My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1598: The Successor, a man with no sense of responsibility

Chapter 1599: The Successor, a man with no sense of responsibility

Surrogate woman: "..."

At this point, the woman's emotions were already in a panic, which made her lose her sense of proportion. The protective wall she had built so hard was gradually crumbling: "Who are you? Why do you know everything? What do you want?" What do you want from me?"

"Shouldn't I ask you, what do you want from my master?" Chu Yuan looked at this woman calmly, his voice suddenly became a little darker, "Money? You have already got this, you have paid for the surrogacy. , I guess you won’t be able to spend it all in a lifetime. In fact, if you have money, you will have power. This has always been the case in this society.”

The woman clenched her fists and did not respond. Perhaps she felt that Chu Yuan could not guess her true purpose no matter what.

Chu Yuan looked at her and slowly gave an answer: "Are you interested in Mrs. Qin's position?"

The woman panicked: "Who are you? What do you do?"

When the woman asked this question, she indirectly admitted what she was thinking. Chu Yuan added, "There were women who had ideas about my husband before, but the outcome was a bit tragic. Besides, my husband's feelings for my wife are extremely good. , someone like you would destroy it.”

The woman clenched her fist tightly: "No, I have never been interested in Mrs. Qin's position. What I want is to find an excellent father for my child. I don't want my child to be like me and lose to my parents in life." On the body. A good family and good parents can give children a different future.”

Chu Yuan believed this, but he didn't believe it.

I believe that she wants to find an excellent father for her son, but I don’t believe that she is not interested in Mrs. Qin’s position. After all, there are really not many excellent men in this world. It’s not easy to meet one, and it’s normal to feel excited. .

So he just looked at the woman and said nothing.

The woman also looked at him and did not explain more. The matter had already been revealed. No matter how much she said, it would not help, so it was better not to say anything.

Dong Dong——

Someone knocked on the door, and Chu Yuan said, "Come in."

The person who pushed the door open was a young man, about twenty years old. His attitude towards Chu Yuan was also very respectful: "Butler Chu, we have checked everything you asked for. This woman and Dr. Fang did know each other before. I dated them for a while before, but they broke up for unknown reasons.”

Hearing this, the woman turned to look at Chu Yuan: "You don't know anything. You were deceiving me just now."

Chu Yuan said: "So what?"

The woman said angrily: "You...have I provoked you?"

Chu Yuan said: "You didn't provoke me, but you provoked my husband. To me, provoking my husband is even more hateful than provoking me."

"You..." It was obvious that she was the one who planned the scheme first, and now the conspiracy was exposed, but she felt as if people all over the world were bullying her, and she wiped her tears aggrievedly, "You are bullying a helpless person like this. A strong woman is simply too much.”

Chu Yuan: "Well, tell me more."

"" The woman thought for a long time, but finally couldn't find a suitable curse word. She was somewhat self-aware. In fact, what she hated was herself. She worked so hard and carefully designed a plan, but in the end it was exposed so easily.

She never thought that her wishful thinking would come to nothing. She never thought that she would be defeated at the hands of such a humble person. She would be defeated so completely that he would not even give her a final struggle.

Chu Yuan didn't say anything more to her, turned around and walked out.

The woman shouted: "What are you going to do with me?"

Chu Yuan stopped and turned around: "What do you think?"

Chu Yuan did not give the woman a definite answer and walked out, leaving the woman staring blankly at the door.

In fact, what she wants is very simple, very simple, but why is God unwilling to give her a hand, letting her fail again and again and fall into the abyss of battles again and again.

When it comes to beauty, she thinks she will not lose to Ji Rou. And she has an advantage. She is younger than Ji Rou, but apart from the time she didn't want to go to the prenatal check-up and saw Qin Yinze, she didn't even get close to Qin Yinze.

What's wrong with the woman named Ji Rou who is held in pain by Qin Yinze's hand?

They have been married for so many years, and she can't even give birth to a child, but Qin Yinze still loves her very much. Unknowingly, it has become a legend in Minluo City, saying that Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin are the most loving people in Minluo City. A couple has been in love for many years, so young couples should learn more from them.

We are both women, but why are the men we meet so different?

What he met was a scumbag, but what Ji Rou met was a scumbag.

She was unwilling but helpless.

Before Chu Yuan appeared, Dr. Fang had already felt that something was wrong, but he did not think about the bad side, or in other words, he thought about it, but did not dare to think deeply. Thinking of the critical moment, he forced himself not to think about it any more. Go down.

When Chu Yuan appeared in front of Dr. Fang and said, "The child is yours," Dr. Fang knew that his end had come and that his future career would be ruined, but he still instinctively gave birth to the child just like the surrogate woman. He defended himself: "Chu, Butler Chu, what do you mean by this? How come I was so confused?"

Chu Yuan threw the information found by his men on the table: "Why are you pretending to be stupid? Don't you know the good things you have done?"

Dr. Fang picked up the documents Chu Yuan left on the table with trembling hands. He opened it and glanced at it casually. His face turned pale instantly: "Butler Chu, I, I... listen to my explanation, things are not what you think. It looks like I was plotted."

Chu Yuan: "Were you plotted?"

Doctor Fang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I was plotted. That night, I don't know what happened. After dinner, my head felt groggy, and then I went to bed early. Who knew I would wake up the next day? Come, there was a woman next to me. I was afraid at the time. After all, this woman was the surrogate mother Pengshan found for Mr. Qin. It was also because of fear that I did not dare to tell Mr. Pengshan about it. Later, I was threatened by that woman. Me, she said that if I dared to say nonsense, she would sue me and force her to do it. I really had no way to explain myself, so I had to do what she wanted. Butler Chu, you must understand everything clearly and give me innocence and fairness. .”

Chu Yuan said with disdain: "Fang, are you still a man? Damn it, you dare to do it but you don't deserve it, and you still pass the responsibility to a woman, I look down on you."

In comparison, the woman surnamed Fang who defended her surnamed Fang was much more courageous.

Doctor Fang: "Steward Chu, it's not that I dare not admit it. What I said is all true. If you don't believe it, you can ask that woman."

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