My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1587: Successor Chapter, recommending Zhan Limo as captain

Chapter 1588: Successor Chapter, recommending Zhan Limo as captain

Zhan Limo and the other four were dropped by helicopter on a desert island about 500 kilometers away from Jiangbei. It was an undeveloped island full of thorns. Not only was there no food prepared for them, but there were also no weapons or tools in their hands.

Under such circumstances, surviving on this desert island will not only test their hands-on ability, but also their intelligence. Zhan Nianbei once said that a good military leader relies not on physical strength, but on mental strength.

There are people responsible for all aspects of fighting, training new recruits, and acting in actual combat, and these people can complete the tasks assigned by the leaders very well. As a true leader, he must control the overall situation and ensure the continued development of the military region.

Seeing the deserted island with no one and full of thorns, Jia Zhuangsheng, one of the four, felt a little scared: "Do you think the four of us can really survive on this deserted island for thirty days? Thirty days , not just a day or two, just drinking water has become a problem. "

Everyone has considered the issue of drinking water, but everyone thinks that the problem will be solved. If it cannot be solved, the worst possible outcome is death. But as a soldier, you cannot lose your integrity, let alone be afraid of death.

If you are afraid of death, if a war really breaks out one day in the future, then who will dare to rush to the front line?

Zhan Limo is a typical representative who is not afraid of death. He is only afraid that his performance is not good enough and will embarrass old man Zhan. He pats Jia Zhuangsheng on the shoulder and encourages Jia Zhuangsheng: "Boy, you just landed on the island. Why are you thinking about us?" No way. It’s just a deserted island. We don’t have ready food, but there are treasures everywhere on this island. We will definitely not starve to death.”

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao also gathered around and comforted Jia Zhuangsheng: "Xiao Jia, don't forget, we are soldiers. If we really encounter a war, the environment will be many times worse than now. Besides, you are not the only one now. You, our escorts are with you, we will definitely complete the mission successfully, so don’t think too much about it.”

Zhan Limo said: "Xiao Jia, look at it, I don't believe that we two men can compete with these two men."

Jia Zhuangsheng felt that this was also the case. Neither Zhuang Momo nor Hu Qiaoqiao was timid or thought of backing down, but he, a grown man, was actually afraid. He was also a soldier. How could his actions embarrass the soldiers? .

He opened his mouth and wanted to say that he could do it, but the roars of Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao overwhelmed his: "At the end of Zhan Li, if you call me a man again, my aunt will tear your mouth apart."

Jia Zhuangsheng sighed again in his heart, no, his loss to them was not to a woman, but to a man-in-law who was neither male nor female. If nothing else, just the voices of these two women can compare to many men in their team.

In fact, women are really scary creatures. Sometimes compared with them, men seem very small, such as Zhan Limo, who was yelled at by the two of them and covered his earphones. Zhan Limo was an absolute leader among their male soldiers. No one dared to provoke him because he couldn't compare with him in terms of background, strength, appearance, or in a fight.

At this time, Zhan Limo had already surrendered due to the quarrel between the two women. He said, "Two aunts, don't you know how harsh your voices are? Stop arguing. Can I apologize to you and admit my mistake?"

See, this is the difference between men and women!

At the end of Zhan Li, he looked around: "This island is undeveloped. None of us know what living creatures there are on the island. We don't worry about anything else. We are just afraid of poisonous snakes and so on. Now let's make rules. On the island Everyone must act according to the regulations and cannot act alone. We must first ensure the safety of our lives.”

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao had no objections: "Let's do this, Mr. Zhan, you can temporarily be the team leader of the four of us. We are a team, and the team must have a leader, so that we can better unite and do what we should do well." .”

Zhuang Momo and Hu Qiaoqiao proposed this, and Jia Zhuangsheng had no objection. He took a deep breath and said firmly: "Okay, I also agree that Mr. Zhan will be our temporary leader. I also believe that as long as the four of us come to an agreement, we will definitely succeed." Can successfully complete this test.”

Zhan Limo said: "Since you have taken the initiative to elect me as the captain of our four-person team, I will not refuse, but I want to make it clear to everyone first that whenever we encounter something in which we disagree in the future, I will finally be the one to take the lead. idea."

Since everyone elected Zhan Limo to be the captain of this team, they are highly certain of his ability and judgment. If such a thing really happened, the decision made by Zhan Limo would not be much different.

Zhuang Momo answered: "Of course, that's why we choose a captain."

Four people, four individuals, four ideas. If there is a disagreement and the vote is a tie, it will be difficult to go further. Choosing a leader is to prevent this kind of thing from happening in advance. of.

At the end of the war, he really appreciated Zhuang Momo's behavior of understanding the general situation. No matter how much they rejected each other in private, as long as it had anything to do with training and so on, Zhuang Momo would never hold him back, even He can also become his most powerful assistant.

They trained together for a year. Apart from personal feelings, his cooperation with Zhuang Momo was still very successful. Otherwise, they would never get first place in every training assessment.

At the end of Zhan Li, he cast an admiring look at Zhuang Momo, and then said: "Okay, the first thing we have to do is to find a safe place as a temporary residence. I emphasize again, the four of us will act together , don’t get separated.”

The three of them said in unison: "Yes."

The biggest problem they face on a desert island is the unknown. They don’t know what creatures there are on the island, and they don’t know whether the creatures are poisonous or not. The only equipment they have is some medicine and a quilt on their backs, but these medicines are not omnipotent. Yes, if you are bitten by a poisonous snake, the consequences will be disastrous.

Because they didn't understand the situation, they didn't dare to go deep into the jungle. They could only check the situation slowly along the sandy beach. While checking the situation, they thought about what to do next. Zhuang Momo thought: "Zhan Li" Finally, I have a suggestion."

At the end of the war, he said: "Speak."

Zhuang Momo pointed to the big tree he saw in the jungle: "Can we build our accommodation on a tree? The tree can be moisture-proof, waterproof, and can also prevent some animals that cannot climb the tree. If there is anything We can detect dangerous situations as soon as possible.”

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