My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1594: The Successor will teach our baby bad things

Chapter 1595: The Successor Chapter will teach our babies bad things

The nurse couldn't believe her ears and repeated carefully: "Mr. Qin, do you really want to give your child to that woman? Aren't you afraid that the woman will cause trouble again? The more indulgent a woman like that is, the more likely she will be. Push your limits.”

As a nurse, it has nothing to do with her why these people are making trouble. The nurse didn't know why, but she said a few more words today.

Qin Yinze said in a deep voice: "Take her, right away."

He didn't want to see this child again. When he saw it, he would think that he was being played.

The nurse didn't understand what happened, but when she saw Qin Yinze's gloomy face, she didn't dare to say more or stay longer, and quickly took the child away.

As soon as the nurse left, Qin Yinze called Pengshan.

Pengshan didn't know that such a big thing had happened, but he still had a smiling face when he walked in. The master got a fat boy, so he must be in a good mood. The people under them are also living a very easy life these days, but when he entered the house After that, Pengshan realized that something was wrong. Not only did his master not smile, but he also looked like he wanted to eat people.

He subconsciously touched his neck: "Sir, you have something to do with me."

Qin Yinze glanced over with sharp eyes and said coldly: "Pengshan, you are so brave!"

"Sir, I..." Pengshan didn't know what he had done wrong. He looked at Jirou for help, hoping that Jirou could help him.

However, who knew that Ji Rou, who was usually willing to help them, just looked at him and did not stand up to speak for him as usual, which made him feel that the matter was probably a bit serious.

Over the years, Pengshan and a group of subordinates have sincerely accepted Jirou as their mistress. They are good to Jirou, and Jirou is good to them. They have made mistakes, but Jirou will help them within the scope of forgiveness. They begged for mercy and it made their lives a lot easier.

Qin Yinze clearly knows that Ji Rou always pleads for them, but he also allows Ji Rou to do this. In fact, he does this so that everyone can see Ji Rou's kindness and let everyone sincerely work for Ji Rou and think about Ji Rou. , truly regard Ji Rou as their head mistress.

However, when encountering such a big thing, Jirou will not mess around. The premise for her to help these subordinates is not to cause trouble to Qin Yinze.

Pengshan secretly shouted in his heart: It's over!

It's been a long time since I've been dealt with by my master. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this time.

"You don't know where you went wrong?" Qin Yinze's voice became colder.

Pengshan said with a mournful face: "Sir, please tell me clearly. I really can't remember where I was bold, and I don't know what I did wrong."

Qin Yinze controlled the urge to kick Pengshan: "Whose child is it?"

Pengshan, a fool, even asked stupidly: "Which child?"

Qin Yinze said: "Which child are you talking about?"

Pengshan finally reacted slowly, and even thought Qin Yinze's question was funny: "Sir, it's so funny that you ask this question. Isn't that child yours and your wife's?"

Qin Yinze knew that Pengshan had an elm head on his head, but the conversation just now told him that Pengshan had nothing to do with this matter: "I'll give you two hours to check and see which one it is." Something went wrong in the link. Let me know the result.”

Pengshan still insisted stupidly: "Sir, why is that child not yours?"

Pengshan remembered clearly that he saw the woman being sent to the operating room with his own eyes, and he also waited outside the operating room until the operation was over. After the operation, the doctor told him that the operation was successful and that he would just observe it for a few more days. There is no big problem.

After the operation, the woman asked him to live in a place and was monitored 24 hours a day. Apart from him, a doctor, and a nurse, the woman could hardly see anyone else. What exactly was the problem? That's wrong, why didn't he notice it at all?

Qin Yinze glanced at it and his eyes became darker: "What do you think?"

Pengshan quickly said: "Okay, don't be angry, I'll go check it out right now."

Looking at Pengshan's running figure in embarrassment, Ji Rou couldn't help but laugh: "Look at you, how scared you are of Pengshan. He, with a master like you, must be on tenterhooks every day. Live life.”

When Qin Yinze looked at Ji Rou, his eyes suddenly softened a lot. He poked her nose: "It's his blessing to meet a master like me. Another person would have kicked him away. Besides, he would have kicked him away. Oh, have I punished him before? It’s not because he made a mistake, and I don’t know where the mistake was. I didn’t punish him in any way, so I deserved it.”

Jirou smiled and said: "Yeah, yeah, you are not only a good husband and a good leader, but you will also be a good father in the future... In short, you are good."

Qin Yinze: "Don't you think so?"

Ji Rou: "I said you are."

Qin Yinze suddenly held her face, lowered his head and kissed her lips: "Look at your little mouth, it's getting slippery."

He made a pun, which made Jirou blush: "The baby will hear it, don't spoil our baby by talking nonsense."

Qin Yinze holds Jirou's belly: "Dad is talking to mother, baby, don't eavesdrop."

Ji Rou: "Okay, childish ghost, I'm a little tired, let's go home."

Seven months pregnant, Ji Rou's belly is as big as if she is about to give birth, so she gets tired easily every day.

Qin Yinze quickly helped her: "You must be tired from running to the hospital every day these days. Have a good rest at home from tomorrow, and you are not allowed to go out without my permission."

"Domineering!" Ji Rou smiled and said, "Qin Yinze, don't you go and see that woman? Don't you confront her face to face?"

Qin Yinze carefully supported Ji Rou: "Who does she think she is? Strictly speaking, she is not even an errand boy around me. Do you think I need to see her?"

All Qin Yinze wants is the results, he doesn't need to come forward to solve these problems at all. Because that woman is no longer the surrogate mother of his child and has nothing to do with him.

Jirou shook her head: "You! How can you be so affectionate and so unfeeling?"

This man was very affectionate towards her and could melt her heart when he treated her tenderly.

This man is ruthless to other women, and when he is ruthless, he can break a person's heart into pieces.

But his handling method was right. That woman had nothing to do with him, so of course he didn't need to see her.

Just as they were preparing to go home, the nurse came to the pregnant woman's ward with the baby in her arms.

The surrogate mother is giving birth to children for Qin Yinze and Ji Rou. She is treated very well. She has an independent ward and all the decoration and equipment are complete. Strictly speaking, it is no worse than a five-star store.

But while she was enjoying such treatment, she did deceptive things. She probably only knew who the child belonged to.

Seeing that the nurse actually brought the baby, the woman was very surprised, not surprised at all, but had many indescribable emotions.

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