My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1623: The Heir, what kind of man would cheat?

Chapter 1624: The Successor, what kind of man would cheat?

"Sister, do you think you can tell whether a man is cheating or not?" Qin Yinjian didn't really want to express an opinion before he didn't know a person well, but seeing that his sister was so anxious, he had no choice but to tell her before. Talking about the impression of that man, "The first impression that man gave me was that he was very deep and a very ambitious man."

"Yes, I also think he is a very ambitious person, and his ambition is written on his face and in his eyes, very straightforward." Qin leran agreed very much with Qin Yinjian's evaluation, and then analyzed, "When you first meet him, you may think that he is very aggressive, and you won't like such a person very much. But after getting to know him for a long time, in fact, his personality of being very clear about what he wants makes people feel that he has an unspeakable charm."

Qin Yinjian said: "I also feel that there is something hidden in his heart, something that cannot be told to outsiders. Even if his cousin has such a close relationship with him, I am afraid he has not said it. All in all, this person is an extremely Deep man."

"I also have the same feeling. I always feel that there are a lot of things hidden behind that man, but I can't find anything when I try to dig it out. I used to see Mimi like him, like him desperately, and I have some opinions about him, but I don't It's easy to say it." Qin leran sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Xiaojian, did I do something wrong when I didn't say anything?"

Qin Yinjian said again: "Sister, my cousin is an adult. She chose her own life. Why do you blame yourself? If you are really worried, I will contact someone immediately to check and see what that man did. Something made my cousin sad."

Qin leran: "You are right. Mimi is an adult. It is not good to investigate secretly like this. By the way, your uncle called you today. Did your uncle say anything to you?"

Qin Yinjian: "My uncle just said that my cousin came to Jiangbei to relax and let us take good care of her. He didn't mention a word about other things."

Qin lelan said: "I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy."

Qin Yinjian: "Sister, don't think too much. Go back to your room to rest early. Don't let your brother-in-law and Lele wait too late."

Qin leran: "I'm afraid you are in a hurry to go back to your room and hug your wife."

Qin Yinjian: "Yes."


He actually said yes.

Answering so simply, it turns out that men are not good enough to stay.

The cute little brother she used to have is no longer her cute little brother. He is now the head of the family.

Because Xiao Mi was on his mind, Qin lelan still looked worried when he returned to the room. Lie knew what she was thinking without asking her.

Lie had already given Lele a bath and tucked the little guy into the bed. Only then did he have time to care about Qin lelan: "What's wrong with the depressed look?"

Qin lelan said: "brother lie, do you think you will cheat?"

Lie's face sank: "Qin lelan!"

Generally speaking, as long as Lie calls Qin leran's full name, it means that he is angry. Qin leran knows very well. In order to prevent his anger from continuing to burn, she quickly reached out and hugged him: "brother lie, don't be angry first, listen. Let me finish."

Lie said: "Speak carefully."

Qin lelan nestled in Lie's arms, put her ear to his heart, listened to his powerful heartbeat and said slowly: "Brother Lie, I know you love me very much, and I also believe that you will never cheat. Trust us." I can keep going. I used to think that my cousin-in-law loved my cousin very much and he would never do anything to feel sorry for her, but they broke up.”

"Yes, there are so many couples in the world who break up every day, but there are also many couples who have passed the test of time and have been in love for decades. However, I can't live without you in this life." Over the years, Lie He was used to Qin lelan being by his side. If she didn't sleep next to him at night, he would be restless and unable to do anything well, let alone sleep well.

Qin leran looked up at him: "brother lie, I understand everything you said. I just think this matter is a bit strange. So how come two people who are in love have an affair? Is there any misunderstanding in it? "

"Maybe." Lie lowered his head and kissed Qin lelan's forehead gently, "but that is all between them. We don't know what happened between them, and we can't control it even if we want to. You also Don’t think too much. If you think too much, you will easily be unable to sleep. The result of not being able to sleep is that you will wake up with a pair of panda eyes tomorrow. Do you want me to see your ugly appearance? "

"Of course I don't want to. I want to always look the most beautiful in brother lie's heart." Qin leran immediately jumped up from lie's arms and straightened his messy clothes, "it's getting late, I'll take a shower first. Brother Lie, please sleep with Lele first."

Because he is her brother, she loves him so deeply, so she hopes that she will always be beautiful in front of him, so that he can only see her beauty, even if she is not here in the future Now, when he thinks of her, he only thinks of her beauty and nothing else.

Lie stepped forward and followed him: "Wash together!"

Qin lelan: "brother lie, haven't you already washed it?"

Lie: "I just washed Lele, but I didn't wash it."

So what if she washed it, he still wanted to wash it with her.

In the bathroom, the sound of water soon came, and at the same time there was the sound of their conversation: "Brother Lie, can we add another sister to Lele?"

Lie decisively refused: "No."

Qin leran said again: "What about adding a younger brother?"

Lie: "No."

Qin Leran: "My sister can't do it, and my brother can't do it either. Do you still want me to add a brother and sister to Lele?"

Lie: "Of course, with you and Lele, for me, this life is already very satisfying. I don't want you to suffer for me anymore, so don't think about having another child."

Qin leran poked his strong chest: "brother lie, are you stupid? When I talk to you about these topics at this time, do you just want to add a younger brother and younger sister?"

Lie understood, but remained calm: "Then what exactly do you want to say?"

Qin leran: "I want to say..."

There was a smile in Lie's voice: "Well, I'll wait for you to tell me."

Qin lelan was so angry that he pushed him: "Bad guy, do you want it or not? Am I so unattractive to you now?"

She and he were both naked, but he still took a shower honestly.

Her brother lie was also a bad learner.

Later, Lie told Qin lelan with practical actions whether she was still attracted to him.

The next day, Qin lelan couldn't get out of bed for a whole day. Because he was embarrassed, he even lied that he had a cold.

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