My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1597: Heir, having sex with others before conception

Chapter 1598: Heir, having sex with others before conception

Pengshan said, "I'm responsible. No matter how you punish me, sir, it's fine, as long as you don't drive me away."

Chu Yuan: "Don't interrupt me before I finish what I'm saying."

Pengshan smiled flatteringly: "You say it, you say it, and I listen."

Chu Yuan said: "According to the information, the surrogate woman had not had sex before you found her, and her body was clean. It was only after you found her that she became pregnant with the child."

Pengshan nodded: "Yes. That's it."

He is still like this.

Chu Yuan was even a little angry, let alone their master: "Pengshan, besides saying yes, can you say anything else?"

Pengshan: "Steward Chu, you don't want me to interrupt."

Chu Yuan: "I'll let you explain."

Pengshan: "Explain what?"

Chu Yuan: "..."

He was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. If he hadn't known about Pengshan's urinary nature, he would have thought that Pengshan was deliberately irritating him.

Pengshan said: "Mr. Chu, if you want me to explain something, just say it directly."

Chu Yuan: "Then let me ask you now, who did that woman come into contact with after you found her?"

Pengshan said: "In addition to me seeing her often, there are Dr. Fang and Nurse Yang, as well as Aunt Miao who takes care of her diet."

Chu Yuan asked again: "Who among these people is a man?"

Pengshan: "Dr. Fang and I."

Chu Yuan: "Who performed the artificial insemination surgery at that time?"

Pengshan: "It's Dr. Fang and his team."

After hearing this, Chu Yuan was able to roughly analyze what the situation was based on what he had learned. He also knew clearly that whether it was an accident or an intentional accident, Dr. Fang could not escape his involvement. .

In fact, the relationship between this is very simple. Anyone with a little bit of thinking can imagine it. Pengshan is too nervous and he didn't realize it.

Chu Yuan patted Pengshan on the shoulder: "Go and do your business."

Pengshan: "You don't want to check me, you haven't checked me yet."

Chu Yuan poked his big head: "Pengshan, Pengshan, wouldn't you use your brain to share some of the burden for the master? Do you have to wait for the master to tell you everything?"

Pengshan nodded: "Yes. I listen to everything sir."

He actually dared to nod!

Chu Yuan didn't want to pay attention to him anymore: "Okay, okay, you go and do your work. I don't need your help here."

Pengshan: "Steward Chu, you are not..."

Chu Yuan pushed the door open and entered the house. He slammed the door shut and blocked Pengshan from outside.

"This man said he wanted to investigate the matter with me. He kept asking and then stopped asking. What exactly was he trying to do..." Looking at the door that was slammed shut, Pengshan babbled alone. Only then did he think of something slowly, "Could it be...fuck, if that's really the case, I have to destroy these two bitches."

Chu Yuan entered the room and saw the surrogate woman lying quietly on the bed. When she heard someone coming in, she didn't even look back. She didn't know if she was asleep and didn't hear the noise outside.

Chu Yuan didn't care whether she fell asleep or was running away from something. He sat directly on the chair next to her bed and said, "Be honest with yourself."

The woman didn't respond, but Chu Yuan knew that she was awake and knew that she heard him talking.

"Do you think you can hide the fact that the child is not my little master without telling you?" Chu Yuan shook his head and smiled softly, "Don't say that medical science is so advanced now. A paternity test can determine whether the child is paternity or not. Relationship. Even without these medical methods, if my husband wants to check, he can find it. I will sit here now just to hear why you do this. "

The woman still didn't respond, but her slightly clenched fists outside the quilt betrayed her emotions.

Chu Yuan said again: "You still don't want to say anything?"

Hearing Chu Yuan's determined tone, the woman knew that her secret could no longer be hidden. In fact, when Pengshan came to find her, she knew that she could no longer hide it, but she still wanted to take a gamble, maybe she would be lucky. She could win the bet, but she didn't. This time, like many times in the past, good luck still did not come to her.

She slowly turned her head, first looked at the sleeping child next to her, and then looked at Chu Yuan: "Yes, you are right, this child does not belong to your master, he is my child, and he was conceived in ten months. A child born of hard work.”

Chu Yuan asked: "Who is the father of the child?"

The woman said: "As long as you know that the child does not belong to your master, as for who the child's father is, what does it have to do with you?"

Chu Yuan smiled: "My master provided money and effort to support you, but the child you gave birth to is not their child. Do you think it has anything to do with them?"

The woman said: "I will pay you back all the money I spent in these ten months."

Chu Yuan said: "You and Dr. Fang have known each other before. How did you meet?"

Hearing the words Dr. Fang, the woman panicked slightly, but quickly returned to normal: "I not only know Dr. Fang, but I also know Pengshan. Why, do you now suspect that the child is the child of one of them? "

Chu Yuan only mentioned Dr. Fang, and the woman did not answer the question directly. Instead, she mentioned Pengshan. Pengshan was also a man. They could doubt Dr. Fang. There was no reason not to doubt Pengshan, but she did not know that Pengshan was interested in her. How loyal is the master of the family? Even if Pengshan's identity in this matter is indeed doubtful, as long as they look at Pengshan twice, they can rule out the possibility of Pengshan.

Chu Yuan was not affected at all and said, "I heard that you used to like Dr. Fang very much."

The woman panicked: "What on earth do you mean?"

Chu Yuan added: "I came to you not to confirm with you whether the child is my master's, because before I came to you, my mistress had someone do a paternity test, and I can be 100% sure that this child is not theirs." As a couple. I just want to give you a chance to redeem yourself. If you admit your mistake positively and behave well, my master may not hold you accountable. But look at your attitude. I can’t help you even if I want to.”

Woman: "Yes, I know him. Not only do I know him, I also like him."

Chu Yuan: "So?"

Woman: "The night before artificial insemination, we had sex. I didn't want to give my first time to a cold machine, so I gave myself to him, but who would have thought that just this time, just Once, I got pregnant."

Chu Yuan: "What else?"

Woman: "No more."

Chu Yuan said: "Let me add for you. In fact, during the operation that day, Dr. Fang did something wrong. He did not artificially inseminate you at all, and the relationship between the two of you was definitely not just the night before the operation. once."

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