But who exactly?

What do you want to do by kidnapping Lu Xi?

Thinking that Lu Xi might be in danger, Qin Yinjian felt as confused as a pot of porridge, but he took out his mobile phone without changing his expression and calmly dialed Zhan Nianbei's number: "Uncle, I need your help with something here. "

Zhan Nianbei admires Qin Yinjian very much. He used to love Qin Yinjian more than Zhan Limo. Now Qin Yinjian rarely comes to him for anything, and he is also very happy: "Ajian, tell me, as long as my uncle can help you I will do my best to help you.”

"Someone has arrested my wife. Please immediately ask someone to block all traffic routes in Jiangbei. No one can be allowed out." No matter who the other party is, no matter what the purpose of arresting Lu Xi is, he will make them pay the price. .

Zhan Nianbei said: "Leave these to me. If you still need help, just ask."

There are many. No need for Qin Yinjian to say more, Zhan Nianbei has already made arrangements.

The Flying Eagle Squadron of the Jiangbei Military Region's Special Forces suddenly received a mission from above to rescue the hostages.

The captain asked them to rescue the missing hostages in the shortest possible time. There was no clue about the kidnapping, and there was no call from the kidnappers. Now no one knows whether the kidnappers are for money or sex, so this time they rescued the hostages. , it also tests everyone’s adaptability and will be included in future assessment results.

When he saw the photos of the captured hostages, Zhan Limo was slightly surprised: "Miss Lu?"

how can that be possible.

Qin Yinjian didn't stay with Lu Xi every day, so how could he let someone take Lu Xi away?

Zhuang Momo next to him asked in a low voice: "Do you know the hostages?"

I don’t know if the captain did it on purpose. Since they returned to the army on vacation, they arranged Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo into a group. Regardless of any training tasks, they would train in pairs. The two individuals are becoming more and more tacit, and they also dislike each other more and more.

"I know all the beauties." Zhan Limo glared at Zhuang Momo, then looked at the captain who issued the order, and shouted, "Report!"

The captain said: "Say."

At the end of the war: "Captain, I am willing to be the vanguard to rescue the hostages this time."

Captain: "Zhuang Momo."

Zhuang Momo stepped out: "Arrived."

The captain added: "You and Zhan Limo will team up together."

Zhuang Momo: "Yes."

Zhan Limo, a meddlesome guy, loved to show off, especially when he saw a beautiful woman and couldn't move his legs. She wanted to see how he, a striker, could rescue the hostages without any clues.

They guessed right, Lu Xi was indeed kidnapped.

When Lu Xi was conscious, she was in an old factory that had been abandoned for a long time. There was a disgusting stench from time to time around her. She moved, but she couldn't move, and then she realized that she had been tied up hand and foot and left in such a place.

"woke up."

Lu Xi heard a hoarse voice, looked up, and saw a face full of scars. The scars crawled on the man's face like flesh worms, which made Lu Xi feel nauseated again. , I almost vomited out the acid water in my stomach.

The man said: "You feel like vomiting when you see me?"

She had already vomited, but Lu Xi didn't say anything. Now she is at a disadvantage. The correct thing to do is not to anger the other person, otherwise she will only suffer the loss: "Who are you?"

The man said viciously: "Be honest."

Lu Xi asked again: "Why did you arrest me? Did Cui Xianzhen ask you to come?"

Lu Xi has never offended anyone, she has no money, and no one will kidnap her. Then there is only one possibility. Cui Xianzhen has not benefited from her, and he will never give in, so he finds someone to kidnap her. of hatred.

What a hateful and vicious woman!

The man suddenly stood up and kicked Lu Xi in the stomach: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Shut your mouth, or I will let you know how to write the word regret."

"Cui Songzhen asked you to tie me up because she wanted to get money from me, but now she doesn't dare to come out to see me. How can she negotiate terms with me?" Lu Xi covered her painful stomach and stared at kicking her. She could see it from his expression. The reason why he was excited was because she guessed who the person behind the scenes was.

Confirming that Cui Xianzhen was the one who kidnapped her, Lu Xi was a little less afraid. No matter how vicious the woman Cui Xianzhen was, she didn't have the guts to kill her. After all, Cui Xianzhen's purpose in catching her was not to let her die, but I want to get benefits from her.

The man said fiercely: "I tell you to shut up. If you say another word, I will chop you down."

Lu Xi smiled coldly: "If you want to chop me, just chop me. If you have the ability, just chop me, or shut your mouth."

Bang bang bang——

A loud slap suddenly came from the dilapidated iron door. Lu Xi looked along the sound and saw Cui Xianzhen standing at the door: "Sure enough, it's still the Lu Xi I know. Even now, he's still so bad-tempered."

"Cui Xianzhen, you are also the Cui Xianzhen I know." To Lu Xi's surprise, the person behind the scenes was indeed Cui Xianzhen who hated her to the core. "But the Cui Xianzhen I knew before was not as stupid as he is now. He was so stupid that he dared to do it at Tai Sui's age. Groundbreaking."

"Too Sui?" Cui Xianzhen smiled as he walked, "Lu Xi, you think too highly of yourself. Don't think that you are too old because you have warmed the bed of someone named Qin for a year."

"I never dared to think so, but do you think that the second young master of the Qin family can let you touch his woman?" Even though his whole body hurt, Lu Xi still tried to show his calmness when facing Cui Xianzhen. , not letting Cui Xianzhen see her embarrassed side.

Cui Xianzhen walked to Lu Xi, squatted down slowly, grabbed Lu Xi's hand and slapped Lu Xi on the face: "Little bitch, I won't kill you today."

"Cui Xianzhen, you..." Lu Xi's hands and feet were tied, and while her face was still hurting, she watched Cui Xianzhen slap her hard again, hitting her face with a snap, causing burning pain.

Lu Xi understood that Cui Xianzhen was now driven to the end of the road, biting people like a mad dog, and made her so anxious that she could do things like murder and arson. Lu Xi didn't dare to anger Cui Xianzhen anymore. He had to find a way to stabilize Cui Xianzhen's emotions and not let himself be beaten again.

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