My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1627: The Successor, I just want her

Chapter 1628: The Successor Chapter, I just want her

At Zhuang Momo's words, Zhan Limo's body froze.

Not really.

He never thought about asking Zhuang Momo to repay his life-saving grace in this way.

I kissed her just now out of impulse, but I didn't want to let go after I kissed her out of greed.

The beauty of kissing this woman was so good that he would never forget it in his life.

The idea of ​​wanting her actually came into his mind.

Yes, he wanted her, but he definitely didn't want her to repay him for saving his life, he just simply wanted her.

"Mr. Zhan, does not speaking mean you acquiesce?" Zhuang Momo felt that she was ridiculous, so ridiculous that she didn't look like herself. She could definitely deal with him, but she didn't object to him kissing her in her heart, and she even felt a little bit shy expect.

"Do you expect me to admit it?" Zhan Limo chuckled, and let go of Zhuang Momo's hand little by little. After letting go of her, he said, "Now we are clear, and you won't No matter how much you owe me, I won’t owe you anything anymore.”

In the darkness, Zhan Limo couldn't see clearly Zhuang Momo's expression, but it could be judged from her rapid breathing that she was very angry.

She was such a stubborn and strong person, and it would be strange for her not to be angry when she was suddenly treated so lightly, but at the end of the war, she did not regret it at all.

If it hadn't been for the kiss just now, he wouldn't have known that a kiss between a man and a woman could be so beautiful.

In the past, when his little girlfriends wanted to kiss him, he resisted. He always felt that the reason why he resisted was because the smell of makeup on their bodies disgusted him, and cuddling was the limit of their relationship. .

Kisses are beautiful, and he wants to leave them to the woman who makes him want to be with her for the rest of his life.

After a long time, Zhuang Momo's breath became calmer. At the end of Zhan Li, he knew that she was suppressing the urge to tear him apart, and then heard her say: "Mr. Zhan, now that we are clear, I can now Are you leaving?"

It was raining so hard outside, where else did she want to go?

Could it be that she wasn't washed away by the rain when she came and she still wanted to try to see if it was her luck?

Therefore, at the end of Zhan Liming, he said: "There are towels for generals in the bathroom and clean pajamas in the closet. Go take a bath by yourself and stay with me until dawn. Your mission will be completed."

Zhuang Momo was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "At the end of the war, don't push yourself too far!"

Zhan Limo smiled and said, "Do you want to sit here with me in wet clothes all night?"

Zhuang Momo: "Who said I want to stay with you all night?"

At the end of the war: "If you don't accompany me, how can the dispute between the two of us be resolved?"

Zhuang Momo: "You!"

At the end of the war: "I'm going to sleep. Keep your voice down when you take a shower. Don't disturb me when I sleep. Remember, if you dare to run away, I won't be able to see you when I wake up tomorrow morning, so there will be no relationship between the two of us. I'm afraid this account will have to be settled again. By the way, you should know that I am a fussy person. If you owe me something for too long, I may charge interest. "

Zhuang Momo was so angry that he breathed rapidly, then he turned on the light in the room with a bang and rushed into the bathroom angrily.

Listening to the sound of water rushing in the bathroom, Zhan Limo slowly closed his eyes. He still couldn't fall asleep again, but the stone weighing on his heart was gone.

Why did Zhuang Momo come to accompany him in the rain?

Is it really like what she said, just to repay him for saving his life a month ago?

At the end of the war, I don't know, and I don't want to think too much about what is there and what is not.

He just assumed that she came here because she cared about him. After all, thinking this way would make him feel much happier, even if she really didn't mean it.

In the bathroom, Zhuang Momo was so anxious that he slapped himself hard and cursed in his heart: "Zhuang Momo, how can you be so useless? You know that people dislike you so much, but you still let people kiss you? I almost fell into that kiss.”

damn it!

Damn the end of the war!

He relied on his life experience, his appearance, and his mouth that could only hurt others to bully her.

Someday, she must avenge this kiss.

Soon, Zhan Limo's lazy voice came from outside the bathroom: "Zhuang Momo, water is not expensive, but wasting water is a shameful act. Didn't you learn these basic common sense in the army?"

Zhuang Momo: "..."

what to do?

I really want to tear this bastard apart with my own hands.

He stole her first kiss, not only did he not apologize at all, but he actually took it for granted. If it had been any other man, he would have been beaten to the point where he wouldn't even recognize his mother.

But the other party was Zhan Limo, a man she couldn't compare to in every aspect.

Just because she was not as good as him, she still had feelings for him, so she had no place to express her inner pain after being bullied by him.

Zhan Limo's voice came again: "Zhuang Momo, I think you sincerely don't want me to sleep."

Zhuang Momo stamped his feet angrily: "You can sleep when you sleep. What do you care about me? I'm holding you back to prevent you from sleeping?"

But Zhan Limo felt that he was justified: "The sound of the water was so loud that I couldn't sleep."

"If you can't sleep, don't sleep." Zhuang Momo turned off the water, wiped off the water droplets on her body, and put on her pajamas. In fact, she didn't want to wear them, but her clothes were soaked, and she would definitely catch a cold if she wore wet clothes.

In the final analysis, she still blamed herself and her own brain problems.

At the end of Zhan li's life, he called her nervously. She was even more nervous and even braved such heavy rain and drove nearly 20 kilometers to see him.

If you are unlucky, it will be a small matter if the car is flooded and cannot catch fire, but it will be a big deal if the people and car are washed away by the flood.

I don’t know why I came here in such heavy rain?

That stinky bastard Zhan Lim rejected her so obviously. Did she still think he had other intentions when he called her?

"Zhuang Momo, just because I called you, you came to see me in such heavy rain. Could it be that you really like me?"

Zhan Limo's voice came again, causing Zhuang Momo to pause slightly while wiping his hair.

Yes, she came here in the rain just because she liked him. Zhuang Momo wanted to tell him frankly, but she didn't want to bring trouble on herself. She kept in mind the warning he gave her during the day.

Zhuang Momo came out of the bathroom and looked at Zhan Limo on the hospital bed with a smile: "Mr. Zhan, it is good for a person to be confident, but it is not good to be overconfident. Don't think that you have a good background and good looks, and the world All the women in the world will surround you."

At the end of Zhan Li, he responded carelessly: "You also know that I have a good background and good looks, but you are not attracted to me. Do you want to tell me that you are different from other women?"

"Ha... Mr. Zhan, just think whatever you like. As long as you are happy, don't worry about what others think." Zhuang Momo didn't want to pay attention to this stinky man whose tail was about to rise to the sky. Really, tell him one more thing. Words will give rise to a heart that will destroy her.

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