My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1622: The Successor, Reason for Breakup

Chapter 1623: Successor Chapter, Reason for Breakup

At the dinner table, two little guys, Lele and Lu Lu, were vying to sit next to their cousin. The two little guys said sweetly, which was very annoying, because their cousin was a beautiful woman, so they had to sit next to each other. Sit with my cousin.

After listening to the little guy's remarks, Qin lelan pretended to be hurt and said: "Lele, my cousin is a beauty. Isn't my mother not a beauty?"

Lele said with a sweet voice: "My cousin is a single beauty, and my mother is accompanied by my father. My father will protect you, a beautiful woman. Lele will protect my cousin for a while."

Xiao Mi was amused by the little guy: "Wow, our Lele and Lu Lu are still two little gentlemen. My cousin likes you so much. Otherwise, my cousin will stay in Jiangbei for some time. These days Can you two be my cousin’s little tour guides?”

Lu Lu hugged Xiao Mi's arm and rubbed her again and again, with an expression like "Cousin, you are so beautiful, little nymphomaniac": "Lu Lu also likes my beautiful cousin very much. Lu Lu is very willing to be my cousin's little tour guide." "

Lu Xi was also a little jealous: "Little guy, I'm afraid you won't be able to find your way home after you go out. You still want to be your cousin's tour guide. What's your plan?"

Is this still her son?

Why does she feel that this son seems to be a different person, and he is becoming less and less like her Lu Lu.

However, Lu Lu's change made Lu Xi quite satisfied. The little guy could come out of the shadow of the past so quickly. It was a blessing given to him by God and the love given to him by his family, which gave him a sense of security. You won’t feel like a child who may be abandoned at any time.

After the reception banquet, Qin leran and his brother arranged for Xiao Mi to stay in Nuoyuan. Because they had been worried about Xiao Mi, Qin leran took the initiative to stay and planned to find Xiao Mi alone to ask what was going on: "Mi Mi "Tell me, why did you and your brother-in-law break up? We haven't heard anything about it, and it always feels like it's not true."

"Cousin, if we break up, we'll break up. No matter what the reason is, we'll break up. I don't want to mention this person again, so don't ask any more questions." Some people can only be passers-by in her life. If they lose it, they'll lose it. , she didn’t want to grieve for that person anymore.

Regardless of whether you can do it in your heart, you have to do it on the surface.

Qin lelan is not a nosy person, but this is her cousin. In addition, the mother passed away when the child was born, and the father is not very meddlesome. As a cousin, she doesn't care, who will care: "Mimi, you majored in psychology. You should know that there are some things that are uncomfortable to hold in your heart alone. Why don't you tell us about them?"

"Cousin, I know you care about me, but I don't want to mention it." Just thinking about that man makes Xiao Mi feel sick and want to vomit. It's all bullshit to protect her all her life. She, Xiao Mi, was also young and ignorant back then. Only then will you be deceived by the man's sweet words.

Seeing that Xiao Mi was very resistant to mentioning the divorce, Qin lelan couldn't ask any more questions no matter how worried she was. She patted Xiao Mi on the shoulder: "If you don't want to mention him, then don't think about him. Since you came to Jiangbei, so does Jiangbei." It’s your home and you can live here as long as you want. You can have fun during this time and don’t have to think about work.”

"Who said I don't work anymore?" Xiao Mi glanced at Qin lelan playfully, "I just got off the plane today, and my little cousin asked me to go and relieve Mr. Zhan. Cousin, you know my job, right? My job is to press It’s billed by the minute. I chatted with him for half an hour, which is 30 minutes, and it costs thousands of dollars.”

"You, your calculations are so clear, just like your father." Qin leran poked Xiao Mi's forehead and suddenly smiled, "Mimi, for a famous psychological counselor like you, the psychological consultation fee is already high, and the other party is the son of the Zhan family. If so, the fee should be doubled.”

Xiao Mi was amused by Qin leran: "cousin, Mr. Zhan is also your cousin. If you cheat your cousin like this in front of your cousin, aren't you afraid of what I will think of you?"

Qin leran shrugged: "that's the kind of person I am. If you want to have an idea about me, just think about it. I don't care."

"Okay, cousin, I won't tease you anymore. You should go back to your room and rest. If you go back later, my brother-in-law will definitely come to my room to arrest someone."

"Well, then you should go to bed early."

After sending Qin lelan away, Xiao Mi stayed alone in the room. Suddenly she felt lost. She knew what she was missing, but what was the use?

Xiao Mi was very envious of her aunt's family. Every husband was so considerate and gentle to their wives, unlike her... She thought she had found her Mr. Right a long time ago, but later she found out that it was her. of stupidity and ignorance.

Fortunately, she saw the truth clearly in time and jumped out of the pit in time, otherwise she might have been deceived and not be able to explain clearly for the rest of her life.

After coming out of Xiao Mi's room, Qin lelan did not go back to the room, but found Qin Yinjian: "cute, do you have any impression of our brother-in-law?"

Qin Yinjian: "I met him once."

Qin leran said again: "Then what do you think of him?"

Qin Yinjian said: "Sister, it's not good to talk about others behind their backs."

Qin leran glared at him: "I didn't ask you to say bad things about him. I just want you to help me analyze this person and see if he is the kind of man who will cheat?"

Qin Yinjian: "He cheated? That's why my cousin divorced him? That boy, I think he needs to be dealt with. He dares to bully our family. He is impatient."

Qin lelan was speechless and said: "I mean, brother, is this your line? Please pay attention to your cold image, okay? Don't let the audience not recognize you."

Qin Yinjian: "Who can calm down when facing that kind of scum? Who is he bullying? She is my only cousin."

Xiao Qinghe is Jianran's only brother and Qin leran's only uncle. In the past, because his uncle liked to travel around, he only came back once every few years. They had very little time to see each other. Even when he had a daughter, they did not come back until later. Just found out.

After having a daughter, Xiao Qinghe's life gradually settled down, and the two families had more opportunities to travel around. However, because the cities they settled in were in different countries, it took less time to travel once, and the maximum was only about 100,000 square meters a year. We can meet once or twice.

However, although they met for less time, the two nephews had a special feeling for their uncle. They were always concerned about their family's affairs, and they especially felt sorry for their little cousin Xiao Mi, who had lost her mother since she was a child.

Qin leran said: "I am asking you to analyze him, not to deal with him. This matter has not been clarified yet, and we don't know why they broke up. Can you calm down and help me analyze it? ?”

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