My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1563: The Successor, finally waited until he proposed

Chapter 1564: The Successor Chapter, finally waited until he proposed

Aunt Wang said: "People like our Mr. Qin can have whatever they want. If anyone can marry him, he will definitely not have to worry about all aspects of material life. But sometimes we women are not just greedy for how rich you are." , but want to know if you have us in your heart."

An Tingjie answered hurriedly: "Yes, of course. I can prove that Mr. Qin only cares about Lu Xi and no one else."

Aunt Wang: "Assistant An, I just want to ask you, do you want a wife or Mr. Qin?"

An Tingjie: "Of course Mr. Qin."

Aunt Wang said again: "That's right."

An Tingjie explained: "Although Mr. Qin did not participate in the proposal planning, the proposal plan was prepared by Mr. Qin as instructed by us. Once the proposal plan is completed, it must be shown to Mr. Qin for approval before it takes effect."

Aunt Wang glanced at everyone present, and then said slowly: "The valuable thing about marriage is sincerity. What a woman wants is a sincere heart and a good heart for her. As long as you have these two things, No matter how hard it is, she is still willing to live with you. Many people say that women are materialistic. That is because a woman cannot see any hope in a man, cannot get the care she wants, and cannot ask for anything. , then the only choice is material.”

After being reminded by Aunt Wang, an old senior, everyone present seemed to understand the key to the problem. It was not that they could not think of a good proposal, but that they only thought about pleasing their Mr. Qin, and ignored the fact that they were being raped this time. Lu Xi, the heroine who proposes marriage.

An Tingjie said: "Aunt Wang, thank you for your advice."

Aunt Wang stood up, picked up her tools and started to do hygiene work: "I just overheard you talking, and I couldn't hold it in. If there is anything wrong, please don't follow me. An old woman cares."

Antingjie said to everyone again: "There is no need to work overtime today. Everyone should get off work on time."

Someone asked: "What do you want to explain to Mr. Qin?"

Antinger said: "Tell him my true thoughts. If he still wants me to pack up and leave after hearing this, then I won't stay."

An Tingjie said this with great pride and made everyone sweat for him. They all respected him for being a man at the critical moment and having the courage to face their President Qin, but who really came to Qin Yinjian's side. At that time, An Tingjie had another look: "Mr. Qin, that, that..."

An Ting originally planned to speak clearly to Qin Yinjian, but when he met Qin Yinjian's cold eyes, he was so frightened that he kept swallowing saliva and stammered even when he spoke, but he heard Qin Yinjian's cold eyes. Jian said: "Are you here to resign?"

Antingjie: "No, it's not..."

Qin Yinjian: "Is the proposal plan ready?"

When it came to the proposal, An Tingjie realized what he wanted to do with Qin Yinjian: "Yes, Mr. Qin, the proposal has come to fruition."

Qin Yinjian: "What's the result?"

An Tingjie straightened his back and said without stopping: "Mr. Qin, you are the one who wants to get married, and you are the one who proposes. If you want to make the woman you like agree to your proposal, you should think about it yourself. , now you leave it to our subordinates, so that no one can see your sincerity, so Lu Xi will definitely not be able to agree to your proposal. "

The more Qin Yinjian listened, the darker his face became. However, after hearing this, he did not embarrass An Tingjie. After letting An Tingjie leave, Qin Yinjian immediately called Jianran and asked his family to help take care of Lu Lu today, and then sent Lu Xi a message. He sent a message asking her to wait for him after get off work.

After doing all this, Qin Yinjian packed up and got off work. When he walked out of the office, most of the people in the office had left. Only Lu Xi was still there. When she saw him coming out, she came over with a smile and hugged his arm: "Busy." Finished?"

Qin Yinjian: "Yeah."

Lu Xi added: "Auntie called me just now and said that she would help take care of Lu Lu tonight and asked me not to pick up the little guy today."

Qin Yinjian: "In that case, let's go out for a walk tonight."

Because there is the little guy Xiao Lulu, and the little guy has been reluctant to leave mommy, now the little guy finally stopped pestering mommy, Lu Xi rarely relaxed, and responded: "Okay. Are you going to take me there?" Where to go for a walk?”

It has been more than a year since they got together again, but for some special reason, they have never held hands and walked around like other couples. When they were together, it was a contract, a transaction, and hurt. …

Suddenly thinking about the way she got along with Qin Yinjian in those days, Lu Xi's heart still ached slightly, but she was about to get rid of these bad memories. Now that she had resolved the misunderstanding with him, she promised to be with him. Go get your marriage certificate and live a good life together.

Lu Xi also wanted to understand that Qin Yinjian was a man with such a personality. Sometimes he would accept death if he believed something. We can only wait for the next life.

Qin Yinjian said: "Where do you want to go?"

Lu Xi: "I can go anywhere." As long as he is by my side.

Qin Yinjian: "Then let's go eat first."

Lu Xi: "Okay."

Qin Yinjian took Lu Xi to a Sichuan restaurant for dinner.

This is a very common cuisine. Lu Xi eats it often and doesn't think there is anything special about this restaurant, but Qin Yinjian told her something very memorable.

He said: "This hotel has a history of decades. My father and my mother had their first date in this hotel after their blind date. At that time, it was the second time they met. However, the next week they met I went to get the marriage certificate.”

Regarding the love story between the former president of Shengtian Group and the president's wife, there are some rumors circulating in the outside world, and Lu Xi has heard a lot, but it is the first time Lu Xi has heard of such details. It turned out that such a loving couple The combination turned out to be so hasty.

However, even though they got married hastily, their marriage is much more stable than many couples who have been in love and got married for many years. Now many young couples in the company use their marriage as a model of their married life.

Maybe this is what people often call fate.

They met the right person at the right time. No matter how many difficulties or obstacles life brought to them, they could still walk forward hand in hand with a smile.

Qin Yinjian added: "Lu Xi, I am telling you this to tell you that I want to hold your hand and keep walking like my father held my mother's hand, even if one day we We are getting old and can no longer walk, but as long as you are by my side, I will not be afraid."

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