My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1568: Heir, could she be interested in you?

Chapter 1569: Heir, could she be interested in you?

damn it!

How could he let that manly woman fall in love with him?

At the end of the war, he said, "Xiao Jia, you go back to the dormitory first. I have something else to do."

Xiao Jia asked: "What's the matter with you?"

At the end of the war: "Go and do your business, don't bother yourself."

The reason he didn't say anything at the end of the war was because he wanted to wait for Zhuang Momo and the man-in-law to speak clearly so that he would never have any wrong thoughts about him.

Thinking that Zhuang Momo was always against him because he meant something special to him, he felt uneasy at the end of the war. He doesn't mind if a woman likes him, but he feels scared when a woman like Zhuang Momo likes him.

There was even a picture in his mind of Zhuang Momo being pinned down on the bed and beaten with punches, until he begged his father to sue his grandmother, which scared him into a cold sweat.

At the end of Zhan Li, he stood downstairs in the dormitory and waited for a long time. Only then did Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao arrive. He pointed at Zhuang Momo and said, "Mother, come here. I have two words to say to you alone." .”

Zhuang Momo ignored this and continued walking forward.

Who does he think he is?

Mr. Zhan?

Feel sorry!

In the Flying Eagles, she only listened to her superiors and did not listen to other people's orders.

What's more, it doesn't matter if he is Mr. Zhan. In Flying Eagle, he is just like everyone else, there is no difference.

At the end of Zhan Li, he turned around and blocked Zhuang Momo's way: "Mother, I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

Zhuang Momo raised his head and looked at him coldly: "Mr. Zhan, I have nothing to say to you. Please get out of my way, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

Zhuang Momo is not an impulsive person, but for some reason, her emotions are easily aroused whenever Zhan Limo messes with her. After his emotions were aroused, instead of cursing someone, he wanted to beat him until his parents didn't even recognize him.

Hu Qiaoqiao quietly tugged at the corner of Zhuang Momo's clothes and signaled Zhuang Momo to calm down: "Mr. Zhan, Momo, we are all comrades in the same team. Let's talk to each other if you have anything to say. Don't show your face at all times, as if you are going to fight. Similar."

At the end of the war: "I didn't want to fight with her."

Zhuang Momo tried to take a deep breath. After taking a few deep breaths, he could talk to Zhan Limo properly: "Mr. Zhan, please tell me if you have anything to say."

At the end of the war: "Hu Qiaoqiao, go upstairs first. I want to tell Zhuang Momo alone."

Although Zhuang Momo didn't look like a woman when she looked up or down, her gender was still female. At the end of Zhan Li's life, he thought that he had to save some face for the girl, otherwise she would lose face in the team in the future. The ministry continued to hang out.

Zhuang Momo didn't appreciate it, and pulled Hu Qiaoqiao back when he was about to leave: "Qiaoqiao, don't leave, just stay here and listen to Mr. Zhan's instructions."

Hu Qiaoqiao had a heart for gossip and wanted to hear a lot. When Zhuang Momo spoke, she did not refuse. She stayed obediently and waited expectantly for Zhan Limo to speak: "Mr. Zhan, just tell me what you have to say. Momo and I are good friends. If we can’t tell anyone, I promise to keep it secret.”

"Zhuang Momo, you woman..." Well, he planned to save face for her. She didn't want it, so don't blame him. "Zhuang Momo, I just want to remind you, don't do anything to me." Think about it, as I said, even if I can't marry a wife in this life, I won't be able to like a tomboy like you. What's more, there are so many women out there who like me, and I can just pick them up. I can catch one, so you really shouldn’t have any undue thoughts about me.”

"Should I have any thoughts about you?" As soon as Zhan Limo said these words, Zhuang Momo understood what he meant. She clenched her fist hard and tried her best to control her soap opera, "Mr. Zhan, can you tell me something?" Understand something?"

"I heard you like me." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuang Momo came with another punch, but fortunately Zhan Limo reacted quickly this time, "Zhuang Momo, don't hit people easily. I told you today It's better for you than for you to suffer me for many years without any results."

Zhuang Momo was so angry that she kicked him again, but Zhan Limo had been prepared for it, and this kick missed again. She was so anxious that she yelled: "Fuck you. Don't take a pee and take a photo." What is it about your ghostly appearance that attracts my attention?"

"I pee and take pictures?" No one has ever said that to him. Zhan Limo felt a little embarrassed, but thinking about what he did, it was probably a big blow to Zhuang Momo, a manly woman. She liked being exposed by him. She couldn't lose face, so she deliberately fought back. Forget it, what does he, a grown man, care about with her, a man who is neither a man nor a woman? "It's best if you don't like me. If you do, take it back as soon as possible. Don't Waste your emotions on a man who shouldn’t waste your emotions, otherwise you will be the one who suffers.”

To be honest, he didn't want to. If he was willing, I don't know how many women would line up to get into his bed. If his self-control had been weaker, Qin Xiaobao would probably be playing with his grandson now, and it would not be the turn of a woman like Zhuang Momo to have any undue thoughts about him.

As a person who is secretly loved, Zhan Limo thinks that he has done a good job in doing so.

Zhuang Momo's fist hanging by his side clenched loudly: "At the end of Zhan Liming, I think you like me and deliberately used this bad method to attract my attention."

"Do I like you?" Zhan Limo smiled coldly, "Zhuang Momo, I will give you two words today - haha!"

Then, he left, so angry that Zhuang Momo almost breathed his last breath.

Hu Qiaoqiao was stunned for the first time when she witnessed and heard the two quarreling. It wasn't until Zhan Limo left that she came back to her senses: "Momo, in my opinion, Zhan Limo and Mr. Zhan are really right." You are interesting."

Zhuang Momo was so angry that he almost burst into flames, and was not polite to Hu Qiaoqiao: "What are you talking about?"

Hu Qiaoqiao: "You said that if he didn't like you, why would he wait for you to come back? Just to criticize you? If a person really hates you, he won't be so idle."

Zhuang Momo wanted to punch Hu Qiaoqiao twice: "Hu Qiaoqiao, didn't you see how he wanted to eat me? That kind of man just eats enough to support himself. Just because he has a powerful father, he thinks Women all over the world like him. I have never seen such a shameless person."

Hu Qiaoqiao looked gossipy: "No, I think he is quite special to you."

Zhuang Momo: "Yeah, it's really special. Miss Hu Qiaoqiao, can I give this special thing to you?"

Hu Qiaoqiao chuckled: "I'm quite willing to accept it, but Mr. Zhan may not be willing to play with me, so you'd better keep his special love for you and enjoy it slowly."

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