My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1592: The Successor, DNA Paternity Test Results

Chapter 1593: The Successor, DNA Paternity Test Results

"Son, tell mother quickly and let her tell her what's on her mind. Let's help her together." Qin Yinze holds the child and shakes it in front of Jirou, trying to attract her attention, "Jirou, did you hear that? Tell me what's on your mind."

Jirou looked at him and then reached out to touch the child's little head wearing a hat: "Is it so obvious that I have something on my mind?"

Qin Yinze said: "You just have to write a few big words on your face [I have something on my mind]."

"Is it really so obvious?" Ji Rou touched her face and sighed, "Actually, she has nothing to worry about. It's just like your situation two days ago. She may not be ready to be a mother yet. When she looks at her child Don’t quite know what to do.”

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you not ready to be a mother?"

She's not ready to be a mother yet. Qin Yinze will believe this, but Ji Rou said he absolutely doesn't believe it. Jirou is a woman who likes children, so much that she goes crazy. How could she not be ready to be a mother? So he can be sure that she really has something to hide from him, and the matter must be quite big. "Follow me carefully." Let’s talk about it and we can solve it together.”

Ji Rou pretended not to understand what he was talking about: "Didn't I tell you just now. "

Qin Yinze put the child back on the crib, sat next to her, and held her hand in his palm: "Are you worried that I will love this child too much and ignore the child in your belly? Don't worry Well, both children are our children, we love them both very much and we don’t show favoritism to anyone.”

Ji Rou smiled and said: "I don't have such thoughts. It's you, do you have such thoughts?"

Qin Yinze didn't hide it from her: "Because I saw that the child looked nothing like the two of us and was born from someone else's belly, I always felt a little uncomfortable. But I have adjusted this mood. I will love him well from now on.”

Ji Rou said: "You can't tell who a newborn child looks like. As he grows up, you will naturally be able to tell."

As long as the child belongs to both of them, the child will definitely look like one of them when it grows up. Ji Rou didn't say this to Qin Yinze. In any case, Ji Rou still hopes that the child belongs to her and Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze: "Then tell me honestly, what are you worried about?"

"I just feel a little uneasy, but there's nothing else." Jirou has been quietly checking whether the child is their biological child behind Qin Yinze's back. So far, she has not revealed any news to Qin Yinze. Firstly, he was afraid that he had wronged a good person, and secondly, he didn't want Qin Yinze to worry about him.

Ji Rou also understands that as long as Qin Yinze takes action, the truth will soon come to light, but that will also be a slap in Qin Yinze's face. He has spent money and effort to raise a surrogate pregnant woman. If he knows that all the hard work these days will be What would he think if he was helping someone else raise his son?

He probably even had thoughts of killing that woman.

Just when Ji Rou was uneasy, Dai Li's call finally came in. Ji Rou immediately went to the side to answer: "Sister Dai Li, how are you?"

Dai Li's gentle voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: "Xiaorou, I don't know whether this news is good news or bad news for you."

Ji Rou said, "Just tell me."

Dai Li said: "The DNA paternity results are out. This child has nothing to do with you and Mr. Qin, which means he is not your child. I have sent the test report to your WeChat. You Open it after you hang up the phone."

Jirou nodded dullly: "Okay. Thank you, Sister Dai Li."

Dai Li said: "What's the relationship between us? Don't just say thank you to me every time, it's too cool."

Ji Rou said, "Then I won't thank you."

Dai Li said: "Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. You can read the report yourself first. If you need my help next time, just ask."

Ji Rou: "Okay."

When Ji Rou heard the news that the manuscript was not theirs, she didn't know whether it was good news or bad news for herself.

Because Dai Li knows Jirou well enough and knows that Jirou likes children, and now that her biological child is no longer hers, she will definitely be sad. But the result is this. It is absolutely impossible for Dai Li to hide it from Ji Rou. With a personality like hers, she will never watch Ji Rou become an easy target and help others raise children.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Rou opened the document sent by Dai Li. She looked at it carefully. The paternity test report indeed showed that the child had nothing to do with her and Qin Yinze.

She bit her lip and looked at Qin Yinze. Over there, Qin Yinze was playing with his children. The scene of "father and son" together looked quite warm. She couldn't bear to tell Qin Yinze this fact. , but she had to say it, and she couldn't bear to hide the truth and let Qin Yinze muddle along to help others raise their son.

She called him: "Qin Yinze..."

Qin Yinze looked up and said, "What did Dai Li tell you on the phone?"

Ji Rou said seriously: "That's what you asked me today."

Qin Yinze: "Are you going to tell me your troubles?"

Jirou looked at him with burning eyes: "I just want to tell you that I love you so much. I will love you well with our children, you have to know."

Ji Rou is not a girl who likes to confess to others. The more cautious she is, the more Qin Yinze's heart suddenly rises: "What happened?"

Jirou quietly clenched her fists and made a firm decision. She had to tell him the truth: "This child is not ours."

Qin Yinze raised his voice unconsciously: "What did you say?"

Ji Rou puts the phone in his hand: "This is the document that Sister Dai Li just sent me. Please take a look at it first."

Qin Yinze took the phone. When he saw the results of the paternity test report, his face sank little by little at a visible speed: "Haha... These people are so courageous. They dare to play tricks in front of me, Qin Yinze." , do they think I, Qin Yinze, am a paper tiger? "

Ji Rou holds his hand: "No, Qin Yinze, please calm down."

Qin Yinze: "I'm very calm."

Qin Yinze was calm. He didn't know why. When he suddenly heard that the child was not their child, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if the big stone on his heart had been removed, but Qin Yinze was also angry. , angry that someone dared to do things that he had hidden from him under his nose, not to mention that this matter was related to Ji Rou.

If Jirou hadn't accidentally become pregnant with the child, and the child would not be their child after birth, the blow to Jirou would be fatal.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Qin Yinze became.

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