My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1625: The Successor, I’m scared alone

Chapter 1626: The Successor Chapter, I’m scared alone

How painful would it be to give up now?

To be honest, Zhuang Momo didn't know, maybe it was just like now, it wasn't very painful, just a little sour and cool.

Zhuang Momo didn't answer, but Zhuang Yindi already understood: "Momo, let's get out in time while we're not in too deep now. As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and a quick knife cuts the mess. Don't pay attention to him in the future, no matter what No matter how he tries to seduce you, ignore him."

Zhuang Momo said gloomily: "He didn't even have time to kick me away. How could he hook up with me?"

Zhuang Yindi: "What do you mean?"

Zhuang Momo said dullly: "Not once did he tell me clearly that I was not his type. He also told me more than once not to have any wrong thoughts about him. Even when I went to the hospital today to see him and bought him He didn’t even accept a bouquet of flowers and asked me to bring them back.”

"My silly sister, is it because he is lukewarm to you that you take the initiative to stick to him?" Zhuang Yindi poked Zhuang Momo's head very hard, "Momo, let me tell you. , Women must not be mean. Never provoke men who are indifferent to you. If he is indifferent to you now, even if you chase him, he will still be indifferent to you in the future. Ignore it. Do you understand?”

"Second sister, it's not because he ignored me that I fell in love with him." Zhuang Momo couldn't explain why she suddenly fell in love with Zhan Limo. She thought it might be the reason, "It's because I think he Sometimes he was really nice and took good care of me. Last time I was bitten by a snake on a desert island. If he hadn't sucked out the snake's venom for me, I might have died."

"What? Were you bitten by a poisonous snake? Where is the injury? Are there any sequelae?" Look, this is my sister. After listening to Zhuang Momo's words, she accurately grasped the key point. What Zhuang Yindi is worried about is Is there anything else that happened to Zhuang Momo after he was bitten by a poisonous snake?

Zhuang Momo smiled and said: "Second sister, if something happens to me, can I still sit in front of you now?"

"As long as it's okay, it's okay." Zhuang Yindi took Zhuang Momo and looked at her again and again. She was relieved when no problem was found, "Momo, since he has no interest in you, let go as soon as possible, otherwise you will get hurt. Myself. There are many other factors to consider when it comes to relationships. Don't think that this man doesn't like me now. As long as I chase him and be with him, he will definitely like me in the future. Men are actually very hard-hearted. Animals are not as easily moved as women. If he doesn’t like you now, even if you find a way to get him to marry you, he will still not like you in the future.”

"Second sister, I understand everything." Zhuang Momo understands what Zhuang Yindi said, but knowing it doesn't necessarily mean he can let it go.

But even if she can't let go, she will find a way to let herself go. She won't fight for people who don't belong to her.

At midnight, it suddenly started raining heavily.

Zhan Limo, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up. When he looked up, he saw lightning and thunder outside, which suddenly reminded him of that rainy night on a desert island.

That night, Jia Zhuangsheng was still there.

That night, Zhuang Momo was bitten by a poisonous snake.

Thinking of them, Zhan Limo's heart suddenly throbbed so hard that he broke into a cold sweat from the pain.

"Life only lasts a few decades. We must take advantage of these few decades to do everything we need to do. We must not regret and lament that we did not do this or that thing after our life is over."

These words, Jia Zhuangsheng often nagged in Zhan Limo's ears some time ago, which made his ears almost calloused.

One day at the end of Zhan Li, he grabbed Jia Zhuangsheng and threatened him fiercely: "Jia Zhuangsheng, if you continue to be wordy, be careful that I will never make you speechless."

Yes, he just made a joke, but now Jia Zhuangsheng will never be able to speak again.

Jia Zhuangsheng left so neatly that he didn't even have the chance to say the last words to Jia Zhuangsheng.

Jia Zhuangsheng is gone, but Zhuang Momo is still there. If he thinks about it again, just a few decades of life will pass by in the blink of an eye. By the time he figures it out, Zhuang Momo may have already married. , she may have her own child. At that time, no matter how much he wants to get close to her, he may not have a chance.

Thinking of this, Zhan Limo couldn't help but take out his mobile phone. When he realized that he was on the phone, he had already dialed Zhuang Momo's phone number.

After getting through, no one answered Zhuang Momo's call for a long time. He was probably asleep and didn't hear. However, his heartbeat accelerated, as if it was about to jump out of his mouth.

He was afraid that Zhuang Momo wouldn't answer his call.

"Hello." Just when Zhan Li was waiting in a panic, the person on the other end of the phone finally answered the call, and then came Zhuang Momo's sleepy voice, "Who are you?"

When she opened her mouth, she asked him who he was?

Didn't she save his phone number?

After having this idea, Zhan Limo felt even more uncomfortable, and his words were a little awkward: "Who do you think I am?"

Zhuang Momo paused obviously after hearing his voice: "It turns out to be Mr. Zhan. Why did you call me in the middle of the night?"

Zhan Limo turned his head and looked out the window. He had nothing to do with her, so he dialed her phone number out of nowhere, but what he said came out like this: "My parents went to the capital, and no one was with me in the hospital." "It's raining so hard outside, I'm a little scared to be alone in the hospital."

"Are you afraid? Are you, Mr. Zhan, actually afraid?" Zhuang Momo obviously didn't believe Zhan Limo's words and said with a smile, "If you are afraid, call your girlfriends to accompany you. I believe that as long as you give me a call , they will definitely come as soon as possible.”

"Zhuang Momo, are you angry with me on purpose?" When he heard that Zhuang Momo asked him to find his little girlfriends to accompany him, all the pores in Zhan Limo's body opened, and his anger spurted out, and he wanted to fly to her Tell her - I just want you to accompany me now.

However, Zhan Limo did not say the next words.

Because he felt that even if he said so, Zhuang Momo, that hard-hearted woman, would definitely not come to accompany him.

Besides, it was raining heavily outside and driving in the middle of the night was dangerous, so she was not allowed to come.

Zhuang Momo said dissatisfied: "Why are you yelling at me? Did I say something wrong?"

At the end of the war: "Forget it, it's okay. You have a good rest and just pretend I didn't make this call to you."

At the end of the war, he hung up the phone, feeling increasingly lonely inside.

He had never felt like this before, never. Because whenever he feels bored, as long as he makes a call, his little girlfriends will quickly come to chat with him to relieve his boredom.

But today he was tired of that kind of company, and even though he had the phone in his hand, he didn't have the urge to call them.

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