My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1602: The Successor Chapter, the end of the war, help me bleed

Chapter 1603: The Successor Chapter, the end of the war, help me bleed

The strong wind screamed like a ghost, blowing out the only lighting torch in their hands.

Hu Qiaoqiao was so frightened that she hugged Zhuang Momo tightly: "Momo, I can't see anything now, what should we do?"

Zhuang Momo said calmly: "Qiao Qiao, don't panic, just follow me. I'm familiar with that road and can take everyone there without a torch."

Hu Qiaoqiao had been with Zhuang Momo yesterday afternoon. Zhuang Momo also knew about the cave Zhan Limo mentioned. She was confused: "Momo, have you seen that cave too?"

Zhan limo knew that Zhuang Momo didn't know the existence of the cave. She said this just to reassure everyone. This woman responded quickly and was a talent. Zhan limo praised Zhuang Momo in his heart.

He continued what Hu Qiaoqiao said: "I told the man's mother-in-law when I saw the cave in the afternoon, and she also knew about the existence of the cave."

Hearing what Zhan Limo said, Hu Qiaoqiao felt relieved a little: "Fortunately, you all know, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do."

With Zhuang Momo as his right-hand man, everything Zhan Limo does can be done with twice the result with half the effort. He added: "You have all seen what a man's wife can do. She leads the way in front and I follow behind. But it's dark and you can't see. Why are you still worried?" What?"

With that said, they have nothing to worry about. They are either on the battlefield or just out of sight.

Hu Qiaoqiao dragged Jia Zhuangsheng and followed Zhuang Momo slowly forward without anyone saying anything more.

While walking, Zhuang Momo suddenly snorted and stopped walking. Hu Qiaoqiao quickly asked: "Momo, why don't you leave?"

"It's okay." Zhuang Momo shook his head and led everyone forward. Her little abnormality just now did not attract everyone's attention.

I don't know how long it took, but the four of them finally arrived at the cave that Zhan Limo said. Zhan Limo said, "We're here."

But the others still hugged each other tightly, so scared that no one dared to separate. It was not until Zhan Li finally lit a fire and illuminated the cave that Hu Qiaoqiao and Jia Zhuangsheng let go of each other.

Hu Qiaoqiao hugged the quilt, huddled up and said, "It won't rain here, but will the sea water rise in?"

At the end of the war, he said: "You three will rest first. I will go to the entrance of the cave to keep vigil. If anything happens, I will notify everyone as soon as possible."

"Mr. Zhan, it's hard on you. I'll take a nap first, and I'll replace you later." It's not that Jia Zhuangsheng doesn't want to keep vigil, it's just that he's a little scared to leave him alone in the cave, although he doesn't know what to be afraid of.

Hu Qiaoqiao was already very sleepy. She laid out the quilt and fell asleep: "I'm sleepy, let's go to bed first."

Zhuang Momo threw the quilt on the ground and followed Zhan Limo out: "Mr. Zhan, I'm not sleepy. I'll stay with you for a while."

At the end of the war, he looked back at Zhuang Momo, raised the corners of his lips and smiled casually: "Hey, man, you don't trust me to watch the night alone? Or do you want to find a chance to be alone with me?"

"As long as Mr. Zhan is happy, you can do whatever you want." Zhuang Momo left a word and walked straight to the entrance of the cave.

"Hey, man, you fucking want to play hard to get with me. Let me tell you, there are no doors, not even windows." Zhan Limo yelled dissatisfied, but still followed.

Zhuang Momo walked very fast. He didn't stop until he reached the entrance of the cave and looked back. The cave was very deep and the two people sleeping in this position could not be seen.

She looked at Zhan Limo who was following her and said seriously: "Zhan Limo, I was bitten by a snake. Now I have to release the poisonous blood to save my life. You must help me."

"Zhuang Momo, what did you say?" It wasn't until he heard Zhuang Momo say this that Zhan Limo slowly realized that Zhuang Momo's face was already pale and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

He was startled, and without asking any more questions, he came to Zhuang Momo's side with a quick step: "Madeh, if you didn't tell me if you were bitten by a snake, you are looking for death."

At the end of the war, while roaring, he pushed Zhuang Momo to the ground and sat down: "Damn woman, sit tight for me and don't move. Did you see what kind of snake bit you?"

Zhuang Momo rolled his eyes at him, showing an expression of disdain as if you would ask such a stupid question at the end of the war: "The torch was just put out, and it was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers. I don't have long-term night vision. What do you want me to see?" What kind of snake bit me?"

At the end of the war, he didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't take into account the differences between men and women. He directly opened Zhuang Momo's trouser legs. As soon as he opened them, he found a wound about the size of two needles on Zhuang Momo's calf. The wound was surrounded by His skin has turned purple.

In this color, it means that Zhuang Momo was bitten by a poisonous snake. Zhan Limo's heart tightened, and an indescribable emotion came to his heart: "Zhuang Momo, you damn woman, don't you know you were bitten by a poisonous snake?" How serious was the bite? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

"I know. I can't say it just because I know how serious it is." Zhuang Momo gritted his teeth and endured the pain from the wound that spread to his limbs, but he didn't regret it at all.

"Stupid! You really think you don't live as long as others!" While blaming Zhuang Momo, Zhan Limo had already taken off his shirt and wrapped it neatly around Zhuang Momo's legs to prevent the venom from quickly entering the blood. Spread: "Now don't move or stop talking. I'll figure it out."

Seeing Zhan Limo worried about himself and not knowing why, Zhuang Momo subconsciously wanted to explain to him: "I didn't say it just now because I didn't want Qiao Qiao and Xiao Jia to be afraid. Besides, it's been so long, I He hasn’t died from the poison yet, which proves that the snake that bit me is not very poisonous, or the poison spreads slowly. Now I can save my life by releasing the poisonous blood.”

While explaining, Zhuang Momo took out a saber from his pocket and handed it to Zhan Limo's hand: "Damn it, I can't do it myself. Please help me cut a larger incision and bleed."

Zhan Limo took the saber and looked up at Zhuang Momo: "I thought you, Zhuang Momo, were fearless, but I didn't expect that there were things that you, Zhuang Momo, didn't dare to do."

Zhuang Momo laughed at himself: "There are so many things I don't dare to do."

For example, she doesn't dare to like a man easily, for example, he doesn't dare to dress up like other girls, and there are many more.

She has learned to be strong and responsible since she was a child, and she has learned to keep it in her heart and solve it slowly no matter what happens, without troubling anyone.

When she was first bitten by a snake, she instinctively chose to hide it because she knew that in such a bad situation, telling them not only would they not be able to help, but would also cause panic in the team. If everyone panics, they may not be able to reach their destination.

So she gritted her teeth, endured the pain and fear, and led everyone to the cave together with Zhan Limo.

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