My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1620 The Successor, Little Secretary and Big CEO

Chapter 1621: The Successor, Little Secretary and Big President

This is the truth. At the end of Zhan Li, he also knew that Old Man Zhan actually enjoyed Qin Xiaobao's mischief all day long, but when he thought that he would follow the same path as Old Man Zhan in the future, he would not be able to accept it for a while. In other words, He himself still doesn't understand what he thinks about Zhuang Momo.

"Mr. Zhan, I've told you everything I can tell you. You have to figure out what to do in the future. Others can't help you." After saying that, the beauty smiled softly and did not give any advice. At the end of the war, he turned around and walked out of the ward when he had no chance to speak again.

"Is it so troublesome to fall in love?" Zhan Limo was very unhappy. It would be nice to be like him before. When he saw beautiful little girls, he gave them the title of his girlfriend and asked them to accompany him when he was happy. , I still go to them to accompany me when I am unhappy.

When they needed them, they never bothered him. How comfortable it was to live like that. However, a "monster" like Zhuang Momo appeared in his life, which made him unable to eat well and sleep well. Now he can't even look at other beauties. No more excitement.

damn it!

He was so confused, but he still couldn't figure out what was so good about Zhuang Momo that could make him so fascinated by her.

Forget it, forget about it if you don't think about it. Wait until you are discharged from the hospital to find a few more beauties. Maybe you won't be thinking about that tomboy Zhuang Momo anymore.

After walking out of the ward, Miss Xiao took out her mobile phone and made a call. After the call was connected, she said with a smile: "Little cousin, I helped you such a big favor just after I got off the plane, how can you thank me? "

Qin Yinjian's deep and pleasant voice came from the phone: "Cousin, cousin is cousin, why do you have to add a small character in front? It's because of your small character that I originally planned to take care of you, but now I have to do it well Considered it.”

"You are one year younger than me, so what's wrong with me calling you little cousin?" As she said this, Miss Xiao suddenly realized, "Oh... I see, it must be that you are reluctant to leave your wife and You left the child at home, maybe you didn’t want to entertain me.”

On the phone, Qin Yinjian's voice came again: "It's true that I don't want to entertain you, but my parents are not in Jiangbei now. If I don't entertain you, who will entertain you? Well, you wait in the hospital for a while, and I'll send someone right away. Come pick you up."

Miss Xiao waved her hands and said: "This is my first time to Jiangbei in my life. I want to take this opportunity to get familiar with Jiangbei. You don't need to send someone to pick me up. Give me an address. I'll take a taxi there when I'm tired of shopping." .”

After saying that, Miss Xiao hung up the phone directly, leaving no room for Qin Yinjian to discuss. She didn't know if she had stayed with some domineering men for too long in the past few years, and gradually learned to be domineering and arbitrary, and she didn't know how to do it. Before doing anything, you need to discuss it with someone.

Qin Yinjian hung up the phone. Lu Xi, who happened to be sending him information, was a little jealous and asked sourly: "Who called? I didn't see you being so gentle when you called me. You are so gentle to other women. Very gentle."

Seeing Lu Xi's jealous look, Qin Yinjian was very happy. He tried his best to hold back his laughter and said, "It's not you who told me that working time is working time and off work time is working time. Especially in my office, you can't mess around. Public and private matters should be kept separate. What? Who is your boss talking to now and why should he report it to your little secretary? "

Hearing Qin Yinjian talking to a woman so gently, Lu Xi felt uncomfortable. Now Qin Yinjian used his identity as a boss to suppress her, making her glare at him dissatisfied: "Qin Yinjian , don’t use your identity to pressure me or make me anxious, it will be easier for you.”

Qin Yinjian shook his head: "Look, the difference between this woman before and after she got married is really big. Before, Mr. Qin's calls were so gentle. It hadn't been long since we got the certificate, but now she's calling Qin Yinjian, fierce, not what a woman should do. There is no tenderness at all.”

Lu Xi threw the document on Qin Yinjian's desk: "Yes, I am not gentle, and I don't understand your thoughts. Then you go find your gentle little sister. When I go home tonight, I will take her Let’s sleep together with our son, and you can sleep in the living room by yourself.”

Seeing that Lu Xizhen was in a hurry with him, Qin Yinjian knew that it was completely unreasonable for a woman to be jealous. Before she had some sense, he stretched out his long arm and pulled her into his arms: "I Tell me, when did you learn to be obedient and only listen to half of what I’m told?”

Lu Xi struggled to push him away, but like many times in the past, it was in vain: "When did I only listen to half of what I was told? Please let me go quickly, or I will be rude to you."

"I dare to say that you are not obedient." Just when he was about to end the call, Lu Xicai entered the office. Naturally, he did not hear the word cousin he called, "The person who just called me was my uncle's daughter. Cousin Xiao Mi.”

"Your cousin?" Lu Xi suddenly felt very embarrassed about being jealous, but she still had a skeptical attitude, "Why haven't I heard of you having such a cousin before?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you slowly when I have time in the future." Qin Yinjian hugged her and was involuntarily attracted by her good smell. He couldn't help but lower his head to kiss her, but was met by Lu Nozomi stopped me, "We're in the office now, don't mess around."

After failing to steal the fragrance and being reprimanded, Qin Yinjian was a little helpless, but still let her go: "The world is so dark now. The little secretary is only allowed to set fire, and the big president is not allowed to light the lamp. The little secretary can question the president, The CEO can’t even kiss her. The world is so messed up.”

Lu Xi rolled his eyes at him: "President Qin, don't make yourself look pitiful, hurry up and sign the documents."

Qin Yinjian picked up a smile, signed his name twice, and said: "Go out and clean up, and follow me to a place later."

Lu Xi: "Business or private matter?"

Qin Yinjian deliberately darkened his face: "As a little secretary, you have to keep one thing in mind. Whether it is a business matter or a private matter, as long as it is something that your CEO asks you to do, it must be a business matter that must be done. It cannot be done. If you don't do it, your job will be in danger."

Lu Xi: "..."

Why didn't she think that her CEO had such an unreasonable side before?

However, having said that, what the President said is not wrong. Who is the President? In front of the President, she, a little secretary, can only be obedient and complete every task ordered by the President, otherwise she will suffer a lot. …especially in bed at night.

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