My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1595: Heir, whose child is it?

Chapter 1596: Heir, whose child is it?

It was she who asked to see the child, but when the nurse actually took the child back, she was frightened. She was afraid that the secret she had hidden for ten months would be discovered: "Ms. Nurse, this... Mr. Qin asked you to take the child." Come to see me?"

She spoke pitifully, with a pitiful look that might shed tears at any time, but the nurse had no sympathy for her. To be honest, the nurse looked down on this kind of woman. She would not be an ordinary person if she betrayed her uterus in the first place. willing to do.

But even so, it is their own choice. They have not harmed anyone else by using their body parts to make money, and they are doing so upright.

However, the nurse looked down upon this woman who clearly took her employer's money and still wanted to pester her employer to see her child. It has nothing to do with you after we come down. You don’t eat or drink just to see your children. Do you think it’s useful?”

The woman said pitifully: "I know, I know, I know I shouldn't see the child, I know I should take the money and disappear forever from Mr. Qin's eyes, but after all, this child was born to me in ten months of pregnancy, I am still more or less I feel a bit reluctant to bear it. Don’t worry, I will just take a look at the child and return it to them. I will stay away from them and never disturb their family’s life again.”

"There is no need to return the child, you can keep it for yourself." Pengshan's voice suddenly came from the door, and then his big figure appeared in the room. The woman's eyes widened in surprise, and her eyes suddenly turned red, "Pengshan Sir, what do you mean?"

Pengshan waved his hand to signal the nurse to go out first. When they were the only two people left in the ward, he slowly asked: "Tell me, where did this child come from?"

The woman's eyes widened and she looked at Pengshan in surprise: "Mr. Peng, what do you mean?"

Pengshan shouted: "I have a bad temper. Don't ask me to repeat the question. Tell me honestly where did this child come from?"

The woman bit her lip, looking pitiful and aggrieved: "Others don't know where the child came from, but you don't know, Mr. Peng? It was you who found me and asked me to be a surrogate mother. I have never had any relationship with a man before. During the artificial insemination, you stayed in the operating room and monitored me for 24 hours. "Whose child do you think it is?"

What the woman said was reasonable and well-founded, which made Pengshan hesitate after hearing it. Yes, he was the one who found her, and he confirmed that she was still a clean baby. He was also the one who asked people to look at her after that, but she didn't even From her contact with outsiders, except for that surgical insemination, it was unlikely that she would be pregnant with someone else's child.

But it is even less likely that his husband would wrongly accuse a good person for no reason. To be precise, his husband would be even less likely to say nonsense without evidence.

Pengshan's mind has never been very flexible and he doesn't think things through. His greatest advantage is that he is loyal to Qin Yinze. This is why Qin Yinze has not replaced him after using him for so many years. Therefore, when facing some problems, Others could figure it out with just a little thought, but when it came to him, he just couldn't figure it out.

Seeing Pengshan's soft heart, the woman said: "Mr. Peng, I am a clean girl. I sold my uterus because my family is poor and my mother is seriously ill and needs treatment, so I am so despicable that I sell my uterus." . If she wasn’t forced into desperation, I don’t think any girl would be willing to sell her body like this.”

The woman's voice was soft and weak, coupled with her rosy expression, which made Pengshan feel uncomfortable, and for the first time he had the idea that his master had made a mistake.

After all, this girl is really not a bad girl. She has been very kind to them these days, and she has never shown off her power just because she has a "dragon seed" in her belly.

In normal times, she would cook by herself and cook for the people who took care of her. Her cooking skills were pretty good, so she was liked by those who took care of her.

Pengshan asked again: "Is this child really my master's?"

The girl wiped away her tears and stubbornly pushed back the tears in her eyes, unwilling to cry in front of Pengshan: "Who else could it be besides him? Can't I give birth to a child by myself?"

If she cries, makes a fuss, or quarrels, Pengshan has some ruthless ways to deal with her, but she is such a girl who is so weak that the wind can blow her away, but she still stubbornly refuses to shed tears. Such a girl is It's heartbreaking.

So Pengshan felt soft in his heart: "Okay, maybe we made a mistake. You take the child to rest first, and I will ask about the situation later."

The woman bit her lip and said, "Well, thank you, Brother Pengshan."

Brother Pengshan!

Pengshan felt goosebumps all over his body. Damn it, women are trouble.

The woman laid the child next to her, gently picked up the child's hand and brought it to her mouth and kissed it again and again: "Baby, you are so cute. When you grow up, you will definitely look like your daddy, and you will definitely be cuter. You have such excellent parents. They will give you a bright future, so I won’t worry about you. But you must remember to be filial to them and love them well. They are your closest relatives in this world. Dearest relative."

The baby didn't cry or fuss. He was sleeping with his eyes closed. I didn't know if he heard her words. However, he was only three days old and was still very young. Even if he heard it, he would not remember these words.

After watching this scene, Pengshan felt that this woman really didn't look like a scheming person. He went out and bravely called Qin Yinze: "Sir, are you sure that the child is not yours and your wife's?"

Qin Yinze and Ji Rou were on their way home when they suddenly received a call from Pengshan. He hadn't spoken yet. Unexpectedly, Pengshan said this, which made Qin Yinze furious: "I said Pengshan, you kid Is it getting harder and harder? No, have you ever gone out with your brain?"

In front of others, Pengshan looks fierce, but in front of Qin Yinze, he is worse than a little daughter-in-law who is being bullied. In the past, when Qin Yinze was so cruel, he would not even dare to say anything, but today for the sake of He risked his life for that poor woman: "Sir, I just asked that woman, and she firmly said that the child belongs to you and your wife. The way she spoke and her attitude didn't seem like she was lying. You really See if you made a mistake?"

Qin Yinze suppressed his anger: "Forget it, you don't have to worry about it. Contact Chu Yuan immediately and let him take care of it."

Pengshan naturally couldn't count on a scheming person. It seemed that this matter had to be left to Chu Yuan.

Pengshan: "Sir, I..."

Then, Pengshan heard the busy signal on the phone. His master thought that he was not smart enough and handed the errand to another person. This was not the first time for him. Sometimes he thought about it. You will feel quite useless.

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