My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1603: The Successor, Actually You’re Not That Annoying

Chapter 1604: The Successor, Actually You’re Not That Annoying

Zhan Limo knew very well that the slower the snake venom was dealt with, the more dangerous it would be, so he did not hesitate, opened the knife and cut a cut about three centimeters long on the wound on Zhuang Momo's calf.

After the wound was made, the purple blood found an outlet and flowed out from the wound, but the flow was not thorough enough. Zhan Limo put pressure on Zhuang Momo's leg: "Zhuang Momo, I have seen all kinds of women in my life. I’ve never seen anyone as stupid as you.”

"Who would be so willing to be so strong if they could?" It had been a while since she was bitten by the snake, and the snake venom had soaked into Zhuang Momo's blood. At first, she couldn't feel the pain, but her body felt a little numb, but slowly The pain became more and more intense, especially after bringing everyone to a safe place. As soon as the tight string in Zhuang Momo's heart loosened, the pain hit her like a tide. It hurt so much. She couldn't resist, and her energy gradually became weak, so she said something she would never say normally.

"A woman should be strong, and be weak when she should be weak, so that she can be loved by others." Seeing Zhuang Momo's appearance, Zhan Limo also wanted to help her and educate her with his own life experience.

I don’t know about others, but Zhan Limo thinks so. When he sees those cute girls, he becomes overly protective. When he sees Zhuang Momo, there are absolutely no man-wives like him.

"What do you know? The only person a woman can really rely on is herself, and no one else." Zhuang Momo bit her painfully pale lips and said slowly, "You men don't understand women."

"I have been with more women than you have ever seen. How dare you say that I don't understand women." Zhan Limo kept pressing Zhuang Momo, but he also had time to look at her face and look at her face. Getting paler and paler, he cursed again, "Stupid woman, if I had told you earlier, I wouldn't have ended up like this."

Zhuang Momo said weakly: "If the person who was bitten by the snake was you, Mr. Zhan, I'm sure your choice would be the same as mine."

"Don't think you know me very well." Zhan Limo glared at Zhuang Momo dissatisfiedly, "I'm telling you, if I was bitten by a snake, I would have to pounce on the snake and bite it, which is not like you This woman is so stupid."

Zhuang Momo burst out laughing after listening to Zhan Limo's words.

At the end of the war: "What are you laughing at?"

Zhuang Momo said: "My mother used to say that I have a bad temper. If anyone offends me, I will definitely offend him. She said that this is not good. You must learn to be patient as a person. If a dog bites you, just bite the dog. What? I can’t even get the benefits, and I still have to bite the hair out of my mouth.”

At the end of the war, he said: "You called me a dog biting a dog."

"Don't dare. How dare I say anything to Mr. Zhan about you?" Her voice was a little weak, but she did not stop, "Mr. Zhan, I want to discuss something with you. Don't let Qiao Qiao know that I was bitten by a snake. I know it with Xiao Jia. Both Qiao Qiao and Xiao Jia are particularly afraid of this kind of soft-bodied reptile. If I let them know, I'm afraid it will affect their future lives."

"Zhuang Momo, you'd better take care of yourself first." Although Zhan Limo didn't admit it with his mouth, he still admitted in his heart that if he encountered the same situation, he would definitely make the same choice as Zhuang Momo, to protect his companions Most importantly, it doesn't matter whether you live or die.

He is a man, so he should do this, but Zhuang Momo is a woman. Why is she so strong and competitive? Is she really going to be a fighter among women?

"Zhan Limo, actually you are a nice person sometimes, and you are not that annoying." The poison invaded, and Zhuang Momo's mind was a little unclear before he spoke the truth, "Zhan Limo, if I have There are three long and two short, just throw me into the sea and feed the fish. "

The first half of the sentence was very pleasant to Zhan Limo's ears, but the second half made him very unhappy: "When others die, they want to keep their whole bodies. When a woman dies, you want to be thrown into the sea to feed the fish. What are you doing?" What thoughts?"

Zhuang Momo said: "Soldiers did not die in battle or serving the people, but were poisoned by a snake. It would be as embarrassing as it would be to say such a thing. I, Zhuang Momo, cannot afford to be embarrassed. So you just tell others that I accidentally fell into the sea and disappeared."

"Zhuang Momo, you are not a fucking normal person." At the end of Zhan Li, he looked at Zhuang Momo. This woman had entered a mild coma, but she still did not forget her responsibilities as a soldier. If every soldier could If they can be like her, then their Jiangbei Military Region is bound to become the most powerful military region in the country.

"Maybe I shouldn't be a woman." Zhuang Momo's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally his head sank and he lost all consciousness.

"Zhuang Momo, wake up. With me here, you can't fucking die even if you want to." All the congestion cannot flow out, but if you want Zhuang Momo to survive, all the congestion in her body must be eliminated. , Zhan Limo thought of a way in his mind, and did not think about it again. He lowered his head and sucked Zhuang Momo's wound, and sucked out all the blood congestion in Zhuang Momo's body from the wound one after another.

At that time, there was only one thought in his mind, he wanted this stupid woman to live!

Black, still so dark that I couldn't see my fingers, just like this terrible night could never get over.

"Momo, I'm so scared! Will we die on this island?"

Zhuang Momo heard Hu Qiaoqiao's voice. Hu Qiaoqiao was talking about being scared. Although she was also scared, she still responded: "Qiaoqiao, I'm here, I'm here. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. I will protect you."

Hu Qiaoqiao's voice became smaller and smaller: "Momo..."

"Qiaoqiao...where are you? Why can't I see you? Please answer me quickly?" But no matter how much Zhuang Momo shouted, she didn't hear Hu Qiaoqiao's voice again. She looked around, and it was dark all around. What did she do? She couldn't see or say anything, she just felt like the darkness was going to swallow her up.

"Manly bitch..."

She heard another voice, the voice of Zhan Limo, an annoying voice.

"At the end of the war, don't bother me." Zhuang Momo waved her hand, trying to drive away the annoying voice, but someone grabbed her hand. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but the other person's strength was too strong. It was so big that she couldn't pull her hand away, and after several struggles, she finally woke up.

When she woke up, she saw a familiar but annoying face. She instinctively shrank back, trying to distance herself from him.

Zhan Limo looked at her displeased: "Zhuang Momo, you heartless woman."

In order to save her life, he not only personally sucked out the poisonous blood from her blood, but also guarded her for a whole night. He never thought that this heartless woman would distance herself from him when they met. He said last night He was fine, probably because he was afraid that he would leave her alone.

This woman looks honest, but very scheming.

Zhan Li was so unhappy that he wanted to kick her hard.

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