My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1626: The Successor, she came in the rain

Chapter 1627: The Successor Chapter, she came in the rain

At the end of the war, he lay back on the bed, listening to the heavy rain outside, and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

All I can think about is damn Zhuang Momo...

I don't know how long it took, but there were soft footsteps at the door of the ward. It was said to be soft because Zhan Limo could tell that the person who came was deliberately walking softly. He didn't know if the person was not worried about the noise. Wake him up, or what?

It was so late, and the nurse who had finished her routine rounds would not come again, so it was most likely a thief or someone else.

Thinking that it was a thief, Zhan Limo immediately became alert. He chose to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep to see what the person wanted to do.

Soon, the people outside gently pushed open his door, and the door was gently closed again, and then the sound of deliberately soft footsteps got closer and closer to him, until he came to his hospital room. Beside the bed, he stopped gently.

From the sound of his footsteps, he must be a practicing practitioner...

At the end of Zhan Li, he was ready. When the person made the next move, he would be able to stop the person by turning over, letting these gangsters who only know how to do sneaky things know how powerful a soldier is.

However, the visitor did not make any next move for a long time, and stood quietly beside Zhan Limo's bedside.

Just when Zhan Li was about to fall asleep after waiting, the man finally made a move, but instead of looking through his cabinet or hurting him, he gently pulled the quilt over him.

Because Zhan Limo couldn't sleep just now, he tossed and turned on the bed, and half of the quilt fell off, only covering his lower body.

Just when he wanted to open his eyes to see who this person was, a familiar and capable female breath floated into his nose.

He remembered that the woman with this unique aura was Zhuang Momo. It was Zhuang Momo's unique feminine aura, which was completely different from his little girlfriends who were heavy in makeup.

After covering him with a quilt, Zhuang Momo made no next move. Zhan Limo listened with his ears, as if she had sat on the stool next to his hospital bed, sitting quietly like that, breathing very carefully. Yes, maybe because I was worried about disturbing him while sleeping.

This woman!

Didn't she want to do something to him while he was sleeping?

Even if she didn't have the guts to do anything, she could just tell him something she wouldn't normally say to him face to face.

However, no.

She did nothing, said nothing.

Zhan Limo waited for half an hour, but Zhuang Momo, who was sitting beside his hospital bed, still didn't make any move.

At the end of the war, he still wanted to wait, for her to do something to him, or for her to say a few words to complain about him, but she still didn't. Just like the Zhuang Momo he usually knew, she was so quiet that it was almost disturbing. Her presence is not felt.

Zhuang Momo didn't take any action, but Zhan Li did not want to wait anymore and had no patience to wait any longer.

In the darkness, he slowly opened his eyes and used the lightning outside to see clearly Zhuang Momo sitting beside his bed.

She was soaked.

Yes, he was soaked all over and his hair was dripping with water.

Seeing such a scene, Zhan Limo felt distressed and angry, and suddenly shouted: "Zhuang Momo, are you fucking stupid? If you get caught in the rain, wouldn't you go find a towel to dry yourself first? You What is the purpose of doing this? Do you want to catch yourself a cold, and make me feel guilty and sad because of this young master?"

Zhuang Momo really didn't expect that Zhan Li would not wake up at the end of the day. When she heard his roar, she was startled. After being frightened, she quickly calmed down and said in a calm voice: "Mr. Zhan, I think You may be overthinking it. I don’t want you to feel guilty or sad for me, I just want to return the favor to you.”

Zhan Li was stunned for a moment: "Repay me a favor? What do you mean?"

Zhuang Momo still spoke calmly, as calmly as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her: "A month ago, on the night of heavy rain on the desert island, you saved my life. I am very grateful to you and want to save my life for you. Do something, but it's impossible for you to get bitten by a poisonous snake again. Just help me take drugs. You just called and said that you were scared to be alone in the hospital. It was raining so heavily outside, and it was very similar to that night. So. I'm here to accompany you, and after that, even if we are settled, no one will owe anyone anything in the future."

The calmer she became, the uneasier Zhan Limo's heart became: "Is it even? Are the two sides settled? Zhuang Momo, you look down on your own life too much. I am saving your life. And you just want to talk to me just by sitting with me."

Zhuang Momo was very familiar with such unreasonable Zhan Limo, but he still didn't know what he was thinking in his heart: "What do you want?"

At the end of Zhan Li, he snorted: "Zhuang Momo, ask me what I want?"

He wanted to eat this woman until not even the dregs were left.

When he had this idea in his mind, Zhan Limo stretched out his long arm and grabbed Zhuang Momo, making her fall on him, showing an ambiguous posture of her on top and him below.

Zhuang Momo didn't react in time, and for a moment he forgot that he should struggle or push her away.


A flash of lightning flashed, and the moment the lightning flashed, they saw themselves in each other's eyes.

Just looking at each other for a moment, Zhan Limo felt something strange in his heart. The male instinct made him hold Zhuang Momo's waist with one hand, clasp her head with the other, and push her towards him, impatient to wait. Kiss her.

However, Zhuang Momo was not an ordinary girl. When Zhan Limo's breathing came closer and closer, she suddenly woke up, pushed her hands to his chest, and struggled hard.

Zhuang Momo and Zhan Limo usually train together. Both of them are very powerful, but after all, there are differences between men and women. No matter how strong Zhuang Momo is, he still can't break free from Zhan Limo's arms.

Until Zhuang Momo really felt Zhan Limo's hot lips pressed against hers, the heat and throbbing made her scared.

The human instinct of "survival" caused her to burst out with huge energy. She swung out her fist and punched Zhan Limo in the face.

Just after he succeeded in stealing the fragrance, he received a solid punch on the face. The pain made Zhan Limo feel dizzy, but he didn't let her go and kissed her more forcefully, covering the inexperienced Zhuang Momo's body. He felt so weak that he could no longer exert as much strength as before.

"Well..." She pushed him, but she had no strength anymore and could only let him do whatever he wanted.

She didn't know how long the kiss lasted. When Zhuang Momo's mind went blank, Zhan Li finally let her go. The second after he let go, she heard him say: "Damn it, how can this smell be okay?" So beautiful.”

Hearing his voice, Zhuang Momo's reason quickly came back. She tried hard to stay calm and not let this long kiss affect her: "Mr. Zhan, you want me to use my body to repay you." A life-saving grace?"

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