My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1618: The Successor Chapter, all my heart and mind are filled with Zhuang Momo

Chapter 1619: The Successor Chapter, all my heart and mind are filled with Zhuang Momo

"Hey, stay away from me." There was a smell on this woman, and Zhan Limo didn't like it very much. He asked her to move away in disgust. He glanced at everyone again and saw a relatively quiet beauty. "Baby, come here and talk to me."

"Mr. Zhan, I just miss you so much. These days, I miss you at home every day. Apart from missing you, I don't know what else I can do." The woman said so beautifully that she looked at Zhan Limo. The little one trembled slightly, "Oh, my little baby, don't cry, don't cry, my heart will almost break when you cry."

Regaining a bit of the feeling he had when he saw a beautiful woman, he was no longer indifferent to seeing a beautiful woman. Zhan Limo felt a little excited. He took the crying beauty into his arms, patted her back gently and comforted her: "Baby, don't cry. Don't cry. I will visit you every day after my injury is healed."

Finally he could face these beauties, and he could completely get rid of Zhuang Momo's manly face. Zhan Li was thinking happily at the end of the war, but when he looked down again, the woman in his arms turned out to be Zhuang Momo's. Face, she raised her head and smiled at him, the smile was so weird, her eyes seemed to be saying to him: "Zhan Limo, if you don't want to admit that you like me, it doesn't matter. I have plenty of ways to make you admit it."

Her hand slowly slid to his heart, patted it twice, and then slowly said: "Zhan Limo, since you don't want to admit that you like me, then I will take out your heart and take a look. , see how long your heart is, and see if there is a me in your heart."

"No, go away!" Zhan Limo was startled and pushed the beauty in his arms out.

"Mr. Zhan, what's wrong with you? Did someone provoke you?" The beauty was the first one Zhan Limo held in his arms today. She originally thought that she was different from others to Zhan Limo. Yes, just now she was immersed in Zhan Limo's gentleness, but she was pushed away by Zhan Limo, which made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to show it.

In the past, Zhan Limo was very gentle to women and would never refuse a woman who threw himself into his arms. But looking at Zhan Limo's eyes again, his eyes were different from usual today. At least when he looked at them, they were not as before. The luster seems to be a little disgusting.

Yes, that's right, she just saw disgust in Zhan Limo's eyes.

Zhan Limo took a closer look at the woman. She was obviously an ordinary beauty. Why did he think of her as Zhuang Momo?

Could it be that he was poisoned by Zhuang Momo?

Zhan Limo patted his head in annoyance: "It's okay, it's okay, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable just now. Baby, I didn't hurt you."

Zhan Limo explained this way, and the beauty felt a lot more comfortable, and hurriedly squeezed to Zhan Limo's side: "Mr. Zhan, what's wrong with you? Let me help you feel it."

"It's okay. Sit aside and don't come again." There were so many beauties of all kinds sitting around him, but what Zhan Lim was thinking about was Zhuang Momo. He felt that he was really finished this time.

In the future, he will definitely follow the path of old man Zhan and Qin Yinjian, and be eaten to death by a woman.

Zhan Limo's heart almost bleeds when he thinks that he, a big man, would be led by a woman. Oh my God, he only likes to see beautiful women all over the world, and he doesn't want to be eaten to death by a manly woman. .

The woman winked and shed two more tears: "Mr. Zhan, am I making you unhappy? If I don't do something well, tell me. I can change it. Just don't drive me away, okay?" good?"

With so many beauties around him, Zhan Limo not only did not find the same feeling as before, but also felt bored. He waved his hand impatiently: "I'm not feeling well. I need to prepare to rest. You all should go first. I'll see you another day." I’ll call you when I’m free and ask you to hang out.”

"Mr. Zhan, please let us stay with you for a while."

"Get out of here and stop bothering me."

Everyone is obviously unwilling to leave, but who is Zhan Limo? If he doesn't obey, he may never see him again in the future.

"Then let's go first. Mr. Zhan must come to us when he needs our company."

"Okay, okay, I'll find you." Zhan Li didn't even want to look at them at the end.

Therefore, all the beauties came in a hurry and left in a hurry. When they walked out of the ward, a few people inevitably complained.

As soon as the women left, the room was finally empty and Zhan Limo became quiet. However, the smell of powder in the room was still very strong, giving people a headache.

At the end of Zhan li's life, he got up and opened the window. When the fresh air ran into the room, he also saw a person sitting in the garden downstairs.

The woman was holding a bouquet of bright roses in her hands, but she just sat on the chair stupidly, without moving for a long time, as if she was trapped in her own world, unable to get out, and neither could others. .

It's Zhuang Momo, it's Zhuang Momo, it's her, why hasn't she left yet?

In the past, Zhan Liming really felt that this woman Zhuang Momo was not good-looking, but after comparing it with the vulgar fans just now, Zhan Liming felt that this woman was ridiculously beautiful.

Zhan limo wanted to take his eyes away, not wanting to be affected by this woman anymore, but after his eyes fell on her, he could no longer take them back.

Zhuang Momo is a woman with her own unique beauty. Even among many beauties, she is still the most beautiful.

Thinking of this, Zhan Limo patted his head hard and cursed: "Zhan Limo, are you blind? There were so many beauties just now and you didn't think any of them were good-looking. You actually think that Zhuang Momo is this The manly woman is good-looking. Take a closer look, does that manly woman Zhuang Momo look like a woman?"

Yes, no, but he just thinks Zhuang Momo is good-looking.

"It's over! It's over! I'm really done! This must be a disease, and this disease needs to be treated." Zhan Limo forced himself to look away. He thought hard and thought, maybe it was because he had looked at those women just now for a long time, and they were already aesthetic. Tired.

As long as he looks at a different group of beauties, he will definitely be able to get back his original feeling, and he will never find Zhuang Momo good-looking again.

At the end of Zhan Li, he quickly called Qin Yinjian: "Qin Yinjian, find me some very good-looking beauties to come to the hospital to accompany me."

Qin Yinjian on the other end of the phone said: "At the end of the war, do you really want me to find a beauty to accompany you?"

Zhan Limo said impatiently: "What are you doing with so much nonsense? Find it immediately. The higher the quality, the better."

Qin Yinjian added: "I'm afraid now, except for Zhuang Momo, no beauty, no matter how beautiful, can catch your eye."

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