My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1567 The Successor, Shooting Training

Chapter 1568: Successor Chapter, Shooting Training

Life in the army is boring. During the day, in addition to various trainings, there are also various practical exercises. Not only is it tiring, it is also very boring. Today, the Flying Eagles recruit class has a new training plan. After various physical training, they will learn to shoot.

The captain said: "After carrying the weight for five kilometers, everyone gathered at the shooting training ground."

Carrying weights for five kilometers is the beginning of their daily physical training. As time goes by, these five kilometers are really nothing to everyone.

Everyone: "Yes."

Compared with the past, it was still the same word "yes", but the tone of everyone's voices was obviously much higher than before, just because today was finally the shooting training they had been looking forward to for a long time.

Many people don’t know what they are going to do as soldiers before they join the army. They naively think that they can get guns when they become soldiers. So many people come here for the guns. However, after joining the army for several months, they are not allowed to touch the guns. It's some regular physical training.

Shooting training is a new project, which arouses everyone's enthusiasm, especially the enthusiasm of boys. Everyone can't wait to run the five kilometers immediately to get a gun of their own, carry it on their shoulders and sweep the special broom. See everything. The unruly people will be swept away.

There are only two girls in the Flying Eagles' recruiting class, one is Zhuang Momo and the other is Hu Qiaoqiao. Shooting is not of much interest to the two girls, but it is a must-learn item in the army, so there is no reason for them to fall behind the boys.

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao ran together. Hu Qiaoqiao pulled Zhuang Momo and said, "Momo, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Zhuang Momo: "What's going on?"

Hu Qiaoqiao added: "On the surface, Chief Zhan left Zhan Limo in our Flying Eagle team and ignored him. Leaving him here seemed to let him receive training like everyone else, but no matter what, Zhan Limo was He is the son of Chief Zhan."

Zhuang Momo said disapprovingly: "So what?"

Hu Qiaoqiao rolled her eyes at Zhuang Momo: "Momo, do you really not understand, or are you pretending not to understand?"

Zhuang Momo: "What?"

Hu Qiaoqiao added: "Momo, if it were anyone else, I wouldn't care, but you are my comrade. We are the only two female soldiers in the recruit class this time, and we live in the same dormitory. That's why I'm telling you so much. Just bear with it if you can, and don't go against Zhan Limo. "

Why should Zhuang Momo go against Zhan Limo when he has nothing to do: "It's obvious that he is deliberately against me. He yells like a man when there is nothing wrong. Who is a woman willing to listen to such words?"

Hu Qiaoqiao said worriedly: "Momo, even if Zhan Limo is sincerely against you, then you have to give in to him. Don't compete with him head-on, otherwise you will definitely suffer in the future."

Zhuang Momo: "I know."

It's not like Zhuang Momo hasn't thought about Hu Qiaoqiao's words. She has thought more about it, but that man at the end of Zhan Li was too arrogant and disgusting. Sometimes she endured it again and again, but she endured it again and again. Still couldn't hold it back.

Hu Qiaoqiao added: "Momo, don't dislike me for being wordy."

Zhuang Momo: "No."

Hu Qiaoqiao said again: "Momo, why don't we go to the captain to apply for regrouping? You and his group have more contact. If the two of you are separated, you should try to stay as far away from him as possible, so that you won't get into trouble with him in the future. Conflict."

"So this is the kind of person I am in your eyes." Zhan Limo's words came in suddenly. He was obviously far behind the two of them just now, and he didn't know when he ran to them. Hu Qiaoqiao said in surprise, "You, you eavesdropped on our conversation."

"Eavesdropping? Even if I am eavesdropping, I am eavesdropping openly." Under the surprised gazes of the two people, Zhan Limo said again, "Look at you, you are chatting so loudly on the road, for fear of others You can’t hear me, because you’re afraid that others won’t know that you’re afraid of me.”

Hu Qiaoqiao said indifferently: "Young Master Zhan has a lot of people, he won't be the same as us."

Zhuang Momo ignored it.

Zhan Li Mofa added: "Zhuang Momo, don't worry. Although I dislike you and want to step on you to death, I won't just rely on my own father to be the chief of the Jiangbei Military Region." Do whatever you want. More importantly, Chief Zhan cannot give anyone any special power, even if this person is his son."

After leaving his words, Zhan Limo sped forward and soon left Zhuang Momo behind.

Seeing Zhan Limo running away, Hu Qiaoqiao added: "Actually, Mr. Zhan is quite charming."

Zhuang Momo: "Hu Qiaoqiao, I think you need to see an ophthalmologist."

Hu Qiaoqiao rolled his eyes at Zhuang Momo and said: "But having said that, we have been getting along with Zhan Limo for a few months. In the past few months, he has really not behaved like the son of Chief Zhan. In the team He never received special treatment."

Zhuang Momo: "Who said no?"

Hu Qiaoqiao asked: "You said there was? When did it happen?"

Zhuang Momo: "Don't you notice that our captain punishes Zhan Limo at every turn? If the same mistake is made by others, it will be fine, but if it is made by Zhan Limo, it will be fine."

Hu Qiaoqiao rolled his eyes at Zhuang Momo again: "It's indeed special."

Zhuang Momo didn't answer any more and ran forward faster.

Everyone returns to the team and the shooting training is now officially underway.

Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo were still in the same group.

Neither of these two people liked each other and ignored each other. Because of this, they put all their energy into learning. They first learned some basic knowledge about guns. Zhuang Momo and Zhan Li Mo were People mastered it quickly, so the first group of training started with their group.

The primary training was fighting training, and both Zhan Limo and Zhuang Momo performed well after the training.

The performance of the members of other groups was slightly worse. Some of them failed to hit even a single shot after ten rounds. The captain was very dissatisfied with everyone's performance, so they were all punished by running a hundred laps of the playground. The day after they finished, The time was almost over, and everyone dragged their exhausted bodies back to the dormitory.

Comrade Xiao Jia crowded around Zhan Limo and said, "Zhan Limo, I think Zhuang Momo seems interested in you."

After hearing this, Zhan Limo shuddered: "Please, don't say such things to scare people. I know that I am very good and I am very popular with women, but I am definitely not a man's cup of tea. I will say this in the future." Don’t talk nonsense.”

Xiao Jia added: "You see, she is usually very indifferent to us comrades. Sometimes she doesn't even respond when I say hello to her. But to you, that is quite different."

After listening to Xiao Jia's words, Zhan Limo carefully thought about the situation at this time. It seemed that Zhuang Momo, a man-in-law, was quite indifferent to people. She had never spoken to any man for more than two sentences. She followed him around every day, trying her best to attract his attention.

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