My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1593: The Heir, that woman wants to see the child

Chapter 1594: The Successor Chapter, that woman wants to see the child

Jirou was a little worried about him, so she hugged him quickly and comforted him gently: "I know you put a lot of thought into taking care of this child, and I also hope that this child is ours, but the fact is that it is already the case, and it will not help us to be angry."

Seeing her worried about herself, Qin Yinze felt warm in his heart, and the anger in his chest decreased little by little: "Silly girl, I'm angry with myself for making such a low-level mistake, but what I'm really worried about is you. I’m worried that you will be sad to hear such news.”

She loves children more than he does.

Ji Rou shook her head: "Although I like children, I can't accept others deceiving us. Besides, don't I still have you and the baby in my belly? With you and the baby by my side, what else can I worry about? What, don’t you think so?”

Qin Yinze was very pleased that Jirou could think so. He held her in his arms again and stroked her belly with one hand: "By the way, this child here is the child of both of us. Wait two or three months, He can come out and meet us.”

I don’t know if she heard the conversation between mom and dad, but the baby in Jirou’s belly kicked her feet lightly, which was a response to the parents. Jirou said excitedly: "The baby must have heard what you said, she is here." Kick your legs in response."

Qin Yinze's big palm was just on Ji Rou's bulging belly. He also felt the kick the child just kicked. He was so excited that he smiled like a child: "Yes, yes, I feel it too, baby." You were just responding to me.”

Immediately afterwards, the little guy in the belly kicked again. This time the kick was a bit hard, which made Ji Rou feel the pain: "Oh, baby, please be gentle."

"Did the baby's kick hurt you?" Qin Yinze was worried that the baby's kick would hurt Jirou, so he squatted down, caressed Jirou's round belly and spoke to the little guy in her belly, "Little guy, listen carefully to me, if you If you dare to kick Mom again, Dad will definitely deal with you."

Jirou glared at him: "You can't scare my baby like this."

Qin Yinze didn't think he was wrong: "Who asked him to kick you and hurt you?"

Hearing the man's childish answer, Ji Rou rolled her eyes: "My dear Boss Qin, can we not be so childish? The baby is in the belly now, and he can't speak. He can only talk to him in this way. I communicate. You don’t know how happy I was when he kicked me.”

In the past, she thought that she might not be able to enjoy the joy of being a mother or the happiness of a child growing up in her belly. Now that she has it, she just feels that the child is a treasure given to her by God. She is so happy. Incredible.

Qin Yinze compromised, actually because he didn't want Ji Rou to be dissatisfied with him: "Well, then I'll apologize to the baby. Dad shouldn't be cruel to you, but you must also remember that you must be gentle when kicking your calves in the future. Don't If someone hurts our mother, we must love her together, you know?”

Jirou said with satisfaction: "Yes, that's right."

The baby is already seven months old and will be born in two or three months. Maybe the baby is a little agitated in the mother's belly and can't wait to come into this world to meet his dear parents. The fetal movement during this period It's becoming more and more obvious.

Jirou can even feel that the child is sometimes stretching and sometimes kicking. This feeling of truly giving birth to a child cannot be compared with surrogacy. Only by experiencing it yourself can you know how to truly love your baby. .

Qin Yinze: "Jirou, I'm sorry!"

He was careless. He asked Pengshan to follow the whole process of surrogacy. Pengshan was loyal to him and someone he could absolutely trust, so he never doubted that the child was not his and Jirou's, even if he saw the child There was no resemblance to the couple at all, and he had never doubted that the child did not belong to the couple.

Although Qin Yinze didn't say sorry for anything, Jirou understood what he was saying after being married for so many years. She touched his face distressedly: "Everything you did was for me. Don't say you're sorry to me. You said I’m sorry, I feel sad too.”

Qin Yinze hugged her. Maybe the baby in his belly heard the conversation between the two again. He raised his calf and kicked Jirou hard. Jirou felt it and said with a smile: "Qin Yinze, your son kicked me. You see, he also helped you bully me."

"Baby, you can't bully your mother, you must love your mother." The couple did not identify the child's gender. It is not yet known whether the child in Jirou's belly is a boy or a girl, but Qin Yinze prefers a girl. A smart and beautiful girl like Ji Rou.

But Qin Yinze didn't say these words in his heart. He was worried that after giving birth to a boy, Jirou would accidentally let slip that his father preferred girls, which would cause psychological harm to the child. In fact, it's not that he doesn't like boys, it's just that he prefers girls to boys. But if a boy is born, of course he will still love the child just as much.

Qin Yinze already knew that the child born to the surrogate mother was not their child, and before he had time to take action, the nurse taking care of the surrogate mother hurried over: "Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, the child's surrogate mother is not She doesn't want to eat or drink, and she won't let the doctor give her an injection. She said she wants to see the child, you see..."

Nurses also know that since they are willing to be surrogates, they should take the money and get out. This is a fair deal. However, over the years, she has also seen many women who are unwilling to hand over their children after giving birth. I have seen women like this woman who are willing to die just to see their children.

Qin Yinze didn't go to the woman. She came to the door by herself, which saved him from asking someone to take the child back to her: "Since she wants to see the child, then take the child to her. Remember, by the way. Let her move out of the high-end ward, and let her pay for all the expenses of giving birth.”

Qin Yinze has never been a charitable person. The woman did such a big thing to deceive him behind his back, and he still had to help with money and effort. Could it be that the woman still thought she was his Ji Rou? Will he give her all his love and let her do whatever she wants?

When Qin Yinze made such a decision, Jirou didn't raise a single objection. She fully supported him.

Although Ji Rou pitied the newly born child and knew that the fault of the matter was not with the child, but the woman dared to deceive Qin Yinze, I am afraid that the woman was also prepared to be caught and exposed in advance.

Such a woman doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy. Besides, Ji Rou has never been loving to anyone.

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