My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1596: The Successor, All Men Are Suspected

Chapter 1597: The Successor, All Men Are Suspected

Seeing Qin Yinze yelling at Pengshan again, Ji Rou only thought that the way the boss and his subordinates got along was a bit funny, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Qin Yinze put the phone aside and looked at her: "Why are you laughing?"

Ji Rou said: "You, you obviously can't let go of this subordinate, but you still keep a straight face and bully him every day. If you kill him one day, I think you will definitely regret it."

Qin Yinze did not deny that he valued Pengshan, but sometimes he was really annoyed by Pengshan's stupid big man. He sighed: "Pengshan is just an elm-headed person. If you don't point him down, he won't know the southeast." Northwest."

"Is this the reason why you are so cruel to him?" Jirou hugged Qin Yinze's big palm with both hands and said softly, "I know that no matter how slow Pengshan's reaction is, you still reuse him because he is loyal to you. of."

Of course Qin Yinze knows Pengshan's loyalty.

Jirou continued: "As long as you have money, you can have as many subordinates as you want, but it is very rare to get a subordinate who is as loyal to you as Pengshan. He is loyal to you, but you are always mean to him, If one day he is wronged and hears something from others, he will inevitably think: This subordinate is so good, why can't you talk to him? "

Listening to Ji Rou's words, Qin Yinze really felt that the little girl had really grown up, and she could see things so clearly.

In the past, she was very impulsive when things happened and never did things regardless of the consequences, but now she is different. When she has doubts about something, she will no longer be as impulsive as before and speak out without hesitation. Instead, she knows how to wait for the opportunity. , waiting for conclusive evidence to be obtained, and beating the opponent until he is unable to fight back.

For example, this surrogacy incident is the best example of Jirou's maturity.

Seeing Qin Yinze staring at her without blinking, Jirou's face still couldn't help but get hot: "Why are you looking at me like this? Do you think I'm wrong?"

Qin Yinze smiled and stroked her face: "I was wondering, when did my wife become so sensible? Why didn't I notice it for so many years?"

Ji Rou was very happy when Qin Yinze praised herself, but she didn't want to show her excitement and deliberately said to him: "Qin Yinze, what do you mean? Do you mean that I was not sensible before?"

Qin Yinze smiled and said: "I was sensible before, but I am more sensible now. It is really a blessing that I have cultivated in several lifetimes for me to marry you."

"Tch, I know you were dissatisfied with my previous ignorance. Qin Yinze, let me tell you, no matter what I look like, you are not allowed to say anything bad about me." Ji Rou stroked her lower abdomen, the look on her face The smile became gentler and sweeter, "Especially after our child is born, you can't say anything bad about me. You can only praise me in front of the child. I also have to work hard to be a good mother, so that my baby feels that his mother is the world. The most amazing mother.”

The mother of her own child is of course the best, and Qin Yinze does not hesitate to praise her: "Of course, you are the best mother in the world. Although the baby has not been born yet, I believe the baby has already sensed it."

At this time, the baby in Jirou's belly moved again, and she said with a smile: "The baby kicked me again."

Qin Yinze said: "Maybe the baby heard our conversation, but he couldn't speak, so he communicated with us in this way."

"Then our baby is really a smart baby, maybe also a naughty baby." In a trance, a picture emerged in Jirou's mind. Not long after her baby was born, she took the prince and her son's baby with her. Went to fight.


This is her and the baby's little secret, and Qin Yinze must not know it.

"Brother Pengshan, have everything been cleared up? What did Mr. Qin say?" Pengshan returned to the room, and the surrogate mother blinked at Pengshan with her tearful eyes and asked pitifully. , and Pengshan couldn't help but question her.

Pengshan quickly looked away from this charming woman and tried his best to show his past masculinity: "I think you should have thought about the consequences when doing this. It's not that you are pretending to be pitiful. This can be solved.”

"Brother Pengshan, why can't I understand what you are saying? Haven't I already made it clear to you? Don't you still not believe me?" She was about to cry, but she forced the tears back into her eyes. , just to prevent tears from flowing out, this stubbornness is actually very heart-wrenching, so Pengshan hesitated, wondering if their husband had made a mistake.

"Don't fucking call me that." Pengshan couldn't deal with this kind of woman, so he yelled and turned around to go out. When he went out, he bumped into Chu Yuan at the door. "Butler Chu, you came just in time. I'll do that to the woman in the room." Not sure, you go figure it out.”

Chu Yuan stared at Pengshan for a long time, which made Pengshan feel a little uncomfortable: "Butler Chu, Mr. Chu asked you to come over and deal with the matter of the woman in the room. You are staring at me like this." What to do?”

Chu Yuan's answer was straightforward: "Because I'm checking you."

Pengshan: "Checking me? Why are you checking me? I'm not the one who gave birth to the child, so what else can you find out about me?"

Chu Yuan said: "Yes, the child was not born by you, but it cannot be ruled out that the child was the seed you sowed, don't you think so?"

Pengshan didn't expect that Chu Yuan's arrival would put a shit basin on his head. He glared at Chu Yuan angrily, as if his eyes were about to pop out: "Chu Yuan, we are all people working around Mr. , I have always treated you with respect. I dare say that I have never offended you. What good does it do you to slander me like this? "

Chu Yuan was not affected by Pengshan's emotions at all, and said calmly: "I am just analyzing every possibility. I have never thought of wrongly accusing you, so you don't need to be excited."

Pengshan has always been the slow-responsive person: "What do you mean? Can't you just talk to me? It's not like you don't know that I don't have enough brains. You're talking to me. I'm not tired. I'm afraid You will be tired too."

Chu Yuan said: "It's a miracle that the young master will keep you by his side."

Pengshan: "My life was saved by my husband. Even if he doesn't let me go, I will still cling to him."

Chu Yuan is sincerely nice to Qin Yinze, and he also hopes that more people will be nice to Qin Yinze. He just dislikes Pengshan for being slow at times, but has no intention of giving up on Pengshan: "You said you, artificial insemination is a This thing is what our husband asked you to do. It was you who monitored the whole process and you arranged for someone to take care of the pregnant woman. Now ten months have passed and the son born by the surrogate woman is not the son of the husband and his wife. First of all, you have to deal with this. responsible for something.”

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