My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1566 The Successor, Enemies

Chapter 1567: Successor, Enemies

in the room.

Zhan Limo's injury had been bandaged. When he saw Qin Yinjian, he said unhappily: "What are you doing here? Come all the way to see my jokes?"

Qin Yinjian said: "Do you think what happened to you today was a joke?"

At the end of the war: "Of course it's a joke, it embarrasses me."

So many people were fine during the actual combat exercise, but something happened to their team, which was known as the elite of the elite, during this exercise. Zhan Limo felt that he had lost all the shame he could possibly lose in his life.

Qin Yinjian asked: "What was the situation at that time?"

At the end of the war: "What do you care about?"

Qin Yinjian: "You kid was injured in vain, why are you so cruel to me? It's like I was the one who hurt you."

At the end of the war: "Isn't it you?"

Qin Yinjian: "Has anything to do with me?"

At the end of the war: "If you hadn't said those words to Qin Xiaobao, would Qin Xiaobao have left me in the military area? If I had not come to the military area, I would not have joined the Flying Eagles, let alone suffered such a serious injury in this actual combat exercise Hurt, such a big loss.”

After all, Zhan Limo didn't care at all that he was injured. As a soldier, it was impossible not to get injured. He just felt that as the son of the war leader and an elite member of the Flying Eagles, he was so unlucky. What a shame.

Qin Yinjian: "If you don't want to stay here, no one can force you. I didn't hear you say you wanted to leave before. Now if something goes wrong, blame me. What's your future?"

At the end of the war: "Go away! Don't let me see you, the culprit."

Qin Yinjian: "Okay, I'll call my aunt right now and say that you don't want to stay in the military zone, want to go home, and miss your little girlfriends. As long as she agrees, regardless of whether my uncle or grandpa agrees or not, she will If I can think of a way to get you out, you won’t have to be embarrassed in the future.”

At the end of Zhan Li, he shouted: "Qin Yinjian, get out of my sight immediately and don't let me see you again. I will warn you again. If you dare to do anything behind my back again, I will be lame and have to do it." Get up and fight for your life.”

Qin Yinjian smiled and said: "The roaring voice can be so powerful. It seems that your injury is not serious. Boy, take good care of your injuries. After you have recovered, give yourself a big vacation. The weather is getting cold. I'll ask you. You go eat nourishing old hotpot.”

At the end of the war: "Get out!"

Zhan Limo's injury was not serious, but he was the most serious among the wounded. Fortunately, no bones were injured, just flesh and blood injuries. After the wound healed, he could still jump and find explosives, etc. There was no problem at all. .

When he saw a team of people casting sympathetic glances at him, especially Zhuang Momo's very disdainful gaze, the fire in his chest rose up: "Get out! Get out! I tell you , No one is allowed to come to visit the patient in the future, I will worry about whoever comes."

Before going out, Zhuang Momo said coldly: "None of the female soldiers in the team were injured. You, a grown man, got injured. You yelled after such a minor injury. People who don't know better thought you were injured." How serious is it?"

Zhan Limo shouted: "Zhuang Momo, do you have any fucking conscience?"

Damn, if he hadn't saved her, how could he have been injured? However, this unfeminine man-woman didn't know anything about it. Not only did she not comfort him, she also mocked him with such cold words. If she had known he would have let her blow up. never mind.

Zhuang Momo died in the explosion, and he would never have to see this disgusting face again.

Yes, he did it himself, so why go through trouble to save her.

Zhuang Momo stopped and looked back at Zhan Limo coldly: "Conscience? What is conscience? Can conscience prevent you from getting hurt? Or can it make your injury heal immediately? Mr. Zhan, it turns out you are so naive too ah."

At the end of Zhan li, he wanted to eat people and devour this man-in-law in one bite: "Zhuang Momo, remember this! Remember it well! If you don't take revenge, I, Zhan limo, will punish myself for marrying you!"

With a beauty-loving personality like his, if he were to marry Zhuang Momo, he would probably be suffocated to death. This can be said to be a curse more terrifying than death for Zhan Limo. Listen to Zhuang Momo It was also extremely harsh in my ears: "You have a good idea. Even if I marry a dog, I will not marry you."

Zhan Limo said venomously: "Zhuang Momo, who knows if you want to attract my attention by opposing me every day. But I sincerely advise you that I like beautiful women, and women like you will only make me Turns off one’s appetite.”

Zhuang Momo was so angry that he clenched his fists and endured it again and again. In the end, he couldn't hold it back anymore. He swung his fist and hit Zhan Limo hard on the face, causing him to get new injuries and his face turned livid with anger. , if he could, he would be able to breathe out fire: "Damn ugly woman, just wait for me!"

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. When his injury is healed, he must embarrass this woman.

Zhuang Momo gave him a cold look: "Take care of your injury first. Don't let your legs become disabled. Walking will be a problem in the future. How can you take revenge on me?"

Putting aside her words and ignoring Zhan Limo's expression of wanting to eat people, Zhuang Momo walked out of the room. There was a strong wind when she stepped out, which almost made her lose her balance, but she did not stop for a moment and hurriedly came to Captain Liu Jinshan’s office.

Liu Jinshan was slightly surprised when he saw her coming: "Comrade Zhuang Momo, what's the matter?"

Zhuang Momo said directly: "Captain Liu, can I see the video of yesterday's actual combat exercise?"

Liu Jinshan refused directly: "Zhuang Momo, these videos are confidential and cannot be shown to you."

Zhuang Momo added: "Captain, can you tell me, was it because of me that Zhan Limo was injured yesterday?"

Liu Jinshan: "That's because he forgot to bury the explosives. It has nothing to do with you."

Zhuang Momo: "It really doesn't matter?"

Liu Jinshan: "It has nothing to do with you at all, don't blame yourself. Come back to the team quickly, there is training in the afternoon."

If Zhan Li hadn't confessed at the end and didn't want Zhuang Momo, a tomboy, to feel that she owed him a favor, Liu Jinshan wouldn't have lied to his subordinates.

Zhuang Momo said nothing more, but she always felt that Zhan Limo's injury had something to do with her, but she couldn't get the evidence at the moment.

Sometimes, youth is good.

A piece of meat on Zhan Limo's right calf was blown off, but it almost fully recovered after two weeks of rest.

Today is the day he returns to the team, and the team even held a special welcome ceremony for him.

Looking at his comrades standing in four neat rows, Zhan Limo still had a smile on his face, but when he glanced at Zhuang Momo, the smile on his face instantly dissipated and was replaced by a cold expression, as if he saw His love rival is like: "Manly woman!"

Zhuang Momo ignored it.

The captain said something to welcome Zhan Limo back to the team, and Zhan Limo returned to the team. After returning to the team, he was still a member of the same team as Zhuang Momo.

The captain said: "At the end of the war, your body has just recovered. The team will allow you a half-month vacation. You can go home and rest for half a month without participating in training for the time being."

At the end of the war, he refused: "Captain, my injury has healed. I don't need to go home to rest."

This time, he must not let a woman look down upon him.

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