My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1561: The Successor, what she wants is very simple

Chapter 1562: The Successor Chapter, what she wants is very simple

The planning director was slightly dissatisfied with An Tingjie's words: "I have said that this is my attitude. Of course, only she knows what Lu Xi thinks."

An Tingjie knew that he was in the wrong and could not do anything to the planning manager: "Okay, okay, don't say anything. The most important thing is to propose marriage and planning. Mr. Qin's matter is the big thing. As long as this matter is resolved Yes, everything is easy to handle.”

After a group of people conceived and planned it, before leaving get off work, An Tingjie handed over two sets of plans to Qin Yinjian. After Qin Yinjian looked at them, he threw the plan out with his backhand: "I said An Tingjie, your brain What's in it?"

An Tingjie said aggrievedly: "Mr. Qin, this is a plan that everyone came up with together. You can't blame me alone. If you are not satisfied, I will immediately ask them to make a new proposal plan and work overtime." We have to come up with a plan that satisfies you.”

When Qin Yinjian thought about the contents of the two plans, he felt dizzy: "Fly a helicopter, why don't you fire a cannon."

An Tingjie said: "Don't you think that you need to be more high-profile to fit in with your status as our President Qin?"

Qin Yinjian: "An Tingjie, if you don't want to do it anymore, get your resignation report right away, and I'll sign your name without saying a word."

"Mr. Qin, please calm down, be sure to calm down." Knowing that he had angered Qin Yinjian, An Tingjie added without fear of death, "Mr. Qin, let me ask weakly, can you tell me, What kind of style do you want?”

"Get out!" If he knew what style he wanted, Lu Xi wouldn't have nodded and agreed to his proposal for so long, and he wouldn't have asked An Tingjie to find a group of people to find a way. Qin Yinjian suddenly had the urge to replace An Tingjie as his assistant immediately. How could he think that An Tingjie's secretary was quite useful before.

An Tingjie knew that he had made the CEO unhappy again, so he scratched his head in embarrassment: "Okay, Mr. Qin, I will immediately ask everyone to re-plan the proposal. We must make it until you are satisfied, otherwise they will be exhausted." Don’t let them get off work.”

Qin Yinjian said nothing, and An Tingjie left in despair.

After going out, An Tingjie looked at Lu Xi's seat again. Lu Xi was busy working. He hurriedly walked over and said, "Lu Xi, I have a little thing to ask you for help. Do you think you are free?"

Lu Xi was busy preparing a piece of information without raising his head: "Assistant Ant, if you have anything to say, I'm almost done with the work at hand."

An Tingjie looked around and saw that no one was around, then said mysteriously: "Lu Xi, if a man wants to propose to a woman, what kind of plan do you think can be used to make the woman agree?"

Upon hearing the word "proposal", Lu Xi's eyes lit up and she immediately looked up at An Tingjie: "Assistant An, who wants to propose to whom?"

Could it be that An Tingjie conveyed her words to Qin Yinjian, and Qin Yinjian took action so quickly? When Lu Xi was thinking happily, he suddenly heard An Tingjie say: "Don't worry about who you propose to. It has nothing to do with you anyway."

It has nothing to do with her anyway.

The joy that rose in Lu Xi's heart slowly disappeared little by little, and she lost interest in this topic in an instant: "Since it has nothing to do with me, there is no need for you to ask my opinion."

Antingjie: "You are a woman. Now I need a woman's opinion."

Lu Xi retracted her gaze and continued busy with the work at hand: "Assistant Ant, there are so many women in the world, and each woman has different requirements for marriage proposal."

An Tingjie: "Lu Xi, my good Lu Xi, I just couldn't speak, so please help me. This proposal is very important and involves many people and things. I want to ask for more advice." My personal opinion is to try to make the proposal plan the most perfect.”

In fact, it is very simple for a woman to agree to a man's proposal, as long as the woman has that man in her heart, Lu Xi thought in her heart, but she said something to An Tingjie: "It is very easy for a woman to agree to a man's proposal. It’s simple. Just let the man transfer everything he owns to the woman’s name.”

To transfer everything he owns to a girl's name, that means what Lu Xi wants is the entire Shengtian.

An Tingjie suddenly felt that Lu Xi's appetite was a bit big: "Lu Xi, can it be that money can only be used to measure whether a man loves a woman?"

Lu Xi nodded and said, "Many people say that marriage is based on love. As long as two people love each other enough, they can overcome all difficulties and come together. But I personally think that marriage is based on material and money. No matter how good it is, If your emotions cannot keep up with the material things, you will get into a lot of trouble because of the oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, firewood, and rice. Don’t tell me I’m wrong. You haven’t experienced such tedious things. Once you experience it, you will understand. .”

An Tingjie looked at Lu Xi as if he were seeing Lu Xi for the first time: "Lu Xi, are these your true thoughts?"

Lu Xi nodded again: "Yeah, what's the matter?"

Got the answer, but Antingjie was not happy at all: "Okay, you go ahead and get busy."

Seeing An Tingjie leave, Lu Xi didn't even have the heart to work anymore.

People know how to ask other people's opinions when they propose marriage, but her Qin Yinjian probably hasn't even thought about it.

Sometimes, she also feels that the proposal is just a ceremony, and it doesn't matter if it is there or not. Why not agree to Qin Yinjian to go with him to get the marriage certificate and be his wife worthy of the name, but she doesn't want to do it so hastily.

She has been in love with him for so many years. She has been in love with him since she was seventeen or eighteen years old. She has been in love with him for so many years. During this period, there have been ups and downs, and she once thought that she would never be able to be with him again.

It stands to reason that after going through so much, the two of them were finally able to be with him openly. He said to get the certificate, and she readily agreed to go with him to get it, but she wanted to hear him say it himself: "Lu Xi, in this life I think you are alone, please marry me."

She would nod and agree to him, and then tell everyone that she, Lu Xi, was Qin Yinjian's wife.

She stubbornly refused to go with him to get the certificate, but she just wanted to say this, but Qin Yinjian didn't understand. She reminded him several times, but he still didn't understand, unlike him who acted quickly and accurately at work. The style is completely different.

Lu Xi raised his head and looked at Qin Yinjian's office. How could this man be so stupid when encountering such a thing?

Doesn't he understand what she's thinking until she speaks it outright?

Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Lu's call came in, and Lu Xi quickly answered: "Son, Mommy hasn't gotten off work yet. She will pick you up after get off work in a while. Can you wait for Mommy for a while?"

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