My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1586 The Successor, Survival on a Deserted Island

Chapter 1587: Successor, Desert Island Survival

Hu Qiaoqiao suddenly thought of something: "By the way, Momo, do you think our Master Zhan will consider these issues we are considering?"

Zhuang Momo said: "The old man of the Zhan family was a man who made great military exploits back then. Later, under the leadership of the old man, the military power of the Jiangbei Military Region has always ranked first among the major military regions in the country. Of course, the reason why Chief Zhan can take up the post of Jiangbei The military region has nothing to do with his father, but the biggest reason is his own strength. Among a group of candidates, the commander's strength in all aspects was inferior to others. "

Hu Qiaoqiao asked doubtfully: "There is no doubt about the strength of the elders of the Zhan family, but what I want to ask now is our Young Master Zhan. Of course there is nothing to say about the forces behind Young Master Zhan, but do you think that given time, his own abilities will be able to take over the Jiangbei Military Region? "

Zhuang Momo said seriously: "Don't underestimate Mr. Zhan. He seems to be a carefree person, but as long as he does his work seriously, he will be really great. Take the people who joined the Flying Eagle together this time as an example. Well, in all aspects of testing, he has always been far behind others."

Hu Qiaoqiao smiled and said: "It seems that you still appreciate our Young Master Zhan."

Zhuang Momo said: "His character is not very good, he is lazy and lustful, but his strength is there."

"It turns out that in Miss Zhuang's heart, I, Zhan Limo, am not useless." Zhan Limo's voice suddenly came from the door, making Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao shiver, and they both looked back at him at the same time, " Mr. Zhan, this is the dormitory for female soldiers. If you don’t know the time, you have to knock on the door first.”

At the end of the war, he didn't care about the female soldiers' dormitory or not. Da Chichi walked in and sat down on Zhuang Momo's bed: "I have never regarded you two as women, and I guess you haven't regarded yourself either." As a woman, why are you talking about a girls’ dormitory with me at this time?”

Zhuang Momo quickly distanced himself from him and asked with a cold face: "What's the matter with you?"

At the end of the war: "I can't come and chat with you two if I have nothing to do."

Zhuang Momo: "Master Zhan, you want to chat with us when you have time? Do you believe this? Qiaoqiao, do you believe it?"

Hu Qiaoqiao looked at Zhan Limo and said, "Mr. Zhan, it's not that I won't speak for you. Your words are indeed not very credible."

Zhan Limo waved his hands and said, "I knew you wouldn't believe it. I came to you on orders from my superiors."

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao couldn't believe it even more.

At the end of the war, he said again: "I won't talk nonsense with you two. You clean up and come with me to the captain's office to find him immediately."

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Is something really wrong?"

At the end of the war: "Hurry up and pack it up, the captain only gave us ten minutes."

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao glared at Zhan Limo at the same time. They quickly jumped up and started to clean up: "Zhan Limo, the captain gave us ten minutes, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"I just heard that you were discussing me. I couldn't bear to disturb you, so I stood at the door for two more minutes." Zhan Li smiled carelessly at the end and raised his hand to look at the time. "Now there are only three minutes. Three minutes. I rushed to the captain’s office within a few seconds and went to collect the penalty myself.”

Zhuang Momo: "At the end of the war, it belongs to your uncle."

Zhan Limo ignored him, turned around and left.

Hu Qiaoqiao said: "This man, I was praising him just now, but in the next moment I want to chop him up and feed him to the dogs."

Zhuang Momo: "Stop talking and let's go."

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao rushed to the captain's office as quickly as possible. Fortunately, they made it in time. In addition to Zhan Limo, there was also Xiao Jia in the captain's office. They looked at them together, and both of them had a little look in their eyes. Taking pleasure in his misfortune made Zhuang Momo want to hit someone.

The captain said: "At the end of the war, Jia Zhuangsheng, Zhuang Momo, and Hu Qiaoqiao obey orders."

Several people immediately stood in line, established a formal posture, and seriously waited for the captain to issue orders.

The captain looked at them one by one and said: "You four are the best in the recruit team, so I will send you four to carry out this task."

The four of them responded in unison: "Yes."

The captain added: "But I want to put the ugly words up front. If the mission is successful, you all have contributed. If the mission fails, then I have to say sorry to everyone. Our Flying Eagle team is the elite of the elite, and there is no one here." There’s no room for you all.”

The four people responded in unison again, their voices more sonorous and powerful than last time: "Yes."

Even if they don't know what task they are about to accept, as a soldier, soldiers must have the courage to refuse to admit defeat. And they have full confidence that they will be able to successfully complete this mission.

"This time our training project is mainly about desert island survival, and we have to retrieve four treasure boxes without any food. If you complete the task within a month and are still alive, you have completed the task. On the contrary, if you If it doesn't last a month, we will have someone come to the island to bring your bodies back in a month." The commander took out four identical military orders and placed them in front of them. "Look at this. It's still too late to withdraw before you sign it. Once you sign, there is no room for regret.”

Even though the future was uncertain, the four of them did not hesitate and once again said in unison: "Yes."

The captain nodded: "Very good. I will arrange for someone to send you there right now."

The four of them said again: "Yes."

The four of them were quickly taken away. Looking at their leaving figures, the vice-captain sighed: "Captain, our leader really doesn't care about his son. People who don't know still think that this son is not his biological son." They haven't suffered much at home before, so they may not be able to survive this time."

The captain said: "It is precisely because these children have not suffered that the leader did this. Think about it, what is the purpose of our team training day and night? It is to protect the people and the country from aggression by other countries. We soldiers, We must always be highly cautious and be prepared to face war at any time. Now our country is prosperous, but no one can say when the war will come, and when the real war comes, the battlefield we will face will be different. Our acting is a thousand times more difficult, and accidents may happen at any time. If they can't even endure these hardships, they will have no ability to fight on the real battlefield in the future."

After hearing what the captain said, the vice-captain also understood: "It seems that our leader doesn't love this son, but loves him to death. How can he convince the public if he doesn't have any real ability? I also bullied a brand-new Returning from the end of the war."

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