My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1562: The Heir: How to Propose a Proposal

Chapter 1563: The Heir, how to propose marriage

"Mommy, you're busy with work, Lu Lu is not in a hurry." Lu Lu's milky voice came to Lu Xi's ears from the receiver of the mobile phone, which made her nose sore. It was hard for her to imagine that in just a few minutes, Within days, the little guy Lu Lu no longer pestered Mommy and was able to play well with his new friends in the kindergarten.

"Today Lu Lu and brother Lele went to the kindergarten together. They made a beautiful new friend and met a new teacher. The teacher praised Lu Lu for being so handsome. Lu Lu was very happy after hearing this and also praised the teacher for being so beautiful." Mobile phone Lu Lu's milky voice continued to come from the receiver. It was the same voice, but the tone was a little more brisk.

The ability for the little guy to get out of the shadow of being abandoned by his mother at any time so quickly is inseparable from the care and love of the Qin family, especially Ji Rou. Because of everyone's care and love, Lu Lu Lu felt that apart from his mother, The love of family members outside the family naturally comes out of the shadow of the past.

Lu Xi said with great relief: "Well, my baby is great, mommy is proud of you."

Lu Lu said again: "Mommy, Lu Lu will work hard to make you prouder."

This son can talk, much better than his father. What he couldn't get from me, Lu Xi asked for it from his son: "Baby, tell Mommy, how much do you love Mommy?"

Lu Lu added: "I love you very much, I love you as much as heaven."

"Well, me too. Lu Lu, Mommy still has some work to do. Mommy has to go and do some work first. I'll call you after get off work later." Lu Lu didn't speak very clearly, but Lu Xi understood what he meant. It is to tell Mommy that his love for Mommy is as big and as high as the sky, that is, a lot of love.

Lu Lu: "Okay."

After hanging up Lu Lu's call, Lu Xi devoted herself to work seriously again, trying to finish the work early so that she could see her children early after get off work.

An Tingjie returned to the planning department and told everyone what he had just asked from Lu Xi. After hearing this, everyone looked at An Tingjie in unison again: "Assistant An, if that's all, then there's no need for us. It depends on Mr. Qin. As long as Mr. Qin is willing to give it, then everything is not a problem..."

Before the planning director finished speaking, An Tingjie interrupted him: "What I'm worried about is not that Mr. Qin won't agree, but that once Mr. Qin knows Lu Xi's thoughts, he will definitely agree to Lu Xi's request regardless of the consequences. , and his only request is for Lu Xi to marry him. "

Everyone: "Will President Qin agree to Lu Xi's request to Sheng Tian?"

In An Tingjie's opinion, the reason why these people ask these stupid questions is because they have never seen with their own eyes how Mr. Qin dotes on this woman Lu Xi.

It was because An Tingjie's wife once brought a meal to the company and Lu Xi was full of praises after eating it, and their boss Qin heard it, so Mr. Qin spent a lot of money to hire An Ting's wife to reserve Lu Xi for every meal. I wanted a share, so I often saw An Tingjie inviting Lu Xi to eat together. In fact, many times Mrs. An took Qin Yinjian's salary to specially prepare it for Lu Xi, and An Tingjie couldn't even eat it.

Another time, in the summer, Lu Xi was trapped in the company during a typhoon. Their president risked being blown away by the typhoon and ran to the company alone to save Lu Xi. However, when he found Lu Xi, Lu Xi was already unconscious. , the president sent her to the hospital and took care of her until she regained consciousness.

Of course, Qin Yinjian's kindness to Lu Xi is not just the above two points. If you want to talk about it one by one, An Tingjie feels that he can talk about it for three days and three nights.

But Lu Xi didn't know about these things because their boss Qin wouldn't tell Lu Xi.

Generally speaking, if a man is good to a woman, he must let the woman know, because the man also wants to benefit from the woman, but their boss Qin never thinks so. He only wants to give everything the best. Give everything to Lu Xi.

An Tingjie realized that he had told them too much, waved his hands and said, "I just said it nonsense, don't take it seriously, just plan whatever you want. If you can't think of a good plan, don't leave work. "

When the company's business is busy, it's not like they haven't worked overtime. Sometimes it's common to work until one or two in the morning. But what happened this time? Even if everyone is sitting in the office, they probably won't be able to come up with any good ideas. .

At this time, Aunt Wang, the cleaning lady who often does sanitation in the office, suddenly said: "Does such a simple thing require so many people to work overtime and think about it?"

Everyone turned their attention to Aunt Wang: "Aunt Wang, what do you think?"

Aunt Wang said: "I am just an old woman who does hygiene. I don't have any good opinions."

An Tingjie quickly pulled Aunt Wang to sit down: "Aunt Wang, don't say anything, I think you can really help us with this matter."

Aunt Wang smiled and said: "Assistant An, health work is my strength. I don't know anything else. Don't laugh at me."

The planning director also squeezed over: "Don't say it, I also think Aunt Wang can help us with this matter."

Aunt Wang: "How can I help you?"

An Tingjie said: "Aunt Wang, if I remember correctly, you and your husband just had your golden wedding not long ago."

"If you want to ask me how to get along with each other after marriage, then I, an old woman, do have more experience than you. Just ask whatever you want to hear, and I will tell you my summary." Aunt Wang is already seventy. He is about 60 years old, but he is in good spirits, so he does not look old. He is probably around sixty years old.

Her children also have good incomes, and both she and her husband have pensions. She can live a comfortable life without working. However, the old lady feels that her life must be valuable and cannot be wasted.

The job of cleaning is not attractive to others, but the old lady still works hard. She always maintains the most optimistic attitude and loves what she does. Therefore, everyone in the office treats her differently. Respect from ordinary people.

An Tingjie said: "Aunt Wang, we just want to ask you, what is the best way for a man to propose to a woman? No, it is not the best, but what method to propose, the woman will definitely agree to the proposal. "

"Actually, I heard everything you discussed today. I know you are helping Qin Ming make suggestions." The old lady shook her head and sighed, "Relationships are a matter between two people. No one can help Qin Ming in this matter." After all, he still has to rely on himself.”

An Tingjie asked: "Aunt Wang, what do you say?"

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