My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1544: The Successor, Abused

Chapter 1545: The Successor, Abused

"Yes, I am Cui Xianzhen, the person you want to kill, and the culprit who caused your mother to commit suicide. But Lu Xi, even if you know the truth, what can you do to me?" Cui Xianzhen pulled Lu Xi's head and pointed The tip gently slid on her face, sliding and sliding, and slapped Lu Xi hard on the face a few more times, "Now I can hit you if I want to, and scold you if I want to scold you. How can you help me?"

"Cui Xianzhen, what did you do to my mother back then?" Lu Xi was kidnapped to this unknown wilderness after being knocked unconscious. She just woke up and her mind was not clear enough, and now she was pressed continuously by Cui Xianzhen. After being slapped several times, her face was so painful that not only her face was swollen, but her head was also dizzy, but she still persisted in wanting an answer and a result.

The death of her mother back then was a knot in Lu Xi's heart. She knew that her mother's suicide must be related to Cui Xianzhen, but at that time she was only a little over ten years old. Even if she knew it in her heart, she was unable to do anything for her mother.

Later, she was able to find the reason for her mother's suicide, but Cui Xianzhen erased all the clues. As long as Cui Xianzhen didn't admit it, no one could do anything to Cui Xianzhen. Now that the opportunity is right in front of him, Lu Xi will never miss it again.

"If you want to know how your damn mother died, then I'll tell you and make you understand." Cui Xianzhen grabbed Lu Xi's hair and pulled it out, dragging Lu Xi from the corner to the middle of the wasteland, " Let’s find a spacious place to sit down and have a good chat.”


Only a woman like Cui Xianzhen can lick her face and say the word "girl".

Lu Xi's face hurt, and her scalp hurt as if it was about to be torn off, but these pains were nothing compared to the hatred in her heart. If she endured it longer, Cui Xianzhen would soon be able to tell the truth. She We can get evidence that Cui Xianzhen committed murder.

"It was snowing heavily that day and it was very cold. I went to find her with my child in my arms and asked her to leave Lu Qiming to help me and the child in my belly. But instead of sympathizing with me, she even called me a mistress and the child in my belly. The child is a bastard." Recalling the past, the hatred in Cui Xianzhen's eyes seemed to overflow. She felt that she was the weak one and the victim back then, and she never thought that if she hadn't appeared, she wouldn't have ruined other people's families.

"Isn't it?" Knowing that saying this would anger Cui Xianzhen, Lu Xi still said it. That woman Cui Xianzhen is obviously a mistress, so no one is allowed to say it? Lu Xi felt that her mother did everything right. The only thing she did wrong was that she was later forced to commit suicide by Cui Xianzhen.

"Yes, I am a mistress, and I am a mistress who kills for money, but so what?" Cui Xianzhen stretched out his hand and grabbed Lu Xi's hair, pulled it hard, and forced Lu Xi from Pulling a small strand of hair from his head, Cui Xianzhen felt a perverted pleasure when he saw Lu Xi's scalp bleeding, "Even if I am a mistress, what does it matter? Your mother committed suicide more than ten years ago, and now I am the one who is still alive. Only the living have the right to make irresponsible remarks. The dead can only shut up."

"Just because she called you a mistress, so you attacked her?" Her head hurt so much that Lu Xi almost lost consciousness, but she gritted her teeth and forced herself to endure it a little longer. We will never give up once we get the evidence that Cui Xianzhen committed murder.

"She called me a mistress and my son a bastard. Of course I have to make her pay, but this is not enough to make her die. The real reason she deserves death is because she blocked my way to marry into a wealthy family. As long as she lives, Lu Qiming will not be able to marry me, so he can only let her die. After she dies, I will be the real Mrs. Lu." As he spoke, Cui Xianzhen suddenly laughed, very exaggeratedly.

Cui Xianzhen's laughter was like a life-threatening curse, knocking into Lu Xi's ears. It is because her mother's identity as Mrs. Lu hindered Cui Xianzhen's path to marrying into a wealthy family, so Cui Xianzhen must get rid of her mother.

But what method did Cui Xianzhen, a vicious woman, use to make her mother commit suicide?

At present, Cui Xianzhen hasn't said it yet, and Lu Xi doesn't know if he can survive until he can hear the answer.

Cui Xianzhen said again: "Lu Xi, Lu Xi, speaking of which, you are much stronger than your mother. You have suffered a lot in these years, but you persevered and even made it through. When you met Qin The second son of the family supports you."

The pain made Lu Xi's willpower weaker and weaker. She was worried that she might close her eyes and lose consciousness in the next second: "Cui Xianzhen, tell me, how did you force my mother to commit suicide to make way for you? .”

"Why are you anxious?" Cui Xianzhen didn't say anything. No matter how anxious Lu Xi was, there was nothing he could do. "Lu Xi, back then I drugged you and arranged for someone to sleep with you, but how could you be so lucky? Escaped."

"Do you admit that you drugged me back then?" Indeed, Lu Xi was glad that she was lucky. If she still doesn't know that the man that night was Qin Yinjian, then she will probably live in endless pain and torture for the rest of her life.

"I have to praise you. Compared to your mother, you are much stronger." It was rare to see a trace of appreciation for Lu Xi in Cui Xianzhen's eyes, "Unbeknownst to you, the man who tainted your innocence was Qin In Yinjian's case, when you woke up, you didn't clamor for death like your mother. What surprised me even more was that you became pregnant after that time, and you still didn't know who the child was. Strong enough to insist on giving birth to a child.”

"Lu Xi, Lu Xi, to be honest, when I saw you gritting your teeth and persisting in such a situation, I admired you very much, and it also made me feel kind and stop being your enemy. Compared to your weak and incompetent mother, you really impress me."

Seeing the word "appreciation" in Cui Xianzhen's eyes, Lu Xi only felt a chill rising from her back, because she had a premonition that what Cui Xianzhen was going to say next would be difficult or unacceptable for her.

Cui Xianzhen squatted next to Lu Xi, patted Lu Xi's cheek, and said slowly word by word: "I asked someone to put your mother to sleep, and then took some videos as a souvenir. Your mother couldn't bear it. No." In half a month, she committed suicide."

"Cui Xianzhen, you are really not a human being!" Lu Xi has never understood what trick Cui Xianzhen used on his mother to make her commit suicide. After hearing this today, Lu Xi's heart is as hard to love as knives are cutting at her. Cui Xianzhen was immediately cut into pieces, but she was tied up and could not do anything.

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