My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1619: The Successor, if you like it, just admit it boldly

Chapter 1620: The Successor Chapter, if you like it, just admit it boldly

As soon as he heard the three words Zhuang Momo, Zhan Limo was furious: "I say Qin Yinjian, you have always been right with me since you were a child, and you have never followed my wishes. You are sincere." Bar."

Qin Yinjian smiled and said: "Okay, I won't mention the word Zhuang Momo in front of you in the future. Is this okay?"

At the end of the war: "I don't think you can do it if I don't mention it. Why do you have to tell me?"

It's not like Qin Yinjian doesn't know that the scheming person is not aware that the reason why his heart is so messed up now is entirely because of that woman Zhuang Momo.

Qin Yinjian said again: "Okay, just wait, a beautiful woman will come to accompany you soon."

Not long after, a beautiful woman appeared in Zhan Limo's ward.

This is a real beauty, at least one look at her will give you a stunning feeling.

After looking at the beauties a few more times, Zhan Limo had an idea of ​​where those ugly women just came from.

The beauties who used to be admirable in his eyes have now become ugly monsters. You can imagine what kind of beauty this beauty appeared in front of him at this time.

When he saw her, Zhan Limo's little heart jumped a few times, which made his blood rise and his face turn red.

For the first time in front of a beautiful woman, I felt overwhelmed and embarrassed: "Beauty, please sit down!"

The beauty smiled: "These are the flowers I bought for you. Do you like them?"

Zhan Lim nodded: "If you like it, you can put the flowers on the bedside table."

The beauty put down the flowers and sat on the chair next to the bed: "Hello, Mr. Zhan!"

At the end of the war, he stretched out his hand to shake hands, but felt that his hands were too dirty. As soon as he stretched out his hands, he quickly took them back and wiped them on the quilt: "Hello, beauty! We haven't met before, have we?" Please tell me how to call you."

The beauty smiled with a smile that captivated the country: "Master Zhan is really good at joking. We have met him more than once before. How could we not have seen him before?"

"Have we met before? Impossible!" Zhan Li didn't think much about it and immediately denied it, "A beauty of your level will never be forgotten once I take a look at it. I've definitely never seen you before. "

The beauty pursed her lips, looking very cute and cute: "It seems that I'm not pretty enough, otherwise I wouldn't be able to prevent Mr. Zhan from remembering me."

At the end of the war, he thought about it again, but still couldn't remember that he had seen this beauty before: "It's impossible. I'm sure I haven't seen you before, otherwise it's impossible not to have any impression at all."

"Well, it's true that we haven't met before. I was just testing you, Mr. Zhan." The beauty flipped her hair unintentionally. This was an extremely ordinary action, but in Zhan Limo's eyes, It’s another kind of beautiful scenery.

That woman Zhuang Momo has short hair, very short, not even as long as Zhan Limo's hair. If Zhuang Momo also had such smooth and beautiful long hair, coupled with her petite face, she should be very beautiful.

Unintentionally, Zhuang Momo's appearance appeared in Zhan Limo's mind again. He was stubborn but still very cute...


Zhan Limo shook his head vigorously, trying to get Zhuang Momo out of his mind, but unfortunately, he failed again: "It's done! I'm really done! A woman of this level of beauty is in front of me, I I still think of that manly woman.”

After listening to Zhan Limo's words, the beauty said softly: "Actually, love is really unreasonable. It doesn't mean that looking at a beautiful woman can make your heart beat, and it doesn't mean that looking at a not-so-beautiful woman can make you fall in love. It won't make your heart beat. There are many other factors involved in being attracted to a person, such as personality, etc. You may feel uncomfortable when you are with a beautiful woman, so what does it mean for you to be beautiful? "

At the end of the war, there was no refutation. The beauty added: "When you are with the person you really like, you will feel very comfortable and at ease. Even though she may not be as beautiful as you imagined, you feel comfortable with her." , so what does it matter whether she is beautiful or not?”

Zhan Limo scratched his hair irritably: "I don't like her."

The beauty smiled and said: "Okay, we all know that you don't like her, it's her appearance that always comes to your mind involuntarily, making you feel uncomfortable when you see other beauties."

At the end of Zhan Li, he said dissatisfied: "When did Qin Yinjian, the evil one, become so talkative? Tell you everything. Who are you?"

The beauty said: "Mr. Qin didn't tell me anything. I saw it myself from your performance."

At the end of the war, he wanted to look in the mirror: "Am I so obvious?"

The beauty nodded: "It couldn't be more obvious?"

After a long pause, Zhan Limo said again: "But I don't want to like her."

The beauty still didn't say anything else: "Well, I can understand. Because you have always thought about what kind of girl you should like, and you have not even made any plans to get married. Suddenly, a girl like this walks into your heart unintentionally, which is a bit... It’s hard to accept. Maybe this is just one of the reasons, and there is another very important reason.”

At the end of the war, he asked, "What's the reason?" He still didn't believe that this woman would know his true thoughts just by chatting with him for a few words.

The beauty added: "Perhaps the more important reason is your parents. You have seen your mother being eaten to death by your mother since you were a child. No matter how your mother makes troubles, your father will let her make troubles. . You are afraid that if you marry Zhuang Momo in the future, she will control you as tightly as your mother did to your father. You are afraid in your heart, so you dare not admit this feeling. "

At the end of Zhan Li, he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. This woman had analyzed his psychology so thoroughly. He suddenly felt a little creepy: "Beauty, can you read minds?"

The beauty smiled and said, "What about mind-reading? I was interested in psychology since I was a child, so I started doing this when I grew up."

At the end of Zhan Li's memory, I had never seen this beauty before. However, this beauty knew everything about him. Thinking about it, I felt chills running down my spine: "Beauty, just give me a pleasure and tell me what you are." people?"

The beauty said: "Does it matter who I am?"

At the end of the war: "Of course it's important."

The beauty added: "My surname is Xiao."

"Xiao?" Zhan Limo thought for a while, but he didn't expect that the family named Xiao he knew had such a beautiful daughter. "Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Lying to you? What good can I do?" The beauty stood up, her smile still there, "Mr. Zhan, just admit it boldly if you like someone, don't let your parents affect you. You saw your father being eaten by your mother Damn it, but do you know that this may be the happiest thing in your father's life? He loves his wife, so he is willing to pamper her, even if it means pampering her to the sky. "

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